Utiliser "marxist" dans une phrase
marxist exemples de phrases
1. Just what pathology causes liberals to continue to insist that poverty causes crime, in the face of all the evidence to the contrary? This is simply another twist of the Marxist stance that economic relationships cause behavior
2. It was fashionable, not all these many years ago, to aver that anybody who was not a Marxist at age twenty had no heart, and that anybody who continued a Marxist at age forty had no head
3. Nonsense! Anyone who is a Marxist at any age has neither heart nor head
4. The island‘s first (I believe) elected president, a practicing Marxist and former priest whose efforts at nationalizing the country‘s resources has earned him the accolades of the International Left as well as misinformed Americans who envision this thug (Aristides) as some numinous divine, has been unceremoniously overthrown by a
5. freedom fighters during the Bay of Pigs invasion that not only failed to liberate the island at a most opportune time in history but subsequently engendered a domino effect of neighboring Marxist Dictatorships in our own hemisphere!
6. Clinton was/is a closet Marxist as some on the Hard Right would have us believe, although, as a child of the sixties, he may very well have favored a softened version consistent with ―third way‖ ideas
7. It was seen rightly or wrongly as a war against communist expansion in Africa since all the terrorists were supported by the Soviet Union and openly said they will create a Marxist communist state if given a chance
8. Deterministic thinking is consistent, on some level, with Marxist theories advancing the Inevitability of History
9. Like most neo conservatives, ironically she began her career trained as a Marxist
10. Brazil"s president claimed to be Marxist but has been slow in adopting it completely
11. In Bolivia the recently elected Marxist Morales has just told the two gas companies that they
12. This rush to press this Marxist scheme on the
13. whether he even was a Marxist
14. ” “Multiculturalism” is a means toward diluting the value and accomplishments of Western culture and has Marxist roots
15. The Marxist view of history, namely that it determined itself through class struggle, required a close look at who was fostering class separation and who was adding fuel to the struggle
16. Though the origin of the term “politically correct” is not clear, it is usually associated with authoritarian societies, and is used in some form or another in Marxist societies to enforce “correct” speech or thought
17. Given the Marxist model of command and control these teachers emulate they are turning out what they might be proud to call a “lumpen proletariat” of the mind
18. The result was to ignite a Civil War that after some four and one-half decades has culminated in a Marxist inspired takeover in Washington
19. Exploitation, the heart of Marxist
20. least an outward appearance of unity, in that it represented the high watermark of classical Marxist influence in West European Socialism
21. This party was divided between a militant revolutionary left wing, an orthodox center that held to the classical Marxist doctrine of economic determinism, and a right wing moving toward a position of open reformism
22. In Marxist jargon the term revisionism became synonymous with
23. Ironically, but in a way that pointed toward the subsequent fate of Marxist doctrine, the orthodox center in the German party
24. Marxist unity, like the Second International, thus also fell victim to World War I and its aftermath
25. party, on the other hand, relied on the indigenous Marxist tradi-
26. of the party’s founders, who is widely regarded as one of the most significant of European Marxist thinkers
27. Israel has other socialist parties as well, including a militant Marxist party
28. traditions were used in the adaptation of socialist, mainly, Marxist, doctrines and political systems based on them
29. Marxist movements, aided by the USSR, China, and Cuba, never-
30. Contrast this to the Marxist goal of abolishing money
31. to the present would have been stillborn in a Marxist utopia
32. In this endeavor he was joined by Rosa Luxemburg, a Marxist revolutionary born in Poland, but active in Germany
33. The evil they accomplished is seen on the campuses today with the fascistic restrictions on freedom of speech and the Marxist indoctrination so common in the social sciences and humanities
34. confirmation hearing in the Senate, Patrick McCarran asked Frankfurter whether he was a Marxist
35. Another Jewish Marxist in the OSS was Herbert Marcuse
36. Criminal assault on a person of a different class is not considered a hate crime, because mass murder on the basis of class is a standard Marxist practice; the Jewish Left in Europe have used class difference as a basis to carry out mass
37. But Zinn, from his Marxist perspective, tells us how things should have been
38. The Marxist strategy that sets poor against rich makes the rich poor without making the poor rich
39. Tui was 19, looked 14, and was, if not a pure Marxist, at least a Vietnamese nationalist who truly believed that salvation for her beloved country lay with Ho Chi Minh and not Vietnamese Prime Minister Air Marshal Nguyen Cao Ky and American President Lyndon Baines Johnson
40. He'd have to ride it down the remaining two miles contemplating his Marxist belief in no life after death
41. ”22 It was a very easy step for the Marxist materialist conception of history to change “freedom of the single individual to that of the Several and the Many” to simply the civil importance of the “Many,” meaning the proletarians (the workers, the deprived)
42. The early Socialism of the Germans, the Russians, and the smaller nations that lived under the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, was thought to be the relation of Marxist Socialism to the demand for democracy
43. call him a Marxist or a socialist to end the debate
44. For example, contrary to most Marxist doctrine, the Khmer Rouge considered the farmers in the countryside to be the proletariat and the true representatives of the working class, a form of Maoism which brought them onto the PRC side of the Soviet-Sino Split
45. They said I could benefit from studying Marxist philosophies," he said with a soft, mocking laugh
46. In 1936, the Marxist critic Walter
47. Marisha started off on a Marxist trajectory and was stopped in mid air
48. al y studied Marxist ideology and learned the history of the
49. self as ‘half Marxist, half Buddhist’ and that Mao Zedong was
50. Sartre, who eventually became a Marxist influenced Albert Camus and Simone de Beauvoir