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    Utiliser "needless" dans une phrase

    needless exemples de phrases


    1. She didn't come back into flesh to volunteer to have that flesh subjected to all kinds of needless perils

    2. Needless to say, his class is always filled to capacity

    3. New hopes: Themis, the aerobics instructor, has invited the whole class to a restaurant tomorrow night! Needless to say, I will join the party and I already wonder what I could do to catch his attention

    4. Conclusion: From now on Themis is not only uninterested in me but he also ignores me completely! A week later I will repeat the magic ritual -in vain; I could as well say the situation is getting worse and worse: Now Themis is courting all women in our class except me, especially when I am present! He is flirting everyone but me! He even arranges outings or day trips with them in such an ostentatious manner that I -as well as the whole gym- can hear everything; needless to say, I am never given the chance to be a member of that enviable party

    5. Needless to say, I am staying in my own single room

    6. Needless to say, Zareide couldn’t get her out of the building fast enough

    7. I wake with a start to find sunlight streaming into the room … it takes me a moment to orientate myself … needless to say, after yesterday, my dreams were full of that irritating man … Deris’s father …

    8. Needless to say, and despite the threat of imminent penury, she could hardly contain her contempt for the men displayed before her

    9. Needless to say he stuffed every one of his jacket pockets with the cash

    10. Needless to say, word spread that these towns had the special favor of the Dragons because of their good deeds

    11. Needless to say he was very grateful for her thoughtfulness; something she made a point to cultivate with her soldiers

    12. Needless to say he stuffed every one of

    13. Needless to say, Naria was late for her morning briefing; a first for her

    14. Needless to say, he was not happy about it

    15. Needless to say, Dave is oozing satisfaction at the sight of me sitting here – what a pair of loonies we are!

    16. Needless to say, the modest income from this

    17. table and needless to say it shattered all over

    18. Needless to say she had been at the beauty shop

    19. Needless to say they

    20. Needless to say, with an introduction like that, Tom was already

    21. Needless to say, the following day was ruined

    22. Needless to say we were helpless to stop it

    23. Needless to say, after their initial introduction to the pimp and his whores, Alec and Solo Ki spent their days and nights at the Timber Wall Tavern undisturbed

    24. Needless to say, Jean had an

    25. and government leaders to relieve the needless death of children in Africa

    26. trousers, needless to say of the richest brown

    27. Needless to say the sketching had turned out to be a success and the girls had been fascinated with him

    28. Needless to say, her father had refused them permission to marry

    29. Won’t speculate on that bit, but needless to say the circumstances will be altogether different next time

    30. Needless to say, it fitted Helez like a second skin

    31. So needless to say they are very busy folk

    32. competitor; needless to say the competition

    33. Needless to say, that article spiked my interest and gave me a good understanding about the mantra

    34. Needless to say

    35. into the moon city a week before; needless

    36. Needless to say, that type of semi-autonomous AI was decommissioned forthwith, and an investigation held

    37. Needless to say, at that

    38. Needless to say, the ship’s crew had a delightful time of it with food of every kind they could eat and with plenty of time to eat, tell sea stories, and just relax

    39. Needless to say, his proposal was shot down in a strict party-line vote of 57-42

    40. Needless to say, there are of us some who can claim, with some justification, to be becoming educated

    41. Intimately close advisor to FDR, and needless to say, a graduate of a school of sociology

    42. " Needless to say, should his lady have followed this advice, she would have ended up with wine dribbling down her chin

    43. The territory won by Obama in the 2008 election was mostly comprised of those voters living in low income housing and also living off various forms of government aid (and, needless to say, more than a few liberal quasi-intellectuals

    44. Needless to say, his emphasis on the survival of the fittest was to have dire social consequences, most importantly the rise of so-called Aryan superiority and the rise of Nazism

    45. Needless to say, property prices for any Mars accommodation were multiplying by the day

    46. Needless to say, it did not help when the feckless Clinton transferred licensing for sales of super computers from the State Department to the Department of Commerce under Ron Brown, who of course ended up dead

    47. Needless to say, nothing much had

    48. As needless as it was, Imbrahim gripped the arms of his chair and stared at the blinding

    49. There was instant talk about the association as Cruzel himself had been verbose in the denunciation of keeping women’s company ‘as a needless expenditure of time and effort’

    50. As a specimen of their cool effrontery, they wrote the following letter in London, and forwarded it to the Queen, but needless to add, their character and fame had gone before, and they were not received

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    Synonymes pour "needless"

    gratuitous needless uncalled-for pointless superfluous dispensable expendable unessential groundless