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    Utiliser "low tide" dans une phrase

    low tide exemples de phrases

    low tide

    1. Low tides indicate that you energies are being drained, whereas high tides symbolize high energy

    2. There are times of high and low tides, and such occurrences are inevitable

    3. Up until then, you could only access the township along the beach at low tide

    4. He could hear ocean waves as they broke on shore, pushing up, washing away vehicle tracks made at low tide, returning Teewah Beach to its pristine beauty

    5. LeeAnn plodded back to the house, her spirits at low tide

    6. We would go clam digging at a particular low tide and fill a bucket in no time

    7. bottom of the flat low tide area

    8. The low tide meant that she could easily walk along the long flat beach without having to climb over the groynes

    9. She was thankful it was low tide in that respect

    10. Two hours later, the storm raged on more violently than any of the other previous squalls that had heralded the arrival of the strong eye wall of the hurricane, with gusts from the north reaching almost ninety miles per hour and the surge at almost ten feet that at low tide still was nearly twenty yards from the high dunes whose sea oats flapped furiously in the wind

    11. Liberty knew that the low tides were going to be early in the mornings for the next few days and that there was a southerly wind blowing

    12. They pointed to a long sandbank in the estuary, exposed at low tide – we could

    13. “The beach road which is unsealed and available at low tide only

    14. At low tide, you should be able to see the beach without needing a stool

    15. When you used it, anything that came out of you ended up in the Thames, which was a bit messy if you used it at low tide

    16. It was low tide and they were only about two meters deep, but as they saw what the undersea kingdom had to offer, they soon forgot their fear

    17. Think how the sea will have high and low tides of thousands of meters pulling the waves to destroy the

    18. After making enquiries, he found he could cross on a causeway at low tide or use a small motor ferry when the tide covered the walkway

    19. It was low tide

    20. around the causeway, the low tide revealed a landscape of

    21. Yep, the secret of fishing the beach is not in the fishing, it is in the walking! Walking the beach at low tide, finding out the lie of the sea bottom is the most important step in the fishing process

    22. Taking advantage of the low tide, some of them had moved forward over the heads of coral to within two cable lengths of the Nautilus

    23. He stood a moment unseeing by the cold black marble bowl while before him and behind two worshippers dipped furtive hands in the low tide of holy water

    24. At low tide, the water may be shallow in places

    25. Her greatest pleasure is to walk to the north end of the beach at low tide and squat below an island that Madame Manec calls Le Grand Bé and let her fingers whisk around in the tidepools

    26. The clouds came racing over the ridge from the south as they higher and smaller, settling at last into a mackerel sky like a beach at low tide

    27. The surrounding waters were tumbling with sharks, which got trapped in the lagoon at low tide

    28. When he saw prisoners violating the rules by eating vegetables in the garden area, or pocketing mussels at low tide outside the camp, he talked the guards into looking the other way

    29. In Cherry Blossom Sound off Chisholm’s east coast, the range between high tide and low tide was just under nine feet, and in the Sea of Charis it was almost six; in Hahskyn Bay, there was a bare two-foot difference between high water and low

    30. There were barely three feet of water under her sternpost at low tide; even at high tide there would be no more than five and a half, and the suction between the mud and the ship’s hull was enormous

    31. Just as there are low tides and high tides, hot days and cool days, the market also projects days of laziness (choppy markets) and days of overwhelming activity (trending markets)

    32. The wheat whirled in a full yellow tide at his ankles

    33. It sometimes happens, that on certain shores of Bretagne or Scotland a man, either a traveller or a fisherman, while walking at low tide on the beach far from shore, suddenly notices that for several minutes past, he has been walking with some difficulty

    34. Low tide came

    35. The Bay of Fundy, between Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, has a difference of 16m (52½ft) between low tide and high tide

    36. The best hunting for fish and molluscs will be at low tide, when rock pools can be inspected and buried molluscs and other creatures dug from sandy shores

    37. Low tide was 5:17 A

    38. Between the wharf and the bedroom window is a narrow strip, which is dry at low tide but is covered at high tide with at least four and a half feet of water

    39. He said: "It's like Southend at low tide on the fifth of November

    40. But an old native chap found it at low tide—old Ben, you know, that is always fishing there on the dock

    41. ’ It’s a strip of water between the bay and the ocean, and ’tain’t very wide nor deep at low tide

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