These were built during a revival of that style in the late 50's when cast limestone blocks were popular
Age showed on some for the artificial limestone had already eroded and formed stalactites in the three or more centuries it had stood here
Along small feeder streams was a type of life with polyps of leaves in pillars of limestone
desolate landscape of one of the limestone plateaux for
Home to honey-coloured limestone architecture, clear skies and blue sea – find historic palaces, cathedrals and forts
This has the world’s longest underwater limestone cave, secluded islands and so much
But it‘s also a beautiful mountainous land with over 120 rivers and springs, limestone cave labyrinths, gushing waterfal s and mineral springs
As he got closer, the path opened up and he walked onto a large landing of crushed limestone
Erected of white limestone boulders, there was so much gold inlaid, it looked as if it were completely made of the precious metal
He moved into the cave and looked around, though there was nothing to see except the limestone walls and our little family
These vines turned the limestone to a bright green
Solid slabs of limestone, ten feet thick at the base rising at a slope out of the ground and then straightening and shooting straight up to sixty feet above their heads
Sheets of Devil’s cape or Angel’s wings provided an echo wall of scree, caught up with the limestone of the ages to provide ripples and lines throughout
A ladder on the catwalk led up to the charging platform, where workers could shovel ore, coke, and limestone off the skip car and into the belly of the fifty-foot beast
The water going over the limestone lip was about two centimetres deep
The floodplain was black soil, with clay and limestone hills to the south, and sand dunes to the north
Indeed, a strange kind of challenge echoed backs a series of knocks from the other side of the limestone
The limestone slab was slowly pushed aside and strong candle light filled the underground tunnels
The island was mostly gray limestone over tan dolomite and jutted out of the ocean as much as two hundred feet
I walked out of the room down the sizable hallways; I smiled as I noticed a few paintings on the limestone walls
Mountains”, a breadth-taking formation of about one thousand oval mounds of limestone spread throughout that island
Cargo sweeping is the process of washing the remains of iron ore, limestone, salt, and other cargo hold residue from commercial vessels into the Lakes, several miles from shore
I assumed that the man had been loading limestone when the axle snapped, pinning his shin to the ground
Would I find the directions to his place under a piece of limestone where he said he would leave it?
My hand trembled as I parted the clump of fern where the pink limestone had been placed
The limestone was gone, and there were no directions
“This for portal?” He pointed to a block of carved limestone in the
thing: I borrowed a chunk of limestone frieze from the nearby Brooklyn
the Lake of Fire, the same rows of limestone columns plastered with tacky
Limestone cliffs erupted out
“We’ve got cocktails, but I guess having a cunt that dissolves limestone makes your choices of cock a little difficult
Grit is a finely ground calcium-rich material often derived from oyster shells or limestone rocks
We strolled along the limestone pavement weaving our way through the groups of tourists who had filled the Marina and passed a whole host of bistros, restaurants and champagne bars — each one looking more inviting than the last
Sharon is fascinated by the cliffs; made of limestone, the rain and the weather had shaped it into many odd looking structures
that formed when the crashing waves slammed into the limestone
the high jagged limestone cliff that possessed a stone surface
Despite his unkept beard, however, he was a meticulous dresser, and was often seen strutting down the limestone streets of Agen with his walnut walking stick
These are made of limestone
limestone, which formed above the surface
The other two boys were there, scrawling dirty pictures on the steps with hunks of limestone
The sun sank, and I followed Floy past the last great house and on to limestone crags that plummeted into the ocean
Rows of stone benches carved from the uneven floor faced seven seats hewn from the limestone wall
Once at the crest of the limestone face, Steam Punk darted up the mountain’s inclined surface
flowing water, coursing clear and lively over a limestone bed
But mix in lime (from limestone, not the fruit), and corn becomes a nutritional source of food
with limestone chippings and the tomb was resealed
Drops of water steadily dripped down from the limestone walls and the chilly air made me shiver, goosebumps erupting across my skin
The large fireplace is made of limestone and has twin dragonheads facing inward, and there are also a few tables and chairs placed throughout the room
” I anticipated viewing religious artwork, but the tunneled passageway at the bottom was lined on both sides with limestone and mortar; extending along the narrow sides were recessed vaults that housed coffins
Horan has to go to the limestone quarries in Vermont, which is cost, time and trouble for him
It was reinforced with limestone, and at its central point
A vision filled his head, flickering torch flames, light dancing across the limestone walls of the cave
The Great Pyramids used to be as white as snow because they were encased in a bright limestone that has worn off over the years
story house built out of limestone with the entrance decorated by
It was sculpted from a single piece of limestone rock and was supposed to watch over the necropolis, this vast cemetery with many other small pyramids and hundreds of mastabas or elaborate funerary chambers and many more undoubtedly still buried under the sands
He measured over twenty meters in length and was sculpted from a single block of limestone
unending uncertainties we had traversed to reach the limestone quarry
hard dry earth by hordes of football playing schoolchildren, the fine limestone statues broken, disfigured, the large limestone pots, devoid of plants and the flower beds of exotic flowers, extensions of the football pitch
were also covered in limestone casing stones, so they shone bright white, just like the stars they were
matter how he shifted and twisted, the ancient limestone drained the
He glanced at his watch and continued the kick for a few more seconds, then lifted the net and placed it in a large bucket sitting on a flat spot of dry limestone
Both of them were wide awake when Joseph turned the car up the rocky limestone drive
figurine, carved from a limestone pebble with faint stains of red
its honey coloured limestone walls decorated with carvings and
The Jenolan caves made of limestone are one of the most spectacular cave systems here
The magical formations are results of thousands of years of limestone deposition and water flows
There are seven national parks in the huge region and the Jenolan Caves that are world famous for their tunnels made of limestone
Ground up oyster shells and ground up limestone are rich sources of calcium intake that the hens can take
However you would have to make sure that dolomite limestone isn’t fed to the hens and the chickens, as it can be harmful for them
At their feet fell the precipice where the limestone was quarried away
Among these exhibits I'll mention, just for the record: an elegant royal hammer shell from the Indian Ocean, whose evenly spaced white spots stood out sharply against a base of red and brown; an imperial spiny oyster, brightly colored, bristling with thorns, a specimen rare to European museums, whose value I estimated at ₣20,000; a common hammer shell from the seas near Queensland, very hard to come by; exotic cockles from Senegal, fragile white bivalve shells that a single breath could pop like a soap bubble; several varieties of watering–pot shell from Java, a sort of limestone tube fringed with leafy folds and much fought over by collectors; a whole series of top–shell snails—greenish yellow ones fished up from American seas, others colored reddish brown that patronize the waters off Queensland, the former coming from the Gulf of Mexico and notable for their overlapping shells, the latter some sun–carrier shells found in the southernmost seas, finally and rarest of all, the magnificent spurred–star shell from New Zealand; then some wonderful peppery–furrow shells; several valuable species of cythera clams and venus clams; the trellis wentletrap snail from Tranquebar on India's eastern shore; a marbled turban snail gleaming with mother–of–pearl; green
The plains of sand were followed by a bed of that viscous slime Americans call "ooze," which is composed exclusively of seashells rich in limestone or silica
Madrepores, which one must guard against confusing with precious coral, clothe their tissue in a limestone crust, and their variations in structure have led my famous mentor Professor Milne–
Their limestone deposits build up into rocks, reefs, islets, islands
At this location, in three or four fathoms of water between the Paeu and Vana reefs, there lay some anchors, cannons, and ingots of iron and lead, all caked with limestone concretions
I heard its plating grind against the limestone roughness of that coral base
Amid these shrubs of precious coral, I observed other polyps no less unusual: melita coral, rainbow coral with jointed outgrowths, then a few tufts of genus Corallina, some green and others red, actually a type of seaweed encrusted with limestone salts, which, after long disputes, naturalists have finally placed in the vegetable kingdom
Observing the seafloor, I saw that it swelled at certain points from low bulges that were encrusted with limestone deposits and arranged with a symmetry that betrayed the hand of man
I heard the pick ringing on the limestone soil, its iron tip sometimes giving off sparks when it hit a stray piece of flint on the sea bottom
"Such old foxes as Chingachgook and myself are not often caught in a barrow with one hole," said Hawkeye, laughing; "you can easily see the cunning of the place—the rock is black limestone, which everybody knows is soft; it makes no uncomfortable pillow, where brush and pine wood is scarce; well, the fall was once a few yards below us, and I dare to say was, in its time, as regular and as handsome a sheet of water as any along the Hudson
As they slide through the opening, Annie looks up at the mansion, the faded multicolored limestone, the stained glass and sharply pitched roofs and medieval-style adornments
Over thirty-nine thousand cubic yards of natural stone had arrived on the site, and hundreds of stonemasons were at work, with hammers and chisels, covering the exterior of the stadium with blocks of fine, ivory-colored Franconian limestone
Like the stadium, most were being clad with natural stone, all of it German—more limestone from Franconia, basalt from the Eifel hills, granite and marble from Silesia, travertine from Thuringia, porphyry from Saxony
West of the stadium, a vast, flat assembly area, the Maifeld, had been leveled and a great limestone bell tower was being erected
A little less than ten years in the future, in the last few desperate days of the Third Reich, scores of Hitler Youth—boys as young as ten or eleven—would crouch below the bell tower among blocks of fine Franconian limestone, the rubble of the buildings now being erected, shooting at advancing Russian boys, many of them not a great deal older than they
And in those last few days, as Berlin burned all around them, some of those German boys—those who cried or refused to shoot or tried to surrender—would be lined up against these limestone slabs by their officers and shot
These were impressive, modern, limestone buildings with red tile roofs
A long, sloping hillside, dotted with grey limestone boulders, stretched behind us
Scotty followed the Rolls as his laptop read out details about Dressler’s forty-million-dollar home, the forty thousand square feet of glass, mahogany, and limestone in the style of Tuscany circa the eighteenth century
On each side are the fantastic limestone hills, formed of rock so soft that you can break it away with your hands
I could not but smile at this, knowing, as I do, the strange reverberations which come out of an underground water system running amid the chasms of a limestone formation
I am no geologist, but the lining of this corridor was certainly of some harder material than limestone, for there were points where I could actually see the tool-marks which the old miners had left in their excavation, as fresh as if they had been done yesterday
The idea of finding my way back in absolute darkness through that limestone labyrinth was clearly an impossible
My view is—and it was formed, as is shown by my diary, before my personal adventure—that in this part of England there is a vast subterranean lake or sea, which is fed by the great number of streams which pass down through the limestone
Right now the stripped branches of the trees above her were like knuckles, like a child’s knuckly cursive on the soft purple vellum of the sky, and there was snow soaking through her jeans and the water in the corners of her eyes was stuck there, freezing, refusing to fall, and the little man was pacing in front of the limestone redoubt, but the second this interminable wait ended, it would all start to fall away into the past, to become unreal
Watching her walk away, he felt guilty for not letting her finish whatever she was asking him; why was he in such a hurry? Was it mere forgetfulness, or something graver? He would wonder again a week later, when, wandering toward the foot of Madison, he turned and saw the inscription chiseled like a bad joke into the limestone pediment of the tallest structure there, the one with the golden finial
He sets it on end in the center of the limestone steps—Dr
To cite just three examples, we were able to ride and bathe elephants in Nepal for $5, sail Superman-style on a zipline across a lush canyon in Ecuador for $12, and raft down the Yulong River in China on a bamboo raft for $5 while surrounded by spectacular views of limestone mountains