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    Utiliser "lilac" dans une phrase

    lilac exemples de phrases


    1. The air was still warm and the smell of lilac was almost overwhelming

    2. I took in a deep breath, bringing in the smells of lilac, warm wind, and old

    3. In the fading light I saw a young soldier in uniform and by his side a stunning young woman in a lilac dress they lifted their arms and waved at me and then the soldier saluted me as I stood there with my mouth open the woman blew me a kiss and then they were gone

    4. What was that lovely smell? Was that lilac? A moment of dread, then I shook off the possibility that it was the smell of lilies in a funeral arrangement

    5. She only wore clothes that were white, lavender or lilac and always with a single strand of cultured pearls

    6. She could see the colours humming between them: lilac, the softest green and earth-brown, with the occasional flash of silver which they called the blessings of the gods

    7. ” His hand peeled away to reveal lilac walls

    8. Simon can see shimmers of yellow and lilac dancing over the skin of her arm down to his, and through his blood into his heart

    9. She dressed a tight lilac tunic that was highlighting and showing all her attributes with excessive audacity

    10. They say her hair was as soft as silk and she smelled of lilac

    11. "No, you are sixteen, it says on that plaque," Daniel pointed at the lilac rose that stood next to the entrance

    12. Scents – lavender, lilac, lily of the valley, storax

    13. She smelled like lilac and roses

    14. Lilac Digital is another eminent name in the field of photo editing

    15. Lviv today) was scented with lilac

    16. all and has associated quartz and lilac lep-

    17. Both the quartz and tourmaline are perfectly formed, and the specimen has a touch of lilac lepidolite that sets it off perfectly

    18. This crystal, though not among the largest from Pakistan, is 4 inches long and is associated with lilac lepidolite mica

    19. Of lilac orchids in the meadow,

    20. Its soft lilac undulations sat in contrast to the

    21. Her mind drifted off languishing in the memory of her pretty lilac bedroom with her king sized dream easy bed

    22. “Your house?” Whispered Byron, a million questions and despairing anticipation swam in lilac streamers in his head

    23. These delicate, lovely things have been appearing lately on the mountain, at first one by one and then in flocks,--pale cups of light, lilac on long white stalks that snap off at a touch

    24. I’d spent many pleasant summer hours walking the paths that led to the rocky bottom, then crossed the lavender and lilac fields to cool off in the gushing waterfalls

    25. The memories he made available were like disjointed dreams, clearly lacking in time continuity; all the fields of lavender and lilac bloomed the summer before we had our engagement party and were seen through rose-colored glasses that blinded him to the reality of my wants and needs

    26. The lakes were fringed with rushes; the forests came down to their edges; his own garden ended in a little path through a lilac hedge that took you down between the rye to the rushes and the water and the first great pines

    27. The lawns in the gardens she passed as her fly crawled up the hill were incredibly green, the leaves of the lilac bushes glistened with wet, each tulip was a cup of water, the roads were chocolate, and a thick grey blanket of cloud hung warm over the town, tucking it in all round and keeping out any draught that might bite and sting the inhabitants, she thought, into real living

    28. Out in the garden, for instance, down there beyond the lime-trees at the end, where you could stand in the gap in the lilac hedge and look straight out across the rye-fields, the immense unending rye-fields, dipping and rising, delicate grey, delicate green, shining in sunlight, dark beneath a cloud, restlessly waving, on and on, till over away at the end of things they got to the sky and were only stopped by brushing up against it--out there with one's hand shading one's eyes from the too great brightness, who could find fault with anything, who could do anything but look and see that it was all very good? Oh, but it _was_ good

    29. Ceaselessly her lips moved, while her eyes followed the movements of the birds darting in and out of the lilac hedge and hopping among the crumbs where breakfast had been; and through her giants, umbrellas, keys, spectacles, and wax she managed not to miss a word the yellow-hammers were chirping to each other in cheerful strophe and antistrophe: _A little bit of bread and no che-e-e-e-e-ese--a little bit of bread and no che-e-e-e-e-ese_

    30. It had a way of coming in irrepressibly and wantoning among his papers, or throwing a handful of lilac blossoms into his rye samples, or sending an officious bee to lumber round him

    31. Ingeborg walked up and down, up and down on this path every day, taking the exercise Baroness Glambeck had recommended, and for three weeks just this path was the most beautiful thing in the world, for it was planted on either side with ancient lilac bushes and they were a revelation to her when they came out after the spare and frugal lilacs in the gardens at home

    32. The mist was already rising over the meadows beyond the trees of the garden and beginning to mix with the rose and lilac of the sky

    33. Every day punctually at two o'clock, by which time the daily convulsion of dinner and its washing up was over at the parsonage, he walked across from his inn, while Kökensee's mouths behind curtains and round doors guttered with excited commentary, telling himself as he gazed down the peaceful street that this was the emptiest, gossip-freest place in the world, to the Dremmel gate; and dodging the various rich puddles of the yard, passed round the corner of the house along the lilac path beneath the laboratory windows to where, at the end of the lime-tree avenue, Ingeborg sat waiting

    34. She walked with him in silence down the lilac path as far as the gate into the yard

    35. In the dusk it was only the white flowers that still shone, the stitchworts, the clusters of Star of Bethlehem, the spikes of white helleborine; and all the colours of the day, the blue of the chickory and delicate lilac of dwarf mallows, the bright yellow of wood loosestrife and rose-colour of campions, were already put out for the

    36. She was wearing a lilac colored blouse and a new white skirt I’d never seen before

    37. In the walled enclosure of the church grounds, lilac bushes and willow trees were ubiquitous

    38. He looked around the room taking in every detail from the lilac walls to the battered old teddy that sat at the foot of my bed

    39. the windows of a car painted neon lilac with neon green streaks of

    40. Her hair was white with a lilac undertone

    41. What do you guys think of this dress?" Massie questioned, holding a strapless lilac coloured dress that ended just above the knees

    42. Now, now Dolly Grey, in lilac and black there is no lack of comfort there, as with wallpapered walls and an invitation to share a seat, in a Liquorice Room with Exquisite-heat

    43. After thirty seconds a flurry of bubbles had exploded at the surface, and Lilac had come up, gasping

    44. They were papering the walls with a new white paper covered with lilac flowers, instead of the old, dirty, yellow one

    45. Here, lilac, with a branch of pine,

    46. Lilac blooming perennial and drooping star in the west,

    47. But mostly and now the lilac that blooms the first,

    48. Yet the lilac with mastering odor holds me

    49. Passing, I leave thee lilac with heart-shaped leaves,

    50. Lilac and star and bird twined with the chant of my soul,

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    Synonymes pour "lilac"

    lilac lavender lilac-colored