Utiliser "northerly" dans une phrase
northerly exemples de phrases
1. The town of Narvik is the most northerly on earth, but the Gulf Stream warms it up a bit!
2. Janice waved her hand in a vague Northerly direction
3. through the rain to the most northerly moored boat and,
4. course correction and the Shenandoah again took a northerly heading for Liverpool
5. Fully provisioned, they left the town by a route that Colling guessed would lead them in a northerly direction
6. the same northerly direction as the three
7. Navigating the tunnels, they continued to follow the northerly
8. Continuing on a more northerly bearing, the road narrowed and
9. Moshe noted the river, some distance past the City, seemed to again wend its way in a more northerly direction
10. in a more northerly direction
11. “Y’er late! Boy!” shouted Geffen in return, affecting a more northerly accent to cover his islander origins
12. „I don"t believe it! It"s the last day of August, there"s a warm northerly breeze, clear sky
13. The northerly breeze had become a cool westerly wind
14. “We’re in the air at the moment, but I’ll try and redirect us to a more northerly airport
15. A rapid cooling was then expected, although there was a chance that it could return the most northerly latitudes to being effectively uninhabitable
16. Consequently, an international scramble had been under-way for some time, by the northerly nations likely to be effected, to secure other key territories to the south of the projected maximum extent of any future permafrost and glacification
17. A military plane roared overhead in a northerly direction and, as Siri followed its flight path, he could see the Eiffel Tower, standing above the deserted city skyline in the distance
18. Because of what had happened the day before, with their getting turned around and ending up at the construction site, Emma made sure this time that they were headed in a northerly direction
19. They spread out from the point closest to the intersection of Belle Street and Lockhart Road, and moved out in a northerly fashion
20. upon a northerly course
21. northerly direction, and he plodded along determined to achieve his
22. To illustrate these distances: I left from Deadhorse, one of the most northerly settlements, and we have now flown around 800 miles, and are still a long way from the state's southern border
23. On average it weighs between 600 - 780 lbs; there are larger ones found in the less northerly parts of Canada which can weigh over 1400 lbs
24. The only exception might be the most northerly polar regions
25. The storm blew itself out as quickly as it arrived and within the next hour the sails were back up and the boat continued its northerly course
26. At the Northerly end of the beach and about a thousand yards
27. No, believe me, 'tis very cold; the wind is northerly
28. In their northerly wilds beasts of prey haunting the Adirondacks the hills, or lapping the Saginaw waters to drink,
29. Our heading was still northerly
30. Our nets also hauled in a bold, daring, vigorous, and muscular fish armed with prickles on its head and stings on its fins, a real scorpion measuring two to three meters, the ruthless enemy of cod, blennies, and salmon; it was the bullhead of the northerly seas, a fish with red fins and a brown body covered with nodules
31. Because it was midweek, the streets weren’t crowded, and though it was still warm, the northerly breeze hinted at the possibility of cooler temperatures in the weeks ahead
32. When we pulled out of Portland, Oregon, all the southerly routes over the mountains were already closed, and the northerly highway we were taking through Montana and North Dakota was shutting down behind us as we tried to outrun a snowstorm
33. It was so wide that the opposite shores looked small and far, but it was so long that its northerly end, which pointed towards the Mountain, could not be seen at all
34. The Fallohides, the least numerous, were a northerly branch
35. round hill smooth and bare, standing by itself, the most northerly of the
36. Of all that Napoleon might have done: wintering in Moscow, advancing on Petersburg or on Nizhni-Novgorod, or retiring by a more northerly or more southerly route (say by the road Kutuzov afterwards took), nothing more stupid or disastrous can be imagined than what he actually did
37. There is a canal two rods wide along the northerly and westerly sides, and wider still at the east end
38. Of all that Napoleon might have done: wintering in Moscow, advancing on Petersburg or on Nízhni-Nóvgorod, or retiring by a more northerly or more southerly route (say by the road Kutúzov afterwards took), nothing more stupid or disastrous can be imagined than what he actually did
39. Passing northerly along our coast, let us see what is the situation of our most valuable cities
40. The high land, composed entirely of sand, originally extending from the Ohio northerly upwards of forty miles, to Chillicothe, has been worn through by the Scioto river; and the waters which once for ages covered the whole country north of the hills along the Ohio river have been drained off, and the dry land appears where once stood the waters of lakes Erie and Michigan, then forming but one great lake
41. I have lately examined a singular disruption in the earth, discovered a few days since in the northerly part of an extensive meadow in this town, about ten rods from Deerfield river
42. This name is given to a granite range that emerges from the puddingstone near the centre of Amherst, and extends northerly, with some interruption, nearly thirty miles, through Leverett and Montague to Northfield