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    Utiliser "man-hour" dans une phrase

    man-hour exemples de phrases


    1. Countless millions of man-hours of invention had been wiped out by the pulse

    2. Let’s just say it was a combination of last year’s satellite images, plus hundreds of man-hours

    3. The task was huge, the work painstaking, and the man-hours required expensive

    4. Inevitably, it took a great deal of legwork and man-hours dedicated to place an identity on the John Does connected to Mr

    5. Life found that people had always tried to complicate her meaning, it still amazed her now the amount of philosophical man-hours that went into that one simple question

    6. How much healthier would the entire Nation be if there were no professional sports… if everyone exercised and played sports as complete equals? How many trillions of dollars of health care costs could be saved? How many millions of working man-hours would be regained? The idea of a culture where hundreds of millions of in athletic spectators spend their hard-earned money for the privilege of watching a few professional athletes is an exclusionary waste of human potential and health

    7. By sucking millions of man-hours of labor from thousands of other workers just to create his exclusive, elitist advantage

    8. We choose to completely discount and ignore the huge sums of money, the huge waste of resources and energy and man-hours needed to keep one astronaut alive in space

    9. More millions of man-hours have been wasted with no result, no learning, literally nothing, by Science: than any other human occupation

    10. Until tool-energy… all of the man-hours poured into the making of money becomes more powerful than life-energy

    11. However, in a few upscale American communities like Ithaca, New York; a local currency has been introduced to prevent the flow of money-wealth-man-hours from leaving the community

    12. But once a sacred culture dies: there is no living thing that can bring it back except humans who are so nostalgic about their forgotten, old, obsolete cultures that they spend billions of dollars and millions of man-hours in trying to re-create it, and stage it, and re-introduce it back into their newer cultures

    13. The result is that the more specialized the function, the more useless it is to the rest of the model, yet the more resources it sucks out of the linear tree in terms of money, and man-hours, and human life-energy hours

    14. Thinking of all the millions of man-hours it took to build and shape all of the artificial abstract beauty…

    15. Try to appreciate the billions of man-hours of raw sweat and labor of human slaves that went into building these obscene displays of excessive wealth and power

    16. What would the National Federal Budget of the United States of America be like; if there were no NASA, no rockets? No spewing trillions of dollars of man-hours and resources into outer space?

    17. If you build a space shuttle, where does the plastic come from? The metal? What chemicals were used and how many man-hours did it eat up? What is the cost of pollution in manufacturing all of these expensive chemicals, fuels, etc…? How much wealth and human lives were wasted on it? How many years of research? How many billions of dollars? Will that space shuttle make any human find true happiness? Love? Peace? Meaning? Usefulness? Except as a tool-slave? Viewed from this perspective; over-intensive tool-use is the blindest, most wasteful, most profligate use of human life possible

    18. "man-hours" in chopping and hacking, drilling, and polishing away the injurious effects of

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