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    Utiliser "lock out" dans une phrase

    lock out exemples de phrases

    lock out

    1. But then the shift bell rang and Frank knew it was time to clock out

    2. I tried to block out this sense of pointless waste by focussing on the shapes and forms of my new friends

    3. relationship with employees when they clock out

    4. ’ No change, except the tachyon count had increased by an amount that suggested he had in fact gone back in time – his clock out of sync by twenty-three minutes – over two thousand times! There was just the merest fraction of a second after the protection field had given way before automatic shutdown

    5. They began to climb back to the mid-section and were almost at the tube joining the two sections when they felt a small vibration as the airlock outer door opened without first de-pressurising the airlock

    6. and gulped hard, then again, and again, trying to block out the feelings and keep his composure

    7. He tried to block out the chants, the frenzy of the audience – but the sound was pervasive and filtered its way into the silence of his mind

    8. All sounds were muffled by the heavy door, but Raven could just hear the clock outside chime midnight

    9. Covering her ears, Dawn sobbed under the jets of water, trying to block out the dying screams of the helpless pony as the cats ripped it to pieces

    10. Standing to his full height, Brendan pulled the Glock out of the seat pocket

    11. 3 And I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries where I have driven

    12. the quilt over her head as if trying to block out the thought

    13. grabbed one of the tubes of sunblock out of the basket

    14. becomes overwhelming the fulfillment of it actually starts to block out other needs

    15. It was threatening to block out her afternoon sun

    16. of experience states that he “absolutely disagrees completely” that local textbook selection is better than statewide selection, because publishers, teachers unions and other organized interests would block out parental interests “Publishers are advantaged by local adoption because they have more personnel” to overwhelm possible criticism

    17. Moving closer to Cody she leaned against his side in order to block out the chill of the night

    18. but it didn’t completely block out the noise that filtered

    19. By the end of the second day, the mountains were so close that they loomed almost high enough to block out the sky

    20. against the sides of their heads to block out the music, curling

    21. packed together closely, block out much of

    22. He looked to the sky to the east where dark masses were forming to block out the sky

    23. " Calvin shut his eyes, trying to block out the terrible image of dear Christine's face squeezed with agony as he watched her convulse and drop

    24. She brought her hands up to her temples as if trying to block out his anger

    25. I've never seen any that could block out a radius this large before, but that's why our messages couldn't get through

    26. It had been years since then and mostly he’d managed to block out the memory, but lately it had haunted his dreams night and day, making him wonder if closure was ever really possible

    27. Kenzie was on the ground with her Glock out

    28. Block out any concepts that seem real

    29. " To lock in hate, to lock out love, rage I must create, revenge I must think of

    30. He developed the mental ability to block out other sounds through sheer effort and habit

    31. I shoved my head in the gap between the two front seats, trying to block out the sound of the rain

    32. Archan focuses, trying to block out all the noises of nature which sound so lively

    33. Would they be able lock out the painful memories

    34. Working with Stallman had forced Steele to block out all

    35. All you need to do is to meditate and block out the world around you

    36. When they asked what he wanted to do, Mencho proposed that they create cities in each of their countries that could lock out the other races

    37. block out a lot of the morning sun

    38. Having a sound machine is wonderful way to block out

    39. That part of their relationship was perfect, and right now, that’s what Donna needed – pleasure to block out the pain

    40. She tried to block out the conversation at hand, but

    41. So, while current sunblocks only block out the UVB rays and still let in harmful UVA rays, it is still wise to cover up before venturing into the hands of Apollo

    42. engineers who had bought a lifestyle block out in the country

    43. mystery (heaven) block out Truth

    44. the island seems to, strangely enough, block out all radar

    45. Ariel eased the wheel-lock out and poked

    46. She pulled her coat tight around her upper torso to block out the cold air

    47. said, "The alter who says he will get up at 5 in the morning to meditate, is not the same alter who throws the alarm clock out of

    48. napkin over his nose trying to block out the ghastly odor

    49. In this world I lock out all my

    50. alarm clock out of the window!!

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