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    1. Martyr teams attacked Brazilian industries and genetics labs

    2. He paused long enough for everyone to remember the crucible of the all the heroic martyr attacks that were projected on the sky behind him

    3. According to his religious beliefs, he could feel a saint and a martyr, believing that his actions will earn him and his family a blissful life in heaven while his loved ones will have their material needs met during all their lives

    4. “They were planning murder, Wil Martyr,” Orion replied calmly

    5. it was Wil Martyr who rode at their head!

    6. “My brothers are very protective, Wil Martyr,” she said as they walked under the apple branches

    7. Hayley stared with serious eyes as she said, “It is the only decent thing to do, Wil Martyr

    8. “You must let us begin your training with the Power this evening, Hayley Martyr,” Lauren said with a look of awe in her crystal blue eyes

    9. Muslim suicide bombers (most of whom, I sincerely believe, have less than room temperature intelligence quotients) expect paradise to be full of beautiful, willing virgins (seventy for every martyr) who will service every one of them in every pleasurable way or, per David Gelernter, Heaven as a whorehouse

    10. Son of Odin: Title given to Adem Highlander, Carl Wilder, and Wil Martyr, the three witnesses to ghosts on Earth, who are transported to the world of Kismeria, where they bring the taint that infects teron, the male half of the Power

    11. This was from Alex with a look of a martyr

    12. The Weaver case turned him into yet another martyr for conspiracy theorists

    13. Though Custer was the aggressor and his men's deaths were largely his fault, to much of the white public he became a martyr

    14. Her approach, writing from the points of view of both whites and Natives, was groundbreaking at the time, and much of the hostility towards her argument came from the old guard, some who viewed Indians with openly racist contempt, and an even larger faction that admired Custer and hold him up as a martyr, an almost Christ like figure whose death was supposedly necessary to “tame” the west

    15. The two main depictions of Custer are either as a doomed martyr, or as a glory hound who led his men to preventable deaths

    16. Custer would not be remembered as a martyr by those who think conquest inevitable or glorious as they do today

    17. He must have thought himself already a martyr for his cause, a proud shining beacon against the darkness

    18. Even if his life was forfeit, he would rather think himself as a martyr: a holy failure

    19. He suffered as a martyr

    20. Enjoy every minute of it and avoid unnecessary drama or stress fabricated to feel indispensable or a martyr to your mission

    21. The Cardinal focused the issues significance --- [issues within an ‘all out culture war’ within the United States] --- talking to the intrusion of the government and what it means for church and state relations: “I expect to die in bed, my successor will die in prison and his successor will die a martyr in the public square

    22. The Lord took me to the end of the Martyr Road

    23. The shine could be seen from the Martyr Road

    24. It was sang by the martyrs! This road must be the Martyr Road, the uphill road I saw earlier that led to none other than this Palace

    25. The revelation about the thousands of martyrs walking down the Martyr road has a symbolic meaning

    26. The Martyr Road I saw, is not a real road or place in the spirit realm, but it is symbolic with a simple meaning

    27. The Martyr Road symbolized the suffering, persecution, and death of a martyr

    28. Anyone who dies for Christ is declared as a martyr

    29. Jesus Christ was the first Martyr for the Gospel followed by the following disciples/apostles/martyrs the other martyrs being the following:

    30. James the Great (Apostle and relative cousin of the Lord Jesus Christ son of Zebedee who also led the Jewish converts worldwide in the name of Jesus until his death as an honourable martyr) "The next martyr we meet with (after Stephen) according to St

    31. so did the first apostolic martyr cheerfully and resolutely receive that cup which he had told our Savior he was ready to drink

    32. Apostle Jude (Apostle and Martyr called Thaddeus son of one James brother of the other younger James) This brother of James was commonly called Thaddeus

    33. Barnabas the martyr called to serve by the Holy Spirit with Paul the Apostle

    34. And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write these things says He who has the sharp sword with two edges; I know your works and where you dwell even where Satan’s seat is and you hold my name secure and have not denied my faith even in those days in which Antipas was my faithful martyr who was killed among you where Satan dwells but I have a few things against you because you have there those who hold the doctrine of Balaam who taught Balak to throw a stumbling block before the children of Israel to eat things sacrificed to idols and to commit fornication; so you also have those who hold the doctrine of the Nicolations who I hate; repent otherwise I will come to you quickly and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth; he who has an ear let him listen to what the Spirit says to the churches; to him who overcomes will I give to eat of the hidden manna and will give him a white stone and a new name written on the stone which no man knows except he who receives it

    35. lover of the Cross, Saint Anthony, martyr of

    36. was a liberal martyr, who had been thrown to a conservative Congress

    37. There was a huge crowd of politicians, reporters and admirers of the late martyr

    38. As soon as I was sitting, the elder began to martyr me with questions:

    39. ‘You’re a martyr to the cause

    40. I’m not interested in being a martyr to the cause

    41. Stephen the First Martyr, al those who follow the Lamb of God have received the blessed

    42. Polycarp the Bishop and Martyr of

    43. His goal was to die as a martyr in a field of battle

    44. They all were wrapped in white shrouds with red martyr headbands and explosive belts

    45. A man who sacrifices his life for God is a martyr, a king of paradise

    46. “A martyr, who was killed by the infidels

    47. They comprehended that he was not yet ready for an open clash with established religion, and that he did not seek to become a martyr

    48. 12 Stephen, the leader of the Greek colony of Jesus' believers in Jerusalem, thus became the first martyr to the new faith and the specific cause for the formal organization of the early Christian church

    49. Being a martyr was thought to be a higher choice

    50. The same people who invented the story that he had sold the war for a room with walls made of gold bricks defined the attempt at suicide as an act of honor and proclaimed him a martyr

    1. "He martyred all his wives you know, in the Chinese intifada

    2. How is it that Daniel can achieve such a place without being beheaded by the Antichrist and, for all we know, without being martyred?

    3. But what if there isn’t need for chastening? What if we’re blameless? Why would God allow for tribulation and hardship and suffering to befall us? Why would God allow for His children to be martyred or tortured? Does that sound like a loving father? In the Holocaust, where was God? Does that look like a loving father?

    4. The Days of the Martyred Prophets are at an end

    5. The Days of the Martyred Prophets are at an end cont

    6. As elaborated on in chapter 17, the struggle of the martyred saints (the Apostolic Church) from approximately AD 30 to Constantine’s sanctioning of the Christian sect in AD 325 brought the nearly three-hundred-year struggle to a victorious conclusion

    7. ” A quote from Blessed Father Jerzy Popiełuszko; Martyred for his faith in God (speaking truth) and love of Country (23 September 1947 ---19 October 1984)

    8. Apostle Matthew (Apostle Levi the tax gatherer martyred in Ethiopia) "Whose occupation was that of a toll-gatherer was born at Nazareth

    9. Apostle Thomas (First Apostle to India) Called Didymus preached the Gospel in Parthia and India where exciting the rage of the pagan priests he was martyred by being thrust through with a spear

    10. My heart aches to remember my martyred sisters -- brutally, mercilessly butchered; or dragged in chains, naked and loaded with insults, to the ships of the north-men; or drowned in attempting to escape the island; or, most tragically, driven to the sin of suicide

    11. For every believer that was martyred, four believers arose to take

    12. Both grew silent as they ate, remembering the martyred scientist, and his

    13. The Talmud and the Hebrew calendar were banned; and ten scholars were made an example of and publicly martyred

    14. Dead and decaying leaves covered the martyred earth, swirling around in the stiff sea breeze

    15. Here, the soon-to-be martyred Stephen spoke about the Nation of Israel being the

    16. Martyred Tribulation Saints

    17. be identified as tribulation martyred saints

    18. They have stoned and martyred

    19. that you would be striking a very hard blow – akin to what our martyred brothers did to America

    20. That would however have to wait for a few minutes: she had a prayer to do first in honor of Ali Gorani, a faithful servant of Iran who had martyred himself for the cause

    21. 11 of the 12 disciples were martyred because

    22. of thousands have been martyred since that time for exactly the same

    23. at the Second Coming all the blood of the martyred is

    24. Jews and Christians will begin and millions will be martyred

    25. Our martyred Reformers saw and felt these things even more clearly than we do, and, seeing and feeling them, chose to die rather than admit the doctrine of the Real Presence

    26. This is what the Church of England will come to, if she ever gives up the principles of her martyred Reformers about the Lord's Supper

    27. He was martyred around AD 62, beaten, stoned and clubbed

    28. Bartholomew was an Apostle who is said to have been martyred in Armenia by being flayed alive, and is hence regarded as the patron saint of tanners

    29. To answer your second question, yes, ever I feel the reassertion of culture's gravities, when radical fluidities are turned into movement stopping blockages by mere court order; when civil disobedience is martyred by jury impotence who apologize for their inability, but it's really their unwillingness to render verdicts of innocence to nullify class-interested laws that prohibit acting on behalf of the common good

    30. Ignoring the strangled noises coming from her aunt, and the smothered laughter from the men standing around her, Cassie continued on in a martyred teenage tone, taking it upon herself to rectify her aunt’s omission

    31. “It isn’t my doing, but she martyred herself for you

    32. Shamir said, “You martyred Peter last year

    33. These were the traveling Christian ministers who claimed to have magical powers given to them by the original head of the Galilee poverty group who had been crucified, martyred, and turned into a worshipped, revered, sanctified figurehead

    34. Why are hundreds of millions of people addicted to watching soap operas? Because these hundreds millions of people identify with these martyred , weeping victims

    35. There was a damn good reason Jesus the Sun, er… the Son of God; was betrayed and martyred

    36. It was not uncommon to have believers that were baby Christians only being saved for a month or more before being martyred for their faith

    37. “Many of our missionaries will be captured, tortured, and martyred for the sake of the Gospel, but that will not stop us

    38. THE THOUGHT of any believer in Christ being martyred is something hard to bear

    39. The sadness and hurt of any believer in Christ being martyred is hard to bear

    40. Thousands of Christians were martyred in the following years and hundreds of thousands were imprisoned during the cultural revolution of Mao Zedong

    41. Again thousands were martyred and hundreds of thousands were imprisoned and tortured for Christ

    42. Apostle Philip martyred

    43. Lydia Perpetua—a 22-year-old mother—had her baby boy taken away from her, thrown into prison, thrown into an arena of wild beasts and finally was martyred at the end of the sword of a gladiator in that arena

    44. After His death and resurrection thousands of the followers of Christ were, killed, murdered and martyred for their undying conviction and belief in Christ as the Son of the Creator

    45. were tortured and martyred, but they remained obedient to what I

    46. Then, when a calamity befalls you, he says, "God has favored me, that I was not martyred with them

    47. Ignatius, martyred probably A

    48. ) was martyred by a slave

    49. ) was martyred by

    50. , an innocent child, martyred in the tower of the Temple, for the sole crime of having been grandson of Louis XV

    1. Jews learned to survive every kind of brutality and butchery by martyring themselves to their own culture

    1. Martyrs attacked, unsuccessfully, the Brazilian bussard seedships that were launched just before the war

    2. It wasn't till they thrust clear of the iceball that Enrico said, "You worry that they are sending us as martyrs don't you? Well we have seed with us, the faith doesn't sacrifice unborn children

    3. But how do we escape this judgment and achieve the first resurrection to rule and reign with Christ? It says the martyrs will gain this victory

    4. Who are the martyrs? Specifically, the ones mentioned in the book of Revelations are those that had been beheaded by the beast – the Antichrist

    5. What are the ultimate intentions of God? It is that we bear our crosses to such a depth that we are living as martyrs and opposing the principalities and powers

    6. The ones who do get in are the martyrs

    7. hundreds of Christian martyrs before him

    8. Walk behind, don"t go out of the house without a male relative escort, don"t drive a car, don"t get an education, but always be prepared to be one of the seventy virgins supplying sex and figs to the glorious martyrs

    9. The more you kill the more martyrs (struggle heroes in our terminology) you create and the more the violence escalate until you flood the area with soldiers and call it "the surge" or whatever fancy word you can think off for publicity reasons for there is nothing new under the sun and everything new comes from Africa anyway according to legend

    10. Surely it is predictable that such behaviour will create more martyrs and more anger and more escalations

    11. The martyrs of The Lord lifted up to glory!

    12. Such laws are a home goal for the Security Forces because it created genuine martyrs

    13. When the Day of Redemption had passed, the City of Urfall and its majestic harbor and proud workshops were all extinguished in a ball of light so pure in its wrath that those who saw it with bare eyes went blind, and would forever be praised for the rest of their lives as Martyrs of the Wrath of the Gods, spreading the tale of Shan and what they had seen to everywhere they went

    14. This congregation had lost their building but now had the great advantage of being seen as brave victims and principled martyrs who were being turned out on to the street by a harsh, triumphalist and compromised Church of Scotland

    15. Was this the church of the martyrs whose physical life had already been expended on behalf of fidelity?

    16. The Moslems had taken from the Christians by force what the Christians had peacefully absorbed largely through the sacrifice of their martyrs

    17. The previous martyrs did the same thing

    18. Where are the Martyrs Going?

    19. It was sang by the martyrs! This road must be the Martyr Road, the uphill road I saw earlier that led to none other than this Palace

    20. The martyrs were near as I could hear them

    21. The martyrs were getting closer

    22. They were happy the martyrs were near!

    23. The martyrs were seen at last

    24. An angel rolled out a carpet on the road when the martyrs were only about twenty yards away from the Palace

    25. It was rolled out to welcome all the martyrs

    26. The martyrs were really pleased with it!

    27. All the martyrs and all the angels had fallen prostrate on the floor

    28. He was at the entrance to welcome the martyrs before they entered the hall

    29. The revelation about the thousands of martyrs walking down the Martyr road has a symbolic meaning

    30. God loves the martyrs; they are given a special welcome in heaven

    31. Jesus Christ was the first Martyr for the Gospel followed by the following disciples/apostles/martyrs the other martyrs being the following:

    32. of them became martyrs during the great persecutions

    33. reserved for an elite (the prophets, martyrs, saints, ascetes etc

    34. the martyrs, the monks, the ascetics etc

    35. “Gāndhi has in him the marvelous spiritual power to turn ordinary men around him in to heroes and martyrs

    36. The land of heroes and saints, the land enriched by the martyrs, our beloved Greece, has been reduces

    37. the saints were read at the graves of martyrs, where the Divine Liturgy was also celebrated

    38. Where martyrs are concerned, the day of martyrdom is the day of their very first commemoration, and

    39. of the martyrs and of al the saints, are a tremendous help and consolation to the faithful who appeal to them

    40. God has promised heaven to all martyrs

    41. While cooling their heels as lifers there, both of them took it all stoically, perceiving themselves as the martyrs of a cause

    42. They may be awed by stories of religious saints and martyrs

    43. What a shudder of horror passes over the onlooking celestial beings as they behold the professed followers of Jesus indulge themselves in persecuting, harassing, and even murdering the later-day descendants of Peter, Philip, Matthew, and others of the Palestinian Jews who so gloriously yielded up their lives as the first martyrs of the gospel of the heavenly kingdom!

    44. Ah! How many and how grievous tribulations were suffered by the apostles, martyrs, confessors, virgins and all others who were willing to follow Christ’s footsteps! For they hated their lives in this world, that they might posses them foe eternity

    45. Many became martyrs by refusing to leave their posts during political uprisings

    46. them martyrs of communism, though, which was what probably would happen if the Time Patrol publicly killed them

    47. d) Or supposing that GE (a nuclear bomb maker) had a couple of nukes that are not accounted for in the military arsenal, and that are hidden in different American cities, and that after Iran gets nuclear weapons, New York City is blown off the face of the earth, and “intelligence sources”, hot on the trail, are “sure” that it was Iranian agents who did the deed and became martyrs in the detonation

    48. saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and

    49. "You know Phil I've come to the realization that mom, you, and I are merely martyrs

    50. improvise, as the martyrs of ‘911’ had done – and, as he was now doing

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    Synonymes pour "martyr"

    martyr sufferer martyrise martyrize sacrifice scapegoat victim offering