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    lyrics exemples de phrases


    1. The easily recognizable talent of singing is of no use if you don’t learn your lyrics and then learn the skills necessary to turn this into a strength

    2. These are the lyrics of a song Pantelis wrote and wanted to record but never did

    3. For Ken the song let him know in his soul that Alan loved him and that they would meet up soon enough, while for Lucy the lyrics and the bass hooks seemed to tell her that the singer knew she was innocent and that she had not killed her step-brother

    4. enough, while for Lucy the lyrics and the bass hooks seemed to tell

    5. Bathroom singers run through lyrics

    6. The melody is gone and his head is full of random lyrics divorced from their arrangements

    7. Alan split the roll with her and then went back down to his knitting machine project and Desa went back to trying to re-write the lyrics for part four of VallosHallow so the rhyme wouldn't sound so contrived

    8. Poets write lyrics heralding the Descent of the divine beauty

    9. The lyrics can represent a message from your subconscious

    10. Or the lyrics can serve as your voice to express how you are really feeling

    11. lyrics play a big part in the way that the game (known as jogo) is conducted

    12. Observe the popularity of rap groups such at 2 Live Crew or Nine Inch Nails, with their so-called lyrics in furtherance of molesting women and killing cops

    13. The lyrics touched him deeply, and he felt her desire to see him surpass the horror of Salverford, to escape the bitterness of reality

    14. While I was working on a Stephen Foster tune on the piano the other day, I noticed that the word ―darkie‖ was conspicuously absent from the (original) lyrics

    15. As William recalled the lyrics to Baba O’Riley, he smiled, thinking how appropriate the words of his favorite song were at that moment

    16. ” William had stopped walking and was voicing parts of the lyrics out loud

    17. Rarely taught is that Francis Scott Key's lyrics also celebrate US troops defeating runaway slaves, who were among the British troops

    18. Other lyrics added to the song during the Civil War changed Key's pro-slavery meaning completely, and celebrated the end of slavery

    19. They even doubted her existence; there are many creatures celebrated in the lyrics of folk songs or the tall tales of legends

    20. He noted the lyrics, beat, guitars, every part of the musical performance was bent, skewed, twisted, and filtered

    21. Hazy and Dustin started singing, “Din Daa Daa” again, but this time they added a little yodel twang to their pitch as they sung along to the banjo, only this time they had used the actual lyrics

    22. I had changed the lyrics and was laughing to myself about it while I was un-knotting Bobs shoes, which made me relax

    23. dice game, but now Junya was being threatened because of the lyrics he was

    24. Some lyrics floated over them

    25. The child with the beautiful voice finally found the lyrics to the wild, gypsy music that possessed her, in the strong, pitch-perfect lines of this strangely compelling book

    26. “Frankly, I relate better to Nigel’s stuff, especially his lyrics,” Calvin said

    27. But a bad review from a key industry critic, who didn’t care for their lyrics, left the album stillborn at record stores across the country

    28. Lucky seemed oblivious to the attention we had, she was singing the lyrics of the song to me; it was endearing

    29. Poetry and lyrics are an improved method of expressing truth, as compared to

    30. After congratulating Sean on finding a new girlfriend, he gave him the notepad with the lyrics to the song he had written for you

    31. “I do not own the lyrics, but I own the voice

    32. I look back at Sean, and this time I give my full attention to the lyrics

    33. Leora opened her eyes, the song fading on her lips, but still the final lyrics played in the air around them

    34. Morgan listened following the direction with which the lyrics flowed from, knowing who sang them

    35. These lyrics sung by The 5th Dimension in 1973 made their way into my life again after my father passed away

    36. As those lyrics played across his heart and mind Dryan called out the one name

    37. Hand near touching the Gate’s handle Amori looked the creature in the eyes; when unexpectedly the lyrics stronger than before, rang clear, though this time they were sang by a voice so familiar to her

    38. It never occurred to him to translate the Elvish lyrics he was hearing, since the emotion of the music was so pure and obvious in the sound itself

    39. I haven’t sang it for a while but I still remembered the lyrics

    40. That one line of lyrics was sang again and again in various tones of sweet harmony

    41. More angels entered the room while singing the song that only had a single line of lyrics

    42. What are the lyrics?

    43. Captain Van Boskerck illuminated the honored motto and secured its place in naval history with his riveting lyrics and music (Krietemeyer, The Coast Guardsman"s Manual, pp

    44. Here’s the lyrics:

    45. write down his poetry--poems he planned to use as lyrics for his songs

    46. French lyrics which captured the nuances of the English

    47. This particular patient sang and recited lyrics which he says he created through the inspiration of God

    48. much so that Batistuta continual y repeated the final lyrics of

    49. What was the name of that town with the sewer pipe? Should we call it Village X? When you bought the train ticket to Village X, where did you say you wanted to go? Who tipped you off about the safe crossing there? It’s impossible to forget these details so fast and so thoroughly and still remember the lyrics to a hundred songs in five languages

    50. lyrics shows students how English can and will be used outside the classroom and

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