Utiliser "munition" dans une phrase
munition exemples de phrases
1. 10 He provided victuals for the cities and set in them all manner of munition so that his honourable name was renowned to the end of the world
2. French munition pouch was slung
3. In three carriages involved among the munition carts, closely in
4. The man was wearing a bluish coat of broadcloth, he had no knapsack or cap, his head was bandaged, and over his shoulder a French munition pouch was slung
5. In three carriages involved among the munition carts, closely squeezed together, sat women with rouged faces, dressed in glaring colors, who were shouting something in shrill voices
6. If Congress are at this time seriously to resort to the torpedo system of defence, let us do it in a more serious manner; let us make a respectable provision to purchase torpedo munition, and create a torpedo corps under certain regulations