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    living conditions exemples de phrases

    living conditions

    1. They’ve had to research the subject; it’s formed a major part of their curriculum for this half term, they’ve been looking into the clothing and living conditions of people 2,000 years ago in Israel (history), calculating distances from various places to and from Jerusalem (numeracy), written about it (literacy), learned some Israeli dances (physical exercise) and goodness knows what else besides

    2. “What am I thinking? Of course I hate them being our conquerors, but they have improved living conditions

    3. We had all left Judea and the environs because of our living conditions

    4. “Rebecca, how is Elizabeth? At her age, how did she manage to survive such harsh living conditions?”

    5. Rumour has it that despite the fights being so brutal there, the living conditions at West Belsen are far better than at Salverford

    6. My sister was alone and did not know what to do about her living conditions as she had never been anywhere except to stay at home and take care of our mother

    7. One of our practical problems on our own borders was that many thousands, if not millions of black newly liberated Africans, wanted to live and work in Apartheid South Africa as the living conditions was and still is very much better than anywhere else in Africa

    8. What about their living conditions? The Romans adored baths and set up many in Britain

    9. And so we came up with one idea after another and speculated as to the living conditions, the people and the weather in Lesotho

    10. Transitional elements, as emerging possibilities present themselves, are oftentimes prone to violence because of rising expectations; unlike a society‘s wealthier segments who, lacking little in the way of material comfort, are ―stable‖, as a rule, or (ironically), the abject poor who, (temporarily) resigned to their wretched living conditions, are equally ―at ease‖ in a dormant stage of transition waiting for such an opportunity when there will be reason enough for hope or ―change‖

    11. She did not discuss the prison living conditions, or what had been done to her by her captors, and Colling made no effort to draw that information from her

    12. The most important aspect of having positive living conditions is of course not to waste them and uselessly burn up all that good karma, but to use the rare jewel of leisure for study and spiritual practice

    13. During the 1967 year, Roger and Josie tried to get 18 year-old Consuelo out of poor living conditions in Managua, Nicaragua

    14. Unfortunately for Roger, other problems loomed ahead that would mar a peaceful transition into his new living conditions and further strain the emotional convulsion he had suffered

    15. microchipped, in good living conditions, well fed and cared for – proud of their galgos

    16. proper care and living conditions, adapted to their physiological and behavioural

    17. For most the living conditions were better than their usual circumstances

    18. Living conditions of indentured laborers from India was horrible

    19. He told them that living conditions of Indians was much worse than those of mill workers

    20. This movement provided work, extra income and improved living conditions for a lot of people in villages and small towns

    21. The knowledge varied in that sometimes it was used to better living conditions and sometimes it lead people into different paths

    22. After the wars were over, the British reneged on their promises to improve living conditions of Indians and rewarded them with more oppressive laws

    23. During his life time, Gāndhiji tried to change, reform, and remove colonialism of the British in India, the oppressive aspect of caste system, discord among different religious groups, improve living conditions of the poor, untouchables, and women; promote simple living, and an outline of how to create a ‘true democracy - a government of the people, by the people and for the people

    24. Gāndhi traveled extensively all over India and observed the living conditions of the poor villagers

    25. like many others from the same area to escape the cramped living conditions that existed in the high-rise flats they occupied

    26. Plus he knew that Ilya Orlov could not face the damning but undeniable truth that sixty years service in the most remote and barbaric outpost of Imperial Russia had been in vain, that a lifetime of battling fear and suspicion, battling inhuman winters and atrocious living conditions had been a total waste of time and effort

    27. A stranger viewing the scene for the first time would probably have used the term “bucolic” to describe their living conditions

    28. Not that they minded, primitive living conditions free of fear from persecution were better than living in the lap of luxury in fear for one’s life

    29. They were more interested in the living conditions on an undeveloped planet than they were in the combat exploits Wendy and Rachel were best known for

    30. with improved living conditions, dog meat has become an

    31. The poverty meant horrible living conditions, poor nutrition, sickness and the status quo

    32. 44 For African Americans, deplorable living conditions in 1920 caused the death rate for black adults to be more than twice as high than for whites

    33. It was no picnic and the living conditions were abominable, along with the discrimination, even though that was to have ended with the Civil War

    34. Renewable energy provides electricity without messing up the planet, creates jobs, uplifts the people and has a great impact on living conditions

    35. I have to warn you that the living conditions here are quite Spartan

    36. In those cases, I could push for them to return to their original villages and towns, once they are financially compensated and once their original homes are found to be still in living conditions

    37. You will most probably suffer through privations, harsh living conditions and lack of sleep

    38. While I cannot talk of famine conditions in the months between September 1939 and July 1941, it is perfectly clear that after the summer of 1941 there is a very marked deterioration in living conditions in Poland

    39. “I am a Palestinian freelance reporter doing an investigative report on the living conditions of African-Americans in the southern states of the United States

    40. In 1970 he was appointed as the provincial party chief, where he displayed excellent organizational and leadership skills that involved the people more in the decisions that affected them and improved general living conditions

    41. And still others hope to improve the living conditions of the community by producing good citizen-students

    42. For the sake of the people, and especially the children and the babies, it was the young woman’s hope that the revolution would start soon, bringing an end to the horrible living conditions

    43. They have the same basic preoccupations than you do, but have to deal with much harsher living conditions than those you now experience, which is why you may find them a bit rude at times

    44. These living conditions evolved from living life as a bachelor

    45. Apart from the truly fantastic living conditions she and her family had found on the KOSTROMA, which contrasted starkly with their impoverished past life in polluted, overpopulated India, she was able to study part-time in the evening to complete her diploma in hydroponics techniques

    46. She was hyperven-tilating and ranting about my living conditions, so I gave her a brown paper bag and told her to breathe into it slowly

    47. ‘’From what I have heard during my trip about the living conditions of those slaves, I can’t blame them at all for wanting to run away

    48. Kenyatta said his country, which is committed to realizing industrialization and improving people's living conditions, wants to learn from China's development, as the two countries share similar historical experiences and visions for the future

    49. They bring us alive the living conditions of the lower

    50. climate, living conditions, etc

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