Utiliser "no-good" dans une phrase
no-good exemples de phrases
1. result of Vikki leaving the house and marrying a no-good thug
2. They basically sacrificed me- someone they perceived as a no-good lowlife for what they perceived as a greater good
3. What a miserable bunch of thieves and no-goods
4. Stop confusing the two—and stop protecting the no-good, evil-doing slime among us! Go out and get yourself raped—you there, with your eyes closed
5. Stop confusing the two and protecting the no-good, evil-doing slime! Go get raped yourself, all of you with your eyes so comfortably closed! See if it feels like being “molested
6. Or maybe he had chickened out, too afraid of what might’ve happened had he dared pull the piece on that no-good-for-nothin’ prick
7. “Mister Vinnie pays for applications the other homeless no-goods find in the trash
8. Children surpassing the insanity of their elders is not to be allowed… We can’t have human gentle sensitive children weeping over a bunch of no-good Neanderthals, now, can we>? Eh? We can’t have them questioning our parental control and parental authority, now can we, eh? We can’t have them challenging the lies we have sold them, eh? This might upset the entire established order of all the traditions and customs of Modern humans!
9. That no-good bitch married me
10. Ridenhour said of Hersh, “He’s a no-good son of a bitch,” according to the memo
11. The and her no-good husband had gone
12. He called me a ‘no-good Jew bastard,’ which I didn’t appreciate