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    Utiliser "look back" dans une phrase

    look back exemples de phrases

    look back

    1. ” Those are the ways we look back at the choices we made when we

    2. Scar tried to turn his head to look back at Silence

    3. Scar forced himself to look back up and meet her cold, hard gaze

    4. They look back at the dock, now more than a hundred yards back

    5. He turns with a terrified look back at Russ, still calm as can be

    6. I look back at the steps, at the ground of my ordeal,

    7. but they look back at me with bogey eyes, following me

    8. I reach the trees and whip my head round to look back

    9. In tacit mutual agreement, Berndt and I stop a few yards into the wood, hiding behind trees, and look back to see what is going on

    10. They didn't look back but strutted on down the street

    11. Along the road out of town, I climb for about half an hour to where the bulldozers have scraped out the old rock to make the new road, and from there look back at the lights of Sophia, a tender pattern of sparks with a few gaps where mountain homes once stood

    12. callous face, he dared not look back for fear he was

    13. The detective sergeant pauses and turns to look back at Leona's body

    14. with haunted eyes, turned to look back in the

    15. didn’t look back; any hesitation could cost him his freedom

    16. She watched, she saw him look back, then keep going when he saw she was watching

    17. Approaching the corner of the house, Emma turned to look back at her

    18. She knew better than to look back towards the picture, but that was just what she was going to have to do

    19. " She drew a deep breath and turned to look back at the pond and the surrounding dell

    20. When at last all provisions for the property and estate were concluded, they boarded the train for Tahoe and did not look back

    21. He only turned to look back out the window, she wasn't about to take his silence as an answer, crossing the room, she pressed herself against his back, and whispered

    22. " He continued when she turned to look back at him, and he wiped the tears from her face

    23. Suddenly she turned to look back at the house and discovered the same scene she’d seen, three times

    24. Throwing a look back over his shoulders to where the kids, stood laughing and giggling, He remarked, "I wouldn't worry about them, they're fine

    25. "But now that I know what I'm working with," he turned to look back at Jim, "I'll give her something by mouth

    26. "What?" she turned to look back at his green eyes

    27. When he turned to look back at her, he said, "You knew it was locked, didn't you

    28. It was good to look back over those years because it humbled her

    29. Back then one of our favorite places was Arby's which basically it just opened around 1965 or ‘66 and had the best roast beef sandwiches when I look back to what the prices were in those days you know it's staggering compared to what you pay today

    30. When I look back on the following day, I’m reminded of

    31. As I look back on those days, I realize that I learned to be a

    32. Now when I look back on this I think maybe this was my ego's way of coming back into equilibrium

    33. Heron turned to look back over his shoulder at the Nord, who was by now quite a ways away again and soon disappeared back into the night

    34. She just walked out and didn't look back

    35. Stopping to look back,

    36. I look back with great fondness on those games

    37. Resisting the urge to look back and possibly draw more attention, she made her way to the physician’s tent as instructed to retrieve her remaining items, including her sword and her satchel

    38. at which point she sprinted back to the camp, clutching the note and daring neither to look back nor to the side until she got there

    39. The Elf carefully swiveled in her chair to look back at Dena

    40. business so bad you can taste it, you will take the following action steps and never look back

    41. Don’t look back

    42. couldn’t look back because I was scared

    43. She did not look back until she had reached the stone staircase that led to a palace door

    44. He decided not to mention it to Orion or Torin until they were out of earshot of the men, though, when he did tell them, Orion stopped to look back over his shoulder at the Nordics Adem had described

    45. In fact there was no sign of the reserves or anything else and that didn’t bode well for us you could look back towards our trench line and see where the waves had been massacred this morning

    46. “Raven?” she asked again, touching his chin to make him look back at her

    47. ‘Don’t look back, Jimmy,’ the voice echoed: male, old, and wise

    48. “But you won’t deal with them, will you?” She gently touched his chin so he would look back at her again

    49. decided not to look back, and followed her up the stairs

    50. It was at about this spot where I would stop and look back when I was younger, hoping that Mom was still standing in the doorway watching me, waiting until I made it past the oak tree, midpoint, to turn out the back yard lights

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