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    1. At magnesia corrosion appears amorphous mass of Mg(OH)2

    2. I fought at sea in Magnesia

    3. In the morning (at least 8 hours later) take a fast-acting natural laxative, either epsom salts or 10 oz citrate of magnesia (not milk of magnesia)

    4. Hoboken, where I discovered native carbonate of magnesia, is situated opposite the city of New-York, on the western or New-Jersey bank of the Hudson

    5. The carbonate of magnesia I found in horizontal veins of nearly two inches in breadth, and of unknown depth, in a midway region of this serpentine ledge; I extracted a considerable quantity with a spoon

    6. It differs little from the manufactured carbonate of magnesia of the shops; but is rather a super than a sub-carbonate

    7. It has been analyzed by Professor Mitchill, who found it exclusively composed of magnesia and carbonic acid

    8. Carbonates of magnesia, hitherto discovered, have been, I believe, found impure, and in a state of rock, requiring chemical process to render them serviceable; this is, perhaps, fit for immediate use

    9. Bruce discovered the hydrate of magnesia, or magnesia combined with nothing but water, in the proportion of about 70 per cent

    10. Pierce's discovery is not less interesting; and we presume he will be deemed correct in the opinion, that pure native carbonate of magnesia has not been discovered before

    11. Hare's blowpipe, in which I melted lime and magnesia, and a long list of the most refractory minerals, gems, and others, the greater part of which had never been melted before, and I supposed that I had decomposed lime, barytes, strontites, and magnesia, evolving their metallic basis, which burnt in the air as fast as produced

    12. Discovery of Native Crystallized Carbonate of Magnesia on Staten-Island, with a Notice of its Geology, by James Pierce, Esq

    13. There is a large cave near Corydon, celebrated for the production of sulphate of magnesia, or Epsom salts

    14. When it was first discovered, the bottom, in many places, was covered to the depth of several inches, with pure, brilliant, needle-shaped crystals of sulphate of magnesia

    15. This cave also produces some other salts in small quantities: nitrate of lime, nitrate of magnesia, sulphate of lime, &c

    16. Discovery of Native Crystallized Carbonate of Magnesia on Staten-Island, with a Notice of the Geology and Mineralogy of that Island, by James Pierce, Esq

    17. I forward you a few mineral specimens characteristic of Staten-Island, including native carbonate of magnesia, in acicular crystals

    18. I discovered this new form and locality of magnesia in examining the strata exhibited in an excavation now making, under the delusive expectation of finding gold, about three miles from the Quarantine

    19. The magnesite was found to embrace veins and cavities containing native carbonate of magnesia, in very white acicular crystals, grouped in minute fibres radiating from the sides, but not always filling the veins and cavities

    20. This carbonate of magnesia dissolves entirely in diluted sulphuric acid, with considerable effervescence and chemical action, producing a bitter compound, from which salts of easy solution are formed by evaporation

    21. The magnesite in which these crystals are found, appears to be composed of carbonate of magnesia, steatite, and talc, disintegrating readily upon exposure to air and moisture: it effervesces considerably in sulphuric acid, forming a very bitter fluid that soon exhibits crystals, indicating that magnesia enters in large proportion into its constitution

    22. Its colour is a greenish yellow; it is brittle, very adhesive to the tongue, but little unctuous, and probably contains more alumine and less magnesia than steatites in general

    23. It is not improbable, that in most places of the Staten-Island hills, when magnesia constitutes a considerable ingredient of the rock, it will be found saturated with carbonic acid, obviating the objection to common magnesian minerals in agriculture

    24. Pure magnesia, crystallized and combined with water only

    25. I have been able, however, to detect but a very minute quantity of magnesia in any specimens I have tried, though I obtained a considerable proportion of alumine

    26. From these tests it was inferred that sulphate of magnesia was present

    27. On considering the results of the preceding experiments, it will appear that more than one half of the substances submitted to analysis, was easily soluble in water, and from the chemical tests used, that it was composed principally of sulphate of magnesia, (Epsom salt) with perhaps a small portion of muriate of lime or magnesia, that of the remainder, about ⅕ was sulphate of lime, and difficultly soluble in water; and that the rest was perfectly insoluble in water, and consisted principally of carbonate of lime

    28. The principal coinages are those of Themistokles at Magnesia, of Georgion at Gambrium, and of Euripthenes at Pergamon

    29. —, magnesia in the water of, J

    30. sulphate of magnesia, 241;

    31. , native carbonate of magnesia on Staten Island, i, 142

    32. A preparation of the phosphates of lime, magnesia, potash and iron with phosphoric acid in such form as to be readily assimilated by the system

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    Synonymes pour "magnesia"

    magnesia magnesium oxide periclase