Utiliser "longevity" dans une phrase
longevity exemples de phrases
1. In spite of the longevity problem, there was still business to be done with public rooms, but that had settled down to a fairly low volume compared to what souls on the expedition used
2. Humility and honor are the keys to longevity in the years to
3. I discovered that the FoxO gene, present in vast quantities in the common Hydra, was what we now call, the longevity gene
4. Chock-a-block full of longevity genes
5. The former benefitted from the healthy hygiene and overall scrubbing he received while the latter took advantage of a willing and free meal that would likewise contribute to their wellbeing and longevity
6. To see an oak tree in your dream symbolizes longevity, stability, strength, tolerance, wisdom and prosperity
7. To dream that you are salting meat symbolizes longevity
8. His father, Lucius Serenus, had been a Legionnaire for about as long as Penelope’s father Adrianus - the parents’ friendship was equal in its longevity
9. When you take this task you will accomplish a path to humanity of peace and longevity
10. Some people practice more than one of these methods to enjoy good health and longevity
11. He revealed that anyone who recited it, regardless of his faith, could reap the many benefits which included raising one’s level of compassion, wisdom and longevity
12. Population had doubled in a hundred years by the late 22nd century; disease virtually eradicated, lifespan – for those who could afford longevity treatment – had potentially quadrupled
13. If our soldiers are not overburdened with money, it is not because they have a distaste for riches; if their lives are not unduly long, it is not because they are disinclined to longevity
14. Sage has historically been used in smudging rituals as a means of invoking purification, protection, longevity, and immortality
15. Any answer that has stood the test of time should be granted the respect that its longevity deserves
16. ” It concluded that, “the group who followed the healthy longevity routines showed a decrease in brain metabolism, suggesting that their brains operated more efficiently, with less glucose fuel
17. From either extreme a median was required for longevity of reliable performance
18. Therefore He is my candidate for the prize for longevity
19. If longevity isn’t to be the sole criterion, what else might be essential? All belief systems that have passed away seem to have had one thing in common
20. But today the everyday itinerary of the world seems to rest upon the “broad backs” of the minions of these new ideas, but still the aged patriarch insists that his wisdom of the ages be given the respect that longevity deserves
21. correlates with a decrease in fertility rate and an increase in longevity
22. remember it is higher understanding, not longevity, that will
23. longevity, and great hamburgers
24. The evolution and longevity
25. The longevity of Omega Electronics is partly
26. You want longevity and
27. I wavered, wishing to walk to where my father desired to lead me to at a slower pace, increasing the longevity of my dream but my sire wouldn’t have it, he was never one for wasting time in laziness and he pulled me with him
28. longevity, himself over 1000 years old, comes to teach me his
29. It increases the longevity of the original tweet, because your tweet is seen at different times
30. Why such chal enging longevity statistics? It could be in part to the added chal enges that come
31. Why such challenging longevity statistics? It could be in part the added
32. Succession ensures longevity and continuance; it is what keeps our society stable
33. “You must realize that among our people, weddings are a very rare and special event, because of our low birthrate and longevity
34. It was confirmed when our other racial characteristics were recognized; longevity, healing, talent with magic, and knowing what time it is without an external reference
35. But of my longevity
36. rationalized the older man was a sentimental favorite who won more on longevity and
37. He would marvel at your health, your teeth, your longevity - his life expectancy was 30 years, his teeth were rotten stumps and people died all around him from disease and hunger
38. Just by their longevity, they have brand
39. Second, if there’s a picture of you being interviewed, laminate it for longevity
40. A sustained break is a break which has longevity and usually follows a currency that has been ranging or follows an uptrend or down trending market
41. A sustained break is a breakout that has the strength and longevity around a support or
42. release, so much so that the emotions’ intensity and longevity increases rather than decreases
43. “In many ways your longevity resembles that of these elves
44. We were used to considering longevity
45. sufficient longevity to have permitted careful longitudinal studies
46. A large Welsh study on longevity found that those who had sex less than once a month had double the risk of dying prematurely than those who had sex twice a week
47. longevity of the relationship, as well as to the health and longevity of each of you
48. They have a history of great longevity
49. Not telling them of his killing spree, he lies and says that due to his longevity he was to become a space explorer
50. it or not, plays a significant role in the quality of life and the longevity that you have in your life