Andy looked at him, startled out of his neutrality
At the time of writing this book, the collective consciousness of the world has moved beyond the point of neutrality and has shifted into the upper zone of higher resonance where more and more people intuitively realize the importance of “Oneness”
The collective consciousness of humankind has shifted pass the neutrality point and Gaia is merely responding by way of its physical changes which help increase the light quotient of the planet
At this point in time, the human consciousness of the world has passed the point of neutrality and it is surging ahead towards Oneness or a holistic way of life
Napoleon had published a proclamation of neutrality in the
the Florida strictly observe the laws of neutrality, as he was more concerned that the Florida would attack the Wachusett as the United States consul had assured him that the Wachusett
neutrality, and several instances were reported to the civil
” This meant that for all intents and purposes, the rules applying to neutrality and international law had been suspended by the United Kingdom and her
However, the term neutrality proved to have different meanings among
Even the United States violated the laws of neutrality
It is Evil‘s custom to shield itself from criticism in the (artful) manner it encourages (a) Moral Neutrality by obfuscating notions of Good and Evil, a condition of the mind susceptible to individuals who have failed in their efforts to cultivate a proper spiritual and moral awareness of the fundamental agencies separating the two and therefore likely to arrive at the conclusion that such differences are either objectively unverifiable or the product of social convention(s)
His ―benign‖ approach to reform did not in any manner imply a moral neutrality but a call for public awareness, rather
Despite the exquisite taste displayed in the balance of the furniture and the sophisticated play of texture and shade, the bedroom left the impression of complete neutrality
now being used to insure budget neutrality
expressing his neutrality to their annoyance
The energy returns to its natural state of balance, that is neutrality
Switzerland's neutrality was a major factor
neutrality, or love/hate relationships would ensue
Examples of the higher and more constructive levels are, "courage" at 200, "neutrality" at 250,
I used to sit on the fence of neutral feelings, waiting for someone to come along and carry me over to one side or the other of emotional neutrality
financial sector and therefore remain in a kind of neutrality
Rich in oil, this vilayet was contested also by Iraq and the dispute gave the Soviet Union the opportunity to revive her former standing with Turkey by concluding with her a new Treaty of Friendship and Neutrality
Poland had then replaced France as Britain's chief ally, while the Soviet Union continued its benevolent neutrality towards Germany
no decision for neutrality bearing the insidious expectation of reaping
The paper’s editorial column was a fiery piece in support of America’s policy of neutrality
Fourth, our force will maintain the neutrality of Jerusalem and will keep its access corridors open
She told them that she would let them advance and take the Transjordan, which was already designated by the United Nations as an Arab zone, in exchange for the Jordanians promising to respect Jerusalem’s neutrality
He wondered why Vulcans found it so much easier to display signs of contempt and displeasure, as opposed to the simple neutrality that would encompass a true lack of emotions
“First of all because of your world famous reputation for providing banking services of the highest quality and with the utmost secrecy, and secondly because of Switzerland’s much envied reputation for neutrality
Priding himself on uncompromising religious neutrality, rugged anti-Congress-ism and plebeian rootedness, Nitish had lost no opportunity after breaking with the BJP to heap veiled scorn on those relying on PR machines, media and advertisements to build their image
Rajat’s proximity to Modi meant that his neutrality would always be questioned by his critics
There's no place for neutrality, no place to be passive and neutral
The god of neutrality sat up and lifted the brim of his hat
Neutrality is a word which is has been discarded by Islam
The hottest places in hell are reserved for those leaders who in time of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality
Goodness is neutrality out of simplicity, it can’t create “a manic die hard dynamics”
More importantly, if other animals learn that a prince of rats is helping humans, the neutrality of the rats may be threatened
The cultural gravity of the GlobalMind is affected by such things as net neutrality, access speed, DDOS, hackers, snackers and thieves – every and any thing that is casting, walling, traveling and clog-chatting the global brain
Attending as many courses, seminars and training is a very good start because this framework gives the courageous people a stepping stone in order to enter into the state of neutrality
Understanding The Level Of Neutrality
¾ What the level of neutrality is all about
¾ Pros and cons of neutrality
If the consciousness levels were given a negative to positive scale, neutrality would be at the zero point
Neutrality is the state of flexibility
Because people at neutrality are unattached to the outcomes of life, they are extremely satisfied with their level of living
At the neutrality stage, they have good results but they are not pushing themselves to the greatest of their limits
What the level of neutrality is all about
Pros and cons of neutrality
And anyhow Dolly's German is dead; and doesn't even a German leave off being one after he is dead? Wouldn't he naturally incline, by the sheer action of time, to dissolve into neutrality? It doesn't seem humane to pursue him into the recesses of eternity as an alien enemy
The official excuse reads, “Our neutrality is as important in the UK as it is in the conflict zone
neutrality on the part of the Republic and the Jedi serving on Cularin
His invading of France was a defensive reactive counter-strike against the French and British armies who were invading the neutrality of Belgium, in their pre-emptive attack on Germany, seeking to copy the old German WW1 Schlieffen plan in reverse
If Germany and France had not mobilized their two armies and decided to attack Germany together in the SAME fucking ‘illegal’ ‘immoral’ violation of Belgian neutrality which these hypocrites had accused Germany of in WW1… there would have been no WW2, no slaughter of millions of innocent people, no atomic horror, etc
He turned slightly against his own kind, and tried to slightly level the imbalance between the rich and the poor with little or no effect until he was completely corrupted by evil and dragged America into a war it did not want to fight or be involved in by cunning filthy false-flag operation of economic warfare against Japan and the cunning aiding of Britain under the false-flag of false neutrality
You smile? I forgive your glacial neutrality
wanted to live in neutrality
understand neutrality, but he had to “play dumb” so I could have the experience I needed
We had an exact similarity of belief as the Vallians and impressed with their skill at fighting we came out of neutrality and helped them, as we did not care for the Orlandian’s
If he knows not the meaning of “was not” how can we approach him with the information? He has banked liberally, even excessively on our good nature; but he has presumed too largely upon it, and because of strained diplomatic affairs, I have broken all neutrality covenants and will besiege his forts, force evacuation and confiscate all the spoils
therapy — its ideological neutrality
Within the military officer corps there is both written and unwritten doctrine requiring political neutrality
Perhaps what I am about to say may seem strange to you, who are socialists, and vaunt humanity and your duty to your neighbor, but I never seek to protect a society which does not protect me, and which I will even say, generally occupies itself about me only to injure me; and thus by giving them a low place in my esteem, and preserving a neutrality towards them, it is society and my neighbor who are indebted to me
This fortress was his post as king's attorney, all the advantages of which he exploited with marvellous skill, and which he would not have resigned but to be made deputy, and thus to replace neutrality by opposition
She might even be cross when she heard what use he was making of her words, but she would not withdraw her statement of neutrality
If she had been at home, hearing news of the war from afar, she might have hoped for an English victory, but after what she had seen in the last two weeks she felt a sort of disgusted neutrality
Indeed, I verily believe, that although I had been really chosen delegate, as it was at one time intended I should be, I could not have hoped for half the profit that came in from the dubiety which my declaration of neutrality caused; for as often as I assured the one candidate that I did not intend even to be present at the choosing of the delegate, some rich present was sure to be sent to my wife, of which the other no sooner heard than he was upsides with him
It was just a sport to think of me protesting my neutrality, and to see how little I was believed
A sudden icy silence hovered in the wake of the word “neutrality
He was a brave man; and in that spirit of neutrality he had carried proposals of truce to the self-appointed chiefs of the popular party, the deputies Fuentes and Gamacho
The thing is—can it be touched? The moment was bound to come when neutrality would become impossible, and Charles Gould understood this well
The mention of the dignity and neutrality of the flag, so difficult to preserve in his position, "right in the thick of these events between the lawlessness of that piratical villain Sotillo and the more regularly established but scarcely less atrocious tyranny of his Excellency Don Pedro Montero," came next in order
The attitude of the greater part of the public might be described as one of attentive neutrality
Her father alone preserved an attitude of neutrality
Horrock looked before him with as complete a neutrality as if he
Brooke with an air of amused neutrality
The volume was "Ivanhoe," and Jim was in the great archery scene at the tournament, but suffered much interruption from Ben, who had fetched his own old bow and arrows, and was making himself dreadfully disagreeable, Letty thought, by begging all present to observe his random shots, which no one wished to do except Brownie, the active-minded but probably shallow mongrel, while the grizzled Newfoundland lying in the sun looked on with the dull-eyed neutrality of extreme old age
I—do!" as much neutrality as they could hold
The presence of a new gloom in her husband, about which he was entirely reserved towards her—for he dreaded to expose his lacerated feeling to her neutrality and misconception—soon received a painfully strange explanation, alien to all her previous notions of what could affect her happiness
Conversely, closes near the middle of the bar, visible as long shadows on candle charts, show a certain neutrality and lack of conviction
In order to achieve market neutrality, the trader has to “hedge” the option with the underlying future, or another option
‘Thaniel,’ he said, with a careful neutrality
‘The Welsh general demanded that Wolfe hand me over for punishment, or give up Library neutrality
‘And to preserve the tradition of neutrality of the Library
He explained how an army, ninety thousand strong, was to threaten Prussia so as to bring her out of her neutrality and draw her into the war; how part of that army was to join some Swedish forces at Stralsund; how two hundred and twenty thousand Austrians, with a hundred thousand Russians, were to operate in Italy and on the Rhine; how fifty thousand Russians and as many English were to land at Naples, and how a total force of five hundred thousand men was to attack the French from different sides
They recalled the popular ovation which had greeted the neutrality of the 53d of the Line in July, 1830
He exuded the same calm neutrality that Kennedy had mastered, but added to it a vague dullness that she could never pull off
The PEH makes the extreme assumption that risk premia are zero and is consistent with the idea of investor risk neutrality
10 shows that even when it comes to simple equity market correlations, HF index returns are highly market directional, in contrast to the ideals of market neutrality and absolute returns
• The strategy of sector neutrality (picking stocks that are cheap vs
Yet, academic studies and many popular investment products (FF and LSV, MSCI-Barra and S&P value/growth indices, and the RAFI fundamental index) do nothing to impose sector neutrality