Utiliser "lesser" dans une phrase
lesser exemples de phrases
1. ancestors coded and catalogued us, when they marked us out as a lesser breed, even
2. And then, when your ancestors coded and catalogued us, when they marked us out as a lesser breed, even then we stood the prejudices and the spite
3. She'd always tried hard not to take advantage of her position, but he had always felt like a lesser being because of it
4. not to water down your talent by having too much of it but in lesser
5. There were those few who lived in the little village of Tahoe City who had not embraced the Livingsons as full members of the community, but had merely grudgingly accepted their lesser place in the economy of the town, though with unreserved suspicion
6. The waiting relatives and friends of the lesser, more ordinary emergencies watch, and those conscious patients still able to concentrate on realities outside of their own sphere realise that they may not occupy the centre of the universe
7. “Our strengths I estimate thus: We are eight gentlemen and five ladies, not including myself, and the population of the School to chose from for lesser, but important roles to be filled
8. He proceeded straight through the offices of lesser managers and subordinates with Harry in tow, and Harry couldn't fail to notice the glances and stares he received in their passing
9. The houses were mostly in bad need of repair, the lesser
10. It was more the fact that I viewed Jacques as quite the lesser man
11. You have lately been under pressure; pressure which would have destroyed lesser men
12. The world is a lesser place without him
13. them?’ asked one of the lesser officials
14. man of lesser mental strength would have jumped out of the
15. selling direct then this is a lesser problem
16. This permits him to hone in on minute movements on the forest floor that would surely go undetected by you and me—not only due to our lesser developed ear antennas we’ve got plopped on each side, but more so caused by our constant inner noise and mental distraction that we are subjected to by our ever-present and overly-active ego
17. son from a lesser branch of Ithaca’s ancient nobility
18. The ancients say cultivate the golden energy which surpasses lesser energy
19. same at each level of complexity patterns of harmony in other systems, as well as a greater and lesser order
20. Syracuse and Agrigentum in Sicily, Tarentum and Locri in Italy, Ephesus and Miletus in Lesser Asia, appear, by all accounts, to have been at least equal to any of the cities of ancient Greece
21. that other lesser mortals would have to
22. In most cases we treat others with lesser importance than how we would treat ourselves
23. Beside him, in a lesser chair, was his young wife, sixteen in years, and burdened by their first child
24. All the inferior shepherds and herdsmen feel, that the security of their own herds and flocks depends upon the security of those of the great shepherd or herdsman; that the maintenance of their lesser authority depends upon that of his greater authority ; and that upon their subordination to him depends his power of keeping their inferiors in subordination to them
25. In the Tartar governments of Asia, in the governments of Europe which were founded by the German and Scythian nations who overturned the Roman empire, the administration of justice was a considerable source of revenue, both to the sovereign, and to all the lesser chiefs or lords who exercised under him any particular jurisdiction, either over some particular tribe or clan, or over some particular territory or district
26. I have no remorse to be a lesser part in this Pagan ritual
27. If it"s true per Steven Pinker and lesser lights in his profession, that language is hard-wired into our brains, there are more than a few people out there running around with defective wiring
28. ‘So,’ interrupted Jimmy, ‘what is your superior method that’s beyond us lesser humans
29. “Which is why there’ll be weaknesses there that won’t be found at other, lesser used
30. The two Ansahs acted as prompters, going through the motions in dumb show, while the lesser chiefs passed, salaaming with outstretched hand to each officer in succession down the line
31. Lesser, his devoted wife
32. It is also well-known in law that a woman with children is a lesser "catch" than one who is a virgin but I expect that this will be challenged under the equality laws
33. The hull itself was and is oddly angled to deflect bullets and completely armoured against the AK47 and lesser calibers
34. An individual should not be judged by his or her sins because aren‘t we all sinners to a greater or lesser degree? Otherwise, who would be left to condemn the sinner; who other than God is best qualified to judge a Man‘s heart?
35. What then is the use of staying on? We tried the same thing on a much lesser scale in Apartheid South Africa
36. Joseph‘s decision to remain faithful to Mary required no lesser degree of faith
37. Racial quotas and preferences are denying many promising students equal access to quality schools by promoting a ―spoils‖ system that seeks to redress ―historical‖ grievances by replacing academically gifted students with lesser scholastic talents by virtue of their race, ethnicity, gender and religion rather than academic achievement
38. standardized working environments? When measured in constant dollars, is he or she properly convinced that the average worker employed in comparable positions is relatively worse off today? It seems that the (fictitious) contempt for Wal-Mart and to a lesser extent, their competitors who are being given a free pass for not performing quite as well, perhaps, has less to do with the negative impact on traditional (small) businesses and changing landscapes than their (Democrats‘) obligatory pandering to their union base whose conflicting interests, properly understood, need not be elaborated here
39. Keeping the US-Vietnam War going was a lesser goal compared to opening up relations with China
40. That Conservatives have remained loyal to the Republican Party is a question of the lesser of two evils
41. K was awarded the South African Police Medal for Combating Terrorism twice during his service years besides lesser awards
42. This is especially true for the truly gifted who must oftentimes share their hard earned rewards with lesser talents
43. The outlook doesn‘t look promising for Social and Economic Conservatives, alike, who time and again continue casting their lot with the lesser of two ―evils‖
44. “Aside from my charm, which humans find not inconsiderable, I pay well, the job always has complete satisfaction, and there is a lesser version of the benefits that you enjoy—a slightly increased resistance to human ailments and a somewhat decreased rate of aging
45. And Dorian’s household was set up to revolve around two points, the lesser one very clearly being me
46. “Not in a Lesser Introduction,” he said dryly
47. ) That so many presidents and other leaders of WMD armed nations tried to end or reduce these weapons tells something very obvious: Each leader ultimately recognized the incredible threat of nuclear (and to a far lesser extent biochemical) warfare, no matter how ideologically blind they may have once been
48. For Adlai Stevenson, the Democratic candidate in 1952 and 1956, to become president, one has to imagine Eisenhower not running, that instead a lesser candidate such as Robert Taft or Thomas Dewey, or even Joe McCarthy at his most self-destructive, was the Republican candidate
49. One of the lesser known facts is that MacArthur actually had requested the right to use nuclear weapons without needing the President's approval
50. One of the lesser known aspects of the Confederacy is, even more than modern conservatism, its abhorrence of taxes, especially high taxes on the wealthy