Utiliser "multifarious" dans une phrase
multifarious exemples de phrases
1. In actuality it was an elevated chair housing a multifarious array of interface equipment
2. How many battles have been won by a lone pigeon carrying a scrap of paper thousands of miles to a pigeon loft a few square metres across to call for reinforcements? In our immune systems, how many times have antibodies been raised to multifarious pathogens, saving our lives time after time? Indeed, what fortuitous circumstances allowed for a ball of rock to be situated the right distance from a star, with the right chemical composition and the right environmental conditions for life to arise and be sustained until creatures of any level of intelligence arose in the first place?
3. We thought we’d let this one go and with Geza as interpreter, we soon had a new seatbolt, chainring and, taking the opportunity, multifarious other spares we had found as hard to find as a gregarious whale on a Japanese exchange trip
4. These qualities are but slightly varying aspects of the same thing – in fact – they are reflected on lower levels of creation in multifarious manners
5. But it still seems to me that all of these descriptions are extremely insufficient to imagine both the infinite and diversified complexity and the inconceivable depth of this state of Everything That Is, in all diapasons of multifarious Existence of all Forms of Collective Intelligences that structure ALL Cosmic Creation by Their Creativity
6. He insisted that it was the Soul's intent to engage in and explore the multifarious
7. Erectile Dysfunction is also colloquially referred to as ‘impotence’ (a term of much wider import encompassing multifarious dysfunctions of the male reproductive system)
8. His wife visited for him, and this was the received thing in the world, where the weighty and multifarious occupations of the magistrate were accepted as an excuse for what was really only calculated pride, a manifestation of professed superiority—in fact, the application of the axiom, "Pretend to think well of yourself, and the world will think well of you," an axiom a hundred times more useful in society nowadays than that of the
9. ) remark (or should it be called an interruption?) that an omnivorous being which can masticate, deglute, digest and apparently pass through the ordinary channel with pluterperfect imperturbability such multifarious aliments as cancrenous females emaciated by parturition, corpulent professional gentlemen, not to speak of jaundiced politicians and chlorotic nuns, might possibly find
10. Others will follow, others will outstrip me on the same lines; and I hazard the guess that man will be ultimately known for a mere polity of multifarious, incongruous and independent denizens
11. If only small investors as a class would resolutely reject the various types of “savings plans,” with their multifarious titles, now being offered to them with an ostensible “sure income return” of 4 to 6%, and thankfully take advantage of the 2
12. A multifarious population was crowded on the beach at Port Royal
13. How, it may be asked, in the foregoing and in innumerable other instances, can we understand the graduated scale of complexity and the multifarious means for gaining the same end
14. A man is called to serve others by multifarious labours, and he loves those labours while he is accomplishing them
15. Man is called to fulfil his multifarious labour; but his labour is only useful, and his physical, mental, and social labour is only fruitful, when it is fulfilled in the name of truth and the welfare of others
16. My absence has been necessarily protracted by the selection of papers, from a mass of twenty years' accumulation, for the establishment of facts, to refute the multifarious and diversified calumnies by which I have been assailed
17. Is a measure of such weighty and awful import, so solemnly and deliberately acted on and decided, and multifarious other decisions of the same description, to have no influence on the decision we are about to give respecting the constitutionality of establishing a National Bank? If they are not, then gentlemen view the subject through a very different medium than that through which it is presented to my vision
18. I could quote one thousand instances of the extensive and multifarious operations of this meteoric dust: but I mean to give the results merely of those that fall daily under notice, and are yet totally neglected; wishing to draw on them the attention of chemists, philosophers, and geologists