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moral philosophy exemples de phrases
moral philosophy
1. The science which pretends to investigate and explain those connecting principles, is what is properly called Moral Philosophy
2. Different authors gave different systems, both of natural and moral philosophy
3. The patrons of each system of natural and moral philosophy, naturally endeavoured to expose the weakness of the arguments adduced to support the systems which were opposite to their own
4. Wherein consisted the happiness and perfection of a man, considered not only as an individual, but as the member of a family, of a state, and of the great society of mankind, was the object which the ancient moral philosophy proposed to investigate
5. Casuistry, and an ascetic morality, made up, in most cases, the greater part of the moral philosophy of the schools
6. Logic was taught first; ontology came in the second place; pneumatology, comprehending the doctrine concerning the nature of the human soul and of the Deity, in the third; in the fourth followed a debased system of moral philosophy, which was considered as immediately connected with the doctrines of pneumatology, with the immortality of the human soul, and with the rewards and punishments which, from the justice of the Deity, were to be expected in a life to come: a short and superficial system of physics usually concluded the course
7. Apparently he was a consultant on moral philosophy! He howled when he heard that, but he sobered up abruptly
8. ” Welcoming animals into a community of equals, Smith notes, would also destroy Judeo-Christian moral philosophy
9. For moral philosophy is nothing else but the science of what is good, and evil, in the conversation, and the society of mankind
10. Rome, having little national philosophy or native culture, took over Greek culture for its own and boldly adopted Christ as its moral philosophy
11. It’s as if schooling represented a certain sort of moral philosophy
12. ” Moral philosophy used also to justify every cruelty and wickedness; but there it became philosophical, and therefore incorrect
13. Moral philosophy demonstrates that “A State is merely a form of the social development of the individual”; but the question still remains,—Can the state of a Nero or that of a Gengis Khan be considered a form of such development? And no transcendentalism whatever can solve that difficulty
14. Not long ago, their reigned in the learned, cultivated world, a moral philosophy, according to which it appeared that every thing which exists is reasonable; that there is no such thing as evil or good; and that it is unnecessary for man to war against evil, but that it is only necessary for him to display intelligence,—one man in the military service, another in the judicial, another on the violin
15. Moral philosophy also justified every sort of cruelty and harshness; but this resulted in a philosophical manner, and therefore wrongly
16. This was a house of two rooms—the front room carpeted neatly; a nice bureau and bed in the room; a little table with books on it (one of which was a copy of Shakspeare!) In one corner of the room was his writing desk, with library over it—and a very good library it was; books on Isaiah and Psalms; Gospels and Epistles; several, or rather all of Barnes’ Notes; a book on Moral Philosophy, etc