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    not a thing

    1. So what's his leaving tomorrow going to do? Not a thing, Monday the place will be back to normal, and he still won't be here to help

    2. "Not a thing," he figured the Sunya didn't count

    3. The mind, which deals only in finite images, thoughts, and ideas, cannot hold on to the concept of something that is not finite and is not a thing

    4. [171] Human language hones in on “things,” and the Tao is not a thing

    5. there was not a thing they could do about it

    6. “There’s not a thing on my calendar!”

    7. “Not a thing,” I said with a weak smile

    8. Up and down the street, not a thing was in motion, not so much as the wind to stir the stifling heat

    9. Whatever that was, it’s not a thing of nature and it’s not something we can use

    10. In a karmic-unconscious paradigm, we see we're contending with an ongoing, self-created – or, at very least, self-reinforced – process, not a thing, as the term "the unconscious" suggests

    11. In reality you are not a thing, nor separate

    12. If not a thing, then its

    13. “Everything is exactly as I remembered it, not a thing out of place,” he said as we got to the lounge

    14. ” He said, “How is Lucky by the way? Oh my bad, you two are not a thing anymore

    15. Not a thing

    16. Not a thing could I see here

    17. It seemed like there was not a thing on earth that he could not do

    18. Socialutions is not a thing or a process

    19. The social web is not a thing, rather it is a movement accelerated by the art of self-expression, the reach of relationships and fueled by the science of advanced technology

    20. Not a thing can pause Collide the realms and shatter the veil

    21. "Not a thing

    22. "Nothing! Not a thing," said Travis, attempting to appear normal

    23. “She’s not a thing,” said Victor defensively

    24. There’s not a thing wrong with that

    25. Two of the CDs turned out to have disc errors and there was not a thing I could do 148

    26. Nodding, she said, “Your Identity is therefore not a thing; it is a dimension of action—energy that is constantly changing by way of the experiences that change you through an exquisite imbalance between the elements of the whole

    27. Not a thing of strategic importance there at all Perfect for the boss' uses, and I'm going to enjoy watching it burn

    28. Not a thing to do with a fresh mouthful of hot coffee

    29. “Not a thing,” Banks said

    30. The Church is a people and not a thing, therefore cannot be replicated, for all are not arms, nor legs, nor can anyone except Jesus be the head

    31. Now, it's not a thing - it's a person; and you'll see your child again

    32. Not a thing was out of place

    33. “There is not a thing I do not know

    34. Jesus is saying: God is not a thing, existing in time or space

    35. remained looking in front but in actuality, there was not a thing to be seen in his eyes!

    36. God says: “There is not a thing whose stores are not with Us, and We do not send it down except in its due, determined measure

    37. I can say with absolute clarity that I would not change anything that led me to write this book - not one tear, not one moment of fear for the future, not a thing

    38. ing was said, not a thing

    39. Remembering his roots was not a thing he liked

    40. left them not a thing in the end

    41. We speak of it as a mere infirmity of nature, a family failing, a matter of temperament, not a thing to take into a very serious account in estimating a man’s character

    42. Love is not a thing you can pick up and throw into the gutter and pick up again as the fancy takes you

    43. Not a thing in any of his pockets

    44. There was not a thing about his actions that were perverted

    45. On a day like this though, there was nothing at all and not a thing to disturb them

    46. Abby joined her sister soon after, and it was in doing this, and seeing that no animal was going to come out to investigate, that they exhausted their supply of ammunition and determined that there was absolutely not a thing in the world that would disturb them on their way

    47. ‘The secret is not a thing

    48. There is nothing that is too good for you - not a thing

    49. ‘Not a thing, I kept it that way

    50. ‘Oh no, not a thing

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