Utiliser "managing director" dans une phrase
managing director exemples de phrases
managing director
1. It was sixty-three when our Managing Director called me into his office and
2. In less than two minutes, my phone rings; it is Mr Gryparis, the managing director: “Have you got any untyped texts of Mrs Parissis?” he asks
3. A little later, Mrs Stavrakis informs me that shrew of Parissis went to the managing director and told him “This morning Yvonne was half an hour absent from her office!” – that's when I was out to buy Mrs Stavrakis some coffee
4. In other words a Managing Director could also be a Chief and thus must be addressed as Chief (and Surename)
5. Six out of ten feel that their managing director or CEO was remote and out of touch
6. trouble for the Managing Director, Graham Cook, who was always available
7. The managing directors are citing mismanagement of funds as the cause
8. When Amelia announced that she was pregnant and later produced a beautiful daughter, both Margaret and Marie were overjoyed – Marie especially so, as she could see a prospective Managing Director to take over the reigns from Margaret when the time came…
9. Not one to waste time, he immediately telephoned, the Collett and Company offices and arranged for an appointment to see the Chairperson and Managing Director Elizabeth Collett
10. He had been working for them for a year and a half and had proven to the directors that he was reliable and trustworthy, when the Managing Director invited him to attend a special Directors meeting in the Board Room after working hours
11. The Managing Director opened the meeting by welcoming everyone, then continued: ‘…and tonight I especially want to welcome Rory Hamilton, whom you all know………
12. BEE was listed as the Managing Director, and Hu Lyang as Director responsible for The Cape, The Free State, KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng - this definitely warranted a closer look!
13. Co-incidentally the tanker was due that same evening and Rory hastened to ask if he might be allowed to observe the operation and was given a polite but firm refusal – no outsiders were allowed on the premises after hours – by order of the Managing Director, as this could result in a lot of hassles for the Security Company that patrolled the area at night – there would be no exceptions to the rule
14. to work for and investigate their Managing Directors, Editors, Foremans,
15. Linda Barrington, who is Managing Director of Human Capital at the board that helped in the writing this report said, “that many workers find their jobs not interesting and that many are frustrated because salaries have not kept up with inflation over the years
16. Disappointed by such reappraisal of his war aims and methods, Harris retired to South Africa, where from 1946 to 1953 he was managing director of the South African Marine Corporation
17. The chap who’s been pestering me to make a presentation is Rupert Bland, who calls himself Managing Director of the new products division
18. ‘We soon realized that we were not dealing with any other political party, but one that was following a professional work ethic that even most corporates could not match,’ says Sam Balsara, chairman and managing director of Madison
19. known only to him, the Managing Director, the dynamic Mr Donaldson, insisted that
20. with David Hutton-Wilson, the Managing Director of Giant Security, a Kramerville
21. Managing Director of Giant
22. Arun Green was the Group Managing Director and a founding shareholder of Bischoff
23. bigger offices' exhorted the height challenged Managing Director
24. I remained Managing Director of the now quietly idling
25. I continued as Managing Director of the Venture Finance
26. Joe Kieser was the Managing Director of Penta Holdings
27. Supper turned into a celebration when the Managing Director announced that the
28. made the ex-Managing Director think twice about his CCMA strategy
29. Managing Director of a shipping company in the powerful Grinrod stable called
30. Steve Montgomery, the managing director of First ScotRail has now made a statement, effectively saying that there will be no reinstatement of the sacked employee, whilst, on the other side, Bob Crow, the general secretary of the RMT has also waded in with his side of things
31. Evans, then a consultant, as its managing director
32. At the time I was the Managing Director of a foreign company with interest in Southern Africa and was visiting one of our projects, the Harare International Airport
33. He is the Managing Director of Carl Commodities Nigeria Limited
34. owner, in any company in the management of which any managing director or
35. granted to relatives of the bank's Chairman/Managing Director or other
36. Pete, he 's managing director now, used
37. ‘Rahul Ahuja, managing director, corporate finance,’ he said and shook hands
38. Batcha, who was the Managing Director of real estate firm Green House Promoters,
39. Mr Sweater was the managing director and principal shareholder of a large drapery business in which he had amassed a considerable fortune
40. ' of which Mr Grinder was the managing director, was thinking of hiring it to open as a high-class refreshment lounge, provided the Corporation would make certain alterations and let the place at a reasonable rent
41. They are immediately appointed to positions of high public trust in several different countries as managing directors of banks, traffic managers of railways, chairmen of limited liability companies, vicechairmen of hotel syndicates
42. Martenson is our managing director, the firm intends to vigorously contest these allegations in whatever manner the firm deems best
43. "You are two friends of mine who are in want of a billet, and what could be more natural than that I should bring you both round to the managing director?"
44. A coat and waistcoat were lying on the floor, and from a hook behind the door, with his own braces round his neck, was hanging the managing director of the Franco-Midland Hardware Company
45. ; cofounder of StockPickr; and managing director for Formula Capital, has written extensively on why a young person ought to skip college
46. Greenberg, CFA, cofounder and managing director of New York–based Chieftain Capital Management, admits flat out that he never read Security Analysis in business school and that even midway through his career, he found the text a bit fusty
47. Morales is currently a managing director of MoKa Investors, LLC, a Registered Investment Advisory firm
48. Kacher is currently a Managing Director of MoKa Investors, LLC, a Registered Investment Advisory firm
49. Diz is the Managing Director of The Orange Value Fund, LLC, a fund whose guiding investing philosophy is “safe and cheap
50. The landmark paper made a splash and eventually helped Sloan land a job as the managing director of equity research at banking giant Barclays Global