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    Utiliser "let fall" dans une phrase

    let fall exemples de phrases

    let fall

    1. including the mighty Day Star, hovered overhead and let fall missiles, bombs and

    2. She let fall tears of joy

    3. 15 And when she was risen up to glean, Boaz commanded his young men, saying, Let her glean even among the sheaves, and reproach her not: 16 And let fall also some of the handfuls of purpose for her, and leave them, that she may glean them, and rebuke her not

    4. He heard the mallet fall to the ground, then some clanking of metal

    5. Though we are convinced that our first Reformers judged right concerning the use of the phrase, Real Presence, that it was better to be let fall than to be continued, since the use of it, and that idea which does naturally arise from the common acceptation of it, may stick deeper, and feed superstition more than all those larger explanations that are given to it can be able to cure

    6. to let fall the stone on his father to ensure his death

    7. The bombs are ours, the bombs that we let fall

    8. quartered by themselves for the night, Don Fernando begged the captive to tell them the story of his life, for it could not fail to be strange and interesting, to judge by the hints he had let fall on his arrival in company with Zoraida

    9. "Jesus! what's this I see?" let fall the candle in her fright, and then finding herself in the dark, turned about to make off, but stumbling on her skirts in her consternation, she measured her length with a mighty fall

    10. Then she appeared dazzling with whiteness in the empty heavens that she lit up, and now sailing more slowly along, let fall upon the river a great stain that broke up into an infinity of stars; and the silver sheen seemed to writhe through the very depths like a heedless serpent covered with luminous scales; it also resembled some monster candelabra all along which sparkled drops of diamonds running together

    11. He had a fixed idea, I guessed by several observations he let fall, that, as his nephew resembled him in person, he would resemble him in mind; for Linton's letters bore few or no indications of his defective character

    12. The executioner let fall his mace, drew his knife, and with one stroke opened his throat, and mounting on his stomach, stamped violently on it with his feet

    13. This picturesque attire set him off to great advantage; and when he had bound the scarf around his waist, and when his hat, placed coquettishly on one side, let fall on his shoulder a stream of ribbons, Franz was forced to confess that costume has much to do with the physical superiority we accord to certain nations

    14. A few words he let fall showed them that he was no stranger to the sciences, and he seemed much occupied with chemistry

    15. The count must feel sure that Franz recognized him; and yet he had not let fall a single word indicating any previous acquaintance between them

    16. Monte Cristo, turned round hastily, and saw Madame de Morcerf at the entrance of the salon, at the door opposite to that by which her husband had entered, pale and motionless; when Monte Cristo turned round, she let fall her

    17. " Bertuccio clasped his hands, and as, in all these evolutions, he did not let fall the lantern, the light showed his pale and altered countenance

    18. With a calm smile and a gentle wave of the hand, Monte Cristo signed to the distracted mother to lay aside her apprehensions; then, opening a casket that stood near, he drew forth a phial of Bohemian glass incrusted with gold, containing a liquid of the color of blood, of which he let fall a single drop on the child's lips

    19. Day by day: night by night: lifted, flooded and let fall

    20. The vesta in the clergyman's uplifted hand consumed itself in a long soft flame and was let fall

    21. could have entered when he had bolted the doors, he let fall his bunch of keys, and remained

    22. The murderer, supposing him dead, let fall three wounds

    23. " Morrel, amazed, let fall Monte Cristo's hand

    24. The stranger cast one look around her, to be certain that they were quite alone; then bending as if she would have knelt, and joining her hands, she said with an accent of despair, "Edmond, you will not kill my son?" The count retreated a step, uttered a slight exclamation, and let fall the pistol he held

    25. Released, she hung her head, let fall her hands

    26. The drops of logic Tess had let fall into the sea of his enthusiasm served to chill its effervescence to stagnation

    27. "Then the story has grown into this lie out of some sermonizing words he may have let fall about me

    28. In the week-days when she went to see the ladies at the Rectory, she listened in vain for some word that they might let fall about Will; but it seemed to her that Mrs

    29. Plymdale let fall about her resolution never to turn her back on her friends, convinced Mrs

    30. As he listened to the talk of the raftmen and pieced together the scraps of information they let fall, he soon realized that he was very fortunate ever to have seen it at all, even from this distance

    31. One of them let fall a hobbit-cloak on the

    32. Whether it was set there, or let fall by chance, I cannot say;

    33. let fall in their path; and they learned of the Elves and spoke with the Trees

    34. 'Here are some treasures that you let fall,' said Aragorn

    35. With a cry of hatred that stung the very ears like venom he let fall his mace

    36. Then he looked for his sword that he had let fall;

    37. When he got to the middle of it he crawled along a bough, so that he sat just above the sleepers, and then he let fall one stone after another upon the body of one of them

    38. "You shall have that because you are so industrious," said Mother Holle; and at the same time she gave her back the shuttle which she had let fall into the well

    39. He had a fixed idea, I guessed by several observations he let fall, that, as his nephew resembled him in person, he would resemble him in mind; for Linton’s letters bore few or no indications of his defective character

    40. Only, from some words which Jean Valjean had let fall, the gardener thought he could draw the inference that M

    41. While carrying Marius' "duds" precipitately to his chamber, at his grandfather's command, Nicolette had, inadvertently, let fall, probably, on the attic staircase, which was dark, that medallion of black shagreen which contained the paper penned by the colonel

    42. This little pellet falls in the yard

    43. And here Wetherby unlocked his eyes to let fall tears, pent up for months and long hilltop years

    44. She saw her hand burned to a wrinkled plum, felt it recoil from a concussion so immense that the world was lifted and let fall and all the buildings broke and people hemorrhaged and lay silent

    45. The Dwarf let fall his cards and flirted his now mad, now idiot eyes ahead, around, over

    46. And as he passed, Tristan let fall his sword so heavily upon his helm that he carried away the crest and the nasal, but the sword slipped on the mailed shoulder, and glanced on the horse, and killed it, so that of force Duke Riol must slip the stirrup and leap and feel the ground

    47. But that same night, as Tristan’s valets undressed him, it happened that in drawing his arm from the sleeve they drew off and let fall from his finger the ring of green jasper, the ring of Iseult the Fair

    48. Tristan knew her and let fall his club and said:

    49. In the reverend Father Zossima's cell he was carried away by the unhappy dissension with his son, and let fall words which were quite out of keeping

    50. From words and hints let fall I could see that the fact of Polina having spent the night in my room was now public property

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