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    Utiliser "little finger" dans une phrase

    little finger exemples de phrases

    little finger

    1. I looked down at my hands and across to his and saw all his fingernails were broken, all except for those on the little fingers

    2. "But it's going to take more than a few years to obtain all the information, he packs around in his little finger

    3. They had almost three acres of land down in Yoonbarla Vale, the little finger of the great valley that followed Yoonbarla Brook up towards the falls for over three miles

    4. Juice dribbled down the children"s chins, and they laughed and wiped their faces with fat, sticky little fingers

    5. His little fingers were long and slender

    6. “How’s Ma has she changed I read in one of the letters that Rosie wrote me that she was getting much better?” Beth had a little habit of putting her right hand little finger in the corner of her mouth and sucking it when she concentrated

    7. I was petrified of what was laying in the box, after the first time that I saw Grandpa pull out a snake and toss it outside (look — I wasn’t a dumb kid… if some lunatic chicken and secret snake called that nesting box home, then I just couldn’t find a logical or rational reason for me to put my fragile little fingers inside of it

    8. And, in our younger days, that could be as simple as sharing the last homemade chocolate chip cookie with your younger brother (that is, after you dropped it on the floor and then fingered the entire thing with your nasty, dirty, sticky little fingers, or course), or it could be something like, walking to a family friends house, just down the street, to call your mom when you misremembered exactly what time basketball practice was and you ended up alone on the playground, after dark, for thirty loooong minutes

    9. I mean, seriously, who doesn’t love baby animals?! So, anyway, there I was, standing on top Grandma’s good dinner table chair, right up next to the counter, reaching in with curious little fingers, tongue sticking out in concentration, trying to grab the one baby chick that “chirped at me

    10. by the busy little fingers, with smaller and more flexible branches of

    11. “That twat was ripping me off, dipping his sticky little fingers in places they didn’t belong

    12. She held out her little finger

    13. ” He comes closer and links his little finger with mine, our noses almost touching

    14. I want to feel that tiny hand wrapped around my little finger, as it’s

    15. "Those stairs are carved right out of the rock, too," Joshie indicated with his left little finger

    16. ” I took hold of her little finger and led it around the path on my bag

    17. They took part in processions, defied the law, and bore the lathi (police sticks & batons) without raising a little finger, without swearing at the police, and used their power of persuasion to win the drunkard from drink and the sellers and purchasers of foreign cloth from it

    18. little finger that he didn't want to know her faults or infidelities

    19. “So you’re relying on that buffoon Alistair to make a case against me? That’s hilarious, it would be my word against his and I have much more credibility in my little finger than that idiot has in his whole body

    20. Libet would, for example, stimulate the patients‘ little finger on one hand (like a pin prick) and ask the patients to tell him when they felt it

    21. Then he would stimulate the area of the brain associated with that little finger, and ask the patients to tell him when they felt that as well

    22. So it would make sense that if you stimulate someone‘s little finger, it would take time (fractions of a second) for the nerves to move that sensation to the brain where it would be felt, since the physical body is limited by space and time and nothing in the physical universe (according to Einstein) can travel faster than the speed of light

    23. Libet‘s patients would tell him instantly (no time delay) when he stimulated their little finger, and yet there was a delay when he stimulated the brain directly

    24. two of them “wrapped around her little finger” as Joe always said

    25. It was in the forge where he lost the little finger on his left hand trying to pull a sheet of metal off a worker, saving his life; a feat, some said beyond mortal man

    26. With his little finger in the air, he takes a sip of his coffee

    27. little finger on his left hand

    28. The little finger of his left hand

    29. Freda had managed to gain the affections of Dan, and she just about had him wrapped around her little finger

    30. “Of course he has been and all of the packages are just waiting for little fingers to open them

    31. Her tiny little fingers were sweating as she rubbed them over the leather reins

    32. With that little finger wagging gone, Joey and Lezura decided to use up what was left of their day wisely

    33. She cried out as the man calmly proceeded to cut off the tip of her right little finger at the first joint

    34. That’s why they cut off part of her little finger

    35. off his little finger, while creasing his skull as he was aiming his weapon

    36. As she knelt in front of it, touching its hands with her little fingers, brilliant images flashed through her mind, like pictures in a child’s flicker book

    37. place little finger firmly into palm, there should

    38. Dan grade, the wrist is turned, rotation the palm so that the little finger

    39. It was a fuzzy little thing, orange with dark gray stripes, not more than two inches long, and smaller than the circumference of my little finger

    40. He carefully sliced open one of the bricks and, after replacing his pocket knife, tasted the cocaine on the tip of his little finger

    41. The little finger of the left hand then broke away as she was holding it

    42. Both had artificial little fingers to make them appear like normal six-fingered hands

    43. The warden shook a chubby little finger at her

    44. felt that she had him wrapped around her little finger

    45. The little finger is just as important as the right arm in the Body of Christ

    46. It was a dragonfly broach, wide as my little finger

    47. ‘But,’ said Sandhya pointing at a sideline below Roopa’s little finger, ‘I’ve heard that this line indicates children

    48. You could say that you could move up again and play these notes with your little finger

    49. ‘Is Roopa leading me up the garden path without so much as letting me hold her little finger?’ Prasad thought in bewilderment that day

    50. He could feel their little fingers clawing at his face

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