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    Utiliser "look down" dans une phrase

    look down exemples de phrases

    look down

    1. Seamus look down at a spot on the floor

    2. He stands with me on one side of the bridge and we look down at the water running under the bridge below us

    3. From a high elevation, you have the opportunity to look down on your city

    4. look down and see their physical body lying there as

    5. "About what?" he asked, leaning her out to look down at her

    6. Johnny continued to look down at his plate

    7. When he tipped her back to look down at her, she understood what he was asking and she laid her face back against his chest, and felt him sigh as he placed his hands on her back and pulled her even closer

    8. "Isn't that what I've said, all along?" He’d never said I told you so before "But not because I believe that story–" he leaned forward and brushed her hair down, then lifting her face to look down upon her he said, "Because I want you here with me

    9. "Who said anything about leaving?" He turned her to look down at her concerned face

    10. When he turned her to look down into her eyes, an undeniable snarl rolled from his lips

    11. " he responded lifting her face to look down into her eyes

    12. When he joined them in the living room, she couldn't believe the warmth his hand offered; as he led her to stand in front of the tree gently he tipped his head forward indicating she should look down

    13. When she felt that her end was drawing near, she called her only daughter to her bedside and said, "Dear child, remain good, and then our dear God will always protect you, and I will look down on you from heaven and be near you

    14. "I must have a look down into the black caldrons

    15. Crawling on his belly from one building to the next, he tried not to look down but often he found himself glimpsing at the streets below, watching the shadows scatter as yet another ball of flame ignited the sky

    16. Then he moved away from her and struggled to his feet to look down at her

    17. ” He turned to look down the rows of weaponry with pride

    18. He could not look down on others and claim the moral high ground

    19. Spacers had always considered themselves a breed apart, and tended to look down upon

    20. She waved for Maldynado to help with the crate, even as she watched and hoped the enforcers on the street didn’t look down to the lake

    21. Recovered, she started out again, climbing higher and higher, afraid to look down now that the height made her feel so dizzy

    22. Look down at the bottom right hand side of the shield, tell me what you see; talk it out to me

    23. In Dreamtime, they were giant ancestors that turned to stone and now look down, protecting their descendents

    24. I cannot help feeling just a little resentful when people look down their noses at overseas qualifications, assuming that they are all worthless

    25. As they waited in the traffic queue on a steep fish hook turn, LP hesitated to look down to the one thousand metre sheer drop to the mountain floor

    26. The tender caress made her look down again

    27. I look down into the chasm, at the black water, at the jagged rocks

    28. I look down at our hands

    29. My muscles remember the movement before the rest of me does, but when I look down, instead of dark marble I see plain white tile and the bottom of a light gray wall; I see strands of blond hair that my mother trimmed, and the mirror safely tucked behind its wall panel

    30. ” Selena stopped to look down

    31. I look down to check my watch and discover that it’s on the wrong hand—I usually wear mine on my left, not my right, and my watchband isn’t gray, it’s black

    32. I look down, and I am wearing gray slacks and a gray shirt; I am thicker around the middle and thinner through the shoulders

    33. It forced her eyes to look down at the grinning countenance of Ardara

    34. It was intended to be high enough that he could still look down on us as we stood before him

    35. She did not look down

    36. look down upon the world that God Boy number 8 had created, it

    37. Bellona and Marco turn around, and walk towards the edge of the plateau and look down

    38. I saw him tilt his head back, searching the darkness, probing it for our moon, and when he turned to look down at me, I saw his large chocolate eyes, and his killer teeth

    39. I had to look down because his gaze was making me nauseous

    40. look down into the valley

    41. I fix my eyes on his then look down, shaking my head

    42. “But keep this spell on, please Love? It’s nice to be able to look you in the eye without having to look down so far

    43. After her parents went to sleep, she slipped downstairs, and all they had to do was look down the steps to find us together

    44. ” Again a long look before continuing, “If it were me, I think that I would pray to the Gods who look down upon us to relieve me of this burden

    45. He thought it best not to look down, but knew that as the sun rose, the distant valley would be quivering in the mist, its colours of yellow and green, together with the blue of the river, strengthening with the day

    46. would pray to the Gods who look down upon us to relieve me of this burden

    47. head to look down at when I began speaking

    48. It was mysterious somehow to look down into the dark inside of the big ship

    49. On the other side of the well-shaft was a small opening big enough for one child at a time to put his head and shoulders through and look down

    50. and took in a few breaths of air, shooting a look down the hill

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