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    Utiliser "mass production" dans une phrase

    mass production exemples de phrases

    mass production

    1. During epidemics, he used to organize mass production of

    2. With that, it avoids the mass production and it preserves the environment

    3. Mass production through power-driven machinery, even when state-owned, will be of no avail

    4. Robusta/capernica coffee: worthless manure grown for mass production, devoid of any flavor

    5. ‘Plans and specifications are ready for mass production,’ Peteru told him

    6. “What about the covert recordings of that Imperium meeting where King Stan and his staff decided to restart mass production of nuclear weapons, so that they could be ready to deal with us?”

    7. printing and mass production of the Bible

    8. Reginald: If the Royale with Cheese is actually a metaphor for man’s struggle to overcome the mass production

    9. ����������� �Can you arrange quickly for the mass production of those new weapons, Lord Beaverbrook?�

    10. � The next item is, I believe ready for mass production but needs approval of this cabinet to do so

    11. ����������� �Mein Fuhrer, the V-2 rocket program is now at the trials stage, with mass production to follow in a few months

    12. The modular approach to hull design made the cost-savings of mass production a reality

    13. The earlier invention of woodcut printing allowed for mass production, but movable type

    14. delivery of mass productions concern

    15. Islam believed that human mass production is wealth and a woman who dies in child birth rejoins the warriors who had been killed in a battle

    16. I hold a can of soup – is this mass production okay? What of its preservatives? Must I make homemade soup? Is the microwaveable tomato nutritious?

    17. There was no mass production of the Torah Scriptures like there is today (thousands of years later)

    18. “Another unforeseen blowback of market greed was the mass production of

    19. Today, the raised mechanical standard of human life is based upon mass production, i

    20. Mass production is the optimum form of tool-use: by using tools as many times as possible in order to make as many artifacts-tools as possible

    21. From tract housing to shapeless, wrinkled, baggy clothing; from suburbs to modern art forms; from factories to highways, the effect is the same: all forms of duplication, all mass production produces boring, aesthetic ugliness and sameness

    22. The techniques of modern tool-duplication, mass production, mass duplication has resulted in a universal tool-culture of consumerism

    23. To the civilized mentality: all industrialized duplication (mass production) is considered normal

    24. It happens from the effects of ‘identicality’… mass production, duplication, repetition and re-duplication

    25. Mass production: is based upon selling the cheapest, worst products for the biggest profit possible

    26. By the price control and the price manipulation of mass production, mass services, mass monopolies, mass markets and ultimately: all the billions of human consumers on this planet

    27. The more mass production, the cheaper the product, the more it sells

    28. The more mass production, the greater the centralization of wealth and power, the greater the concentration of wealth into fewer hands, the harder it is to earn a living, the more money-driven people become, the more each penny counts, the more price becomes a factor, the more the bottom line becomes all consuming as a gauge of worth and greed

    29. But… are more expensive because they are not produced on a big enough mass production plant, and not geared for the mass consumer

    30. Consumers have no awareness of what choices are denied them because of the unfair practices of mass marketing and mass production

    31. The entire network of global trade and mass production… all the structures of power-wealth created for the sole purpose of pleasing the consumer is not their responsibility or their fault

    32. Why? Because; as long as the individual consumer has no awareness of what responsibility they have in the power of their collective influence, if they are kept ignorant of the larger consequences of the mass production and mass exploitation they create and export and import all over the World; then others can keep profiting from them

    33. Because auto parts are based upon the dynamics of mass production

    34. It continued through the development of better limb amputation techniques in the Civil War; expanded use of transfusions, X-rays, and broken-bone setting in World War I; the government-sponsored mass production of the first true antibiotics to fight infection in World War II; and advances in trauma surgery and helicopter medical evacuation during the Korean and Vietnam Wars

    35. ” Toyota is not the only major automaker moving toward mass production of electric vehicles

    36. Styles of eating changed enormously as mass production and fast food began to make their presence felt, but the need for food didn’t change

    37. But that situation was about to change with Henry Ford’s ideas about mass production

    38. Ford’s methods of mass production turned American industry upside down, gave the American economy a massive lead over the rest of the world, and even inspired foreign leaders such as Mussolini and Stalin

    39. No amount of precision, mass production manufacture, can remove the personalities from the ships

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