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    non-violent exemples de phrases


    1. When he was involved in anti-Phoenix rallies, he had always maintained non-violent protest

    2. Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, n

    3. He’d be a liar for that and for his assurances that Gordon was strictly a non-violent guy

    4. of loss and gain is the truly non-violent man, for he is beyond all

    5. You used non-violent weapons and saved the pilot from dying in his SR-71 jet fighter

    6. I merely say: it is non-violent

    7. His only non-violent recourse would be to contact the man here

    8. But, non-violent means were not acceptable to the Marxists and the serious socialists

    9. In modern terms we might say that Joshua was a non-violent pacifist

    10. This was Mohan’s first lesson in non-violent civil disobedience or ‘Satyāgraha’

    11. The method or means employed to perform the action should be non-violent and not harm anyone

    12. By 1930s Mahātmā Gāndhi was very well known all over the world for his non-violent movement to gain independence from the British rulers

    13. You may need to read books such as Non-Violent Communication or Conscious Language or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or No Excuses just to begin to recognize the underlying structure of your communications

    14. Gāndhiji was able to bring a very large number of people to sacrifice their jobs, income, homes, and families to fight against the British in non-violent ways

    15. Gāndhi had firm conviction that in the long run, the non-violent satyāgraha will be effective in achieving independence of India

    16. Gāndhi adopted completely opposite strategy of open, truthful, and non-violent satyāgraha based on highest moral and ethical principles of Hindu tradition

    17. Gāndhi concluded from this that sending petitions will not bring about change and must be backed-up by non-violent action and that people involved must be prepared to sacrifice and suffer for their cause

    18. Gāndhi particularly inspired and encouraged the people to be ready to carry out non-violent, non-cooperation movement against the oppressive government to win justice, freedom and equality

    19. Gāndhi persuaded the Indian National Congress to change its tactics from intellectual discussions on constitution and governance to direct non-violent, action-oriented movement (satyāgraha) of non-cooperation with the British

    20. The Americans, on the other hand, were very much interested in learning about Gāndhiji and India’s non-violent fight for freedom

    21. Hundreds of non-violent Muslim protesters of Pathan tribes in North West Frontier Provinces were killed by the British

    22. Large number Indian Muslims also joined in non-violent protests all over the country

    23. People from all walks of life and religions criticized almost everything Gāndhiji said or did from non-violent civil disobedience to Hindu-Muslim unity but he persevered

    24. He resigned from the Congress party when delegates overwhelmingly approved Gāndhi’s non-violent civil disobedience movement to achieve independence

    25. He stubbornly insisted and persisted in applying non-violent methods of protests

    26. Non-violent methods do not try to humiliate, insult, or diminish the stature of one’s enemy

    27. After his return to India from South Africa in 1915, Gāndhiji tried to persuade Indian leaders to organize non-violent satyāgraha to gain independence from the British

    28. Once he told Gāndhiji that at no time in history any country had won its independence by non-violent means

    29. The main disadvantage of non-violent methods are that they are not easy to practice and requires tremendous patience, discipline, and will power

    30. Many people are involved in protests based on non-violent civil disobedience

    31. The non-violent civil disobedience movement of Gāndhiji had many failures and set backs in South Africa and later in India

    32. Gāndhi had great faith in non-violent civil disobedience movement when it was carried out properly

    33. Analysis of the end results of recent (first 15 years of twenty-first century) conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq will again justify the use of non-violent methods in establishing a civil society

    34. Gāndhi initiated a non-violent Satyāgraha on 11 September 1906 to remove the unjust anti-Indian laws in South Africa

    35. The author (Richard Johnson) concludes that Gāndhi was correct in saying that responding to terror with terror leads to escalating violence, more terror and insecurity, and we need to explore alternative non-violent approaches

    36. Satyāgraha, a non-violent protest is not easy to organize, carryout, or lead

    37. “In this non-violent warfare, their contribution should be greater than men’s

    38. Citizens who participate in non-violent and violent street protests are shot at and killed

    39. Gāndhiji had a very inclusive vision of what he wanted to achieve through his non-violent satyāgraha:

    40. Martin Luther King, Jr, Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu, Aung San Suu Kyi, Joan Baez , the Czech human rights activist, Cesar Chavez, the social activist in California, Thich Nhat Kanh, the Vietnamese Buddhist leader, Mubarak Awad, the non-violent Palestine leader and many others have been inspired by Gāndhi’ ideology and actions in their fight for justice and freedom for their people

    41. Krishnalal Shridharani wrote a book ‘War without Violence’ describing Gāndhi’s thoughts and non-violent methods to achieve change

    42. They read about Gāndhi and his non-violent civil disobedience movement in South Africa and later in India

    43. Non-violent struggles were carried out for freedom and justice in Latin America, East Germany, Philippines against President Marcos, against General Pinochet in Chile, old Soviet Union, Burma, Tibet, Communist China, etc

    44. Now the Arab world is trying non-violent protests to become free from dictatorships

    45. “The intellectual and moral satisfaction that I failed to gain from Bentham and Mill, Marx and Lenin, Hobbes, Rousseau, Nietzshe, I found in the non-violent resistance philosophy of Gāndhi

    46. Inspired by Mahātmā Gāndhi he decided to change their living and working conditions through non-violent protests, civil disobedience and fasting

    47. It is very difficult to expect all the protestors to be non-violent when they are treated with violence by the government

    48. However, the opposition leader, Mir Hossein Mousavi, asked them to give up violence – throwing rocks and shouting ‘death’ to government leaders and be peaceful and non-violent in Gāndhian way

    49. Gāndhi’s non-violent techniques can be more easily implemented now because of technological advances like cell phones with camera, internet communication, etc

    50. It was a special tribute to the work and achievements of Gāndhiji when Britain, the country against whom he had carried out non-violent fight for independence, decided to issue a stamp in his honor

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