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    Utiliser "legislation" dans une phrase

    legislation exemples de phrases


    1. We tried legislation and now we’re

    2. each in the fall, in order to understand fully the later legislation by God regulating the respective roles of men and women in the church

    3. We tried legislation and now we’re trying guns

    4. We could uncover some simple task that in itself could be a major stumbling block to reaching success, something such as a special license, insurance or legislation

    5. They were armed with legislation that gave them wide

    6. Urge him not to sign any legislation that hints at the

    7. From the Collections of the Abbé Expilly, and the observations of the author of the Essay upon the Legislation and Commerce of Corn, it appears probable that France, including the provinces of Lorraine and Bar, contains about twenty-three or twenty-four millions of people; three times the number, perhaps, contained in Great Britain

    8. The three most successful destroyers of the American culture during the last two decades: Hate Crimes Legislation, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Gender Equity in Education Act

    9. And all thanks to the machinations of Jimmy Carter and his Democrat-controlled Congress which in 1975 made into law the Community Reinvestment Act, the most asinine piece of federal legislation ever made into law

    10. ) proposed legislation that would require borrowers to make a 5% down payment in order to qualify

    11. Hate Crimes Legislation, n

    12. Thus, legislation resembles sausage in just this respect: although you may enjoy the final product, it is not pleasant to watch it being made

    13. (The federal legislation leading to the authority of the President to initiate Executive Orders did much to undermine the separation of powers at the national level

    14. That was part of the legislation when the Phoenix Project was first formed

    15. Her tuna fish husband (a major owner in the Starkist brand) has more than benefited from her being able to pass legislation that exempted Guanamian tuna fishermen from the Fair Labor Standards Act, thus ensuring that those fishermen, who catch the tuna that would become Starkist, would be paid less than the minimum wage

    16. It shares these attributes with legislation: Although you may enjoy the final product, you do not want to see how it was made

    17. It is difficult to advise any course for the Government to stop such practices, as most stringent legislation is of little use in restraining accepted traditions, which the people are bound to follow by a superstitious dread of fearful penalties

    18. The Soviet Empire‘s pre-meditated attempt (and subsequent failure) at eliminating all vestiges of God from the hearts and minds of its oppressed subjects offers some glimmer of hope in America‘s own internal struggles with anti-religious forces who, in a similar manner, are avidly seeking to promote a Secularist Agenda by advancing legislation aimed at removing religious symbols and displays from public forums and driving them underground where it is hoped such forms will one day be lost on future generations otherwise lacking the necessary (spiritual) predicates and values formerly derived by enlightened examples that, for centuries, provided structure and moral sustenance and meaning to religious thought

    19. The litany of abuses predicated in the name of free expression, or proxy ―decisions‖ made on behalf of others who are unable to make informed decisions, are understood by the hordes of mentally ill people roaming the streets, who should be otherwise institutionalized for their own safety, if not for the safety of our society, for that matter, who remain on the streets, unable to properly care for themselves, mandated by civil rights organizations fearful that their rights may be jeopardized, people otherwise incapable of making a rational assessment of their own condition; not to mention conferring legitimacy to sexual deviancy in all its varieties that many of us have casually resigned ourselves to as ―simply‖ alternative lifestyles or championing (equal) protection under the law, that, in some instances, should call for censorship, or implausible assumptions regarding the ―unborn,‖ (Abortion) remanding millions of innocents to an early grave, a convenience for women fretting over their figures or professional careers, abetted by spineless politicians, who for expediency sake, continue advancing legislation denying them (―unborn‖) their own inalienable right to choose, had they the means, or encouraging a culture of death (Euthanasia) for the convenience of (the) would-be custodians of the terminally ill or perhaps to (simply) reduce the increasing costs of Healthcare, or the legalization of drugs because that too is a convenient alternative for a number of individuals who have seemingly lost the will to rid our society of rampant drug abuse and therefore justify such (hare-brained) schemes from the vantage point of opportunity savings or reduced social costs, or movements to eliminate God from the public consciousness lest society be reminded of its sins or perhaps because many of us have (conveniently) chosen to become our own gods

    20. This system of government was unworkable, however, for a variety of reasons, not least of which was the federal government‘s inability to promote a national agenda, or any meaningful legislation for that matter, which might otherwise conflict with local interests

    21. Legislation provides the prosecuting authority with the power to institute criminal proceedings on behalf of the State

    22. Furthermore, draconian legislation had been passed outlawing several groups in England and Wales, increasing stop and search provisions and the ability to lock people up for up to 80 days if they were suspected of any terrorism links

    23. and Public Works committees have released draft legislation (Feb

    24. legislation that would postpone this act of the EPA by two years

    25. The CDF predicted that the legislation would lead to increases in “child

    26. increase child poverty more than any other piece of legislation enacted in decades” - Robert Greenstein,

    27. did nothing and made no presentation of legislation and so nothing was done

    28. pages covering legislation and 31 more pages that spell out the administrative actions the USA must take

    29. that issued executive orders that usurped the constitutional powers of Congress to pass legislation and

    30. exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as

    31. For instance, the corporations are obligated to create fiscal department or to hire services of third party to render accounts to the tax collection of the collection of tributes, social costs and declaration of revenues for not being punished by ignorance of the social legislation, tributary or labor

    32. See some signalling examples: legislation change that impedes the continuity of the Project in the country; political retrocession; economic crisis, dictatorship, low reliability level and high popular dissatisfaction

    33. the special legislation that is it applicable and for this Social

    34. according to the existent legislation of the country in that

    35. Legislation was only passed in 1902 in the form of the Cremation Act of 1902

    36. The first legislation is this regard was passed in 1902 in the form of the “Cremation Act”

    37. I would just be careful and speak to my local authorities to familiarise myself with current legislation in this regard

    38. values, the general direction of legislation is rushing headlong towards things the

    39. legislation? Who were not astonished? 17 The tyrant himself, and all their council, admired their endurance, 18 through which, also,

    40. tors legislation and interacts with legislators

    41. Congress as well as the States passed remedial legislation requiring reasonable work hours and more healthful working conditions, among other measures

    42. State and federal legislation that happened not to appeal to the economic or social views of a majority of Justices was sacrificed in mechanical application of the Court’s inventions

    43. Keeping up with the times by way of judicial legislation requires the pea of judicial usurpation to be concealed under the shell of what is euphemistically called a “living Constitution

    44. A 2003 editorial in Nature Biotechnology argues that legislation regulating development of higher forms of life

    45. Steele relates his being attacked by a typical self-professed “architect” of the Great Society legislation of President Lyndon Johnson

    46. The manner in which Obama attempts to rush legislation through an eagerly compliant Congress says as much about his intent as the content of the legislation itself—were the content ever to be revealed

    47. What Obama’s rush to legislation says is that if the content of his “urgent” bills were widely known and understood the legislation would be likely to fail

    48. So it must be “on my desk” now! Legislation that is rushed, sometimes in the dead of night, or on a weekend when few are paying attention, also says a great deal about Obama’s attitude toward the American people and their democracy

    49. The President’s signature piece of legislation, for which he had fought for a year, was all but dead

    50. • Set an expiration date on all legislation passed by Congress

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    Synonymes pour "legislation"

    lawmaking legislating legislation statute law