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    Utiliser "not clear" dans une phrase

    not clear exemples de phrases

    not clear

    1. animals could not clear man’s conscience and so the sin would return,

    2. 'I'm not clear just what that means,' I said

    3. would be if we had not cleared her Heart-Wall

    4. "And as we've said so many times before, how do we use the lessons of scripture in our daily lives? Is that not clear? What do we have below us here? What we have is a test my friends, a test of our devotion

    5. shrubs not trimmed, the hallway not cleared of clutter, and the kitchen

    6. She trusted him such that she didn’t read the small print, no doubt concerning the reason this procedure was still not cleared by the medical council, and thus any deleterious effects would not incur professional liability on behalf of the administrator

    7. If God had created the Earth on two separate occasions, why would he hide this fact from us and not clearly tell us that this was the case? He has nothing to lose by doing this

    8. Raven felt a wave of annoyance, verging on panic, as he realised that he had not cleared up anything with her

    9. I stood in front of the basin, turned the water on and splashed my face a little; soon it was not clear what was water and what was tears

    10. When the general is weak and without authority; when his orders are not clear and distinct; when there are no fixes duties assigned to officers and men, and the ranks are formed in a slovenly haphazard manner, the result is utter DISORGANIZATION

    11. As things stand now, it is not clear if human activities are causing low water levels in the upper Great Lakes

    12. The lines of thought here were not clear, she had so much to learn

    13. Amonas nodded with a slightly comforting smile and hurried away, headed to a cluster of trees and bush that Hilderich could not clearly make out

    14. The seasons are not clearly defined, but there were four rivers that ran through this early habitat of humanity that seemed to run “to the four corners of it

    15. “It’s not clear what might be up ahead,” he answered, trying to choose his words carefully so as not to bring that look of alarm to her eyes again, but she looked away before he could tell

    16. “It is not clear that an imperfect being could have a very clear notion of a perfect being, because an imperfect being might be unable to distinguish between perfection and imperfection, so Axiom 2 is suspect to me

    17. Moreover, it is not clear to me why an imperfect being could not, despite being imperfect, at least conceive of a perfect being, so Axiom 3 also seems iffy

    18. It is not clear how much the UN was directly involved

    19. “[He] acknowledges that we have very little introspective insight into the thought processes we were born with…as for the larger mysteries—like the nature of meaning and the origins of consciousness—it is not clear that Minsky has much to say beyond identifying the solutions that he thinks are bad

    20. The physical body is basically made repeatable through the process of genetics, but from out of where did that first genetic endowment come? The mind as I’ve earlier indicated, seems to be, as we extend our grasp toward a better understanding, an intellectual construct and seems to reside within us in a manner that we still cannot clearly grasp

    21. What is not clear to me is whether they were ever aware of the task they had been given, although they did it to perfection -beyond some delays and complications like the Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, the desert

    22. There was a shout, a calling, but whether it was she or the Light or nothing was not clear

    23. “In cases like this, because the answers are not clear and his mind is not working

    24. Our God is a God who forgives iniquity, transgression, and sin, BUT He cannot and will not CLEAR the guilty

    25. The meaning of ’s name is not clear, but he was a weak man, and easily influenced

    26. But how to reach the present generation with this message is not clear, for it is written

    27. But how to reach the present generation with this message is not clear,

    28. Peter drew his sward, although why he had a sward with him is not clear, and cut of

    29. The lone window was covered with a kind of glass through which one could see, but not clearly

    30. It was a shock to her to discover she was carrying a baby but now she could feel this little miracle moving inside her and growing and with the growth of her baby the visions she was having were becoming clearer also, she could now see that the man who was holding his arms open to her was in fact in a wheel chair, his face although not clear was soft and then another face started coming into the picture, these images came at the strangest times, this face was very unclear but she felt there was a sadness and youthfulness about this new face

    31. Though the origin of the term “politically correct” is not clear, it is usually associated with authoritarian societies, and is used in some form or another in Marxist societies to enforce “correct” speech or thought

    32. So it is not clear why internal security forces would have to be “just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded” as the existing forces of the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps

    33. This however will not matter if the audio is not clear

    34. be? Does he not clearly tell you that he is not the person? The

    35. Ring noted it was not clear whether the respondents blind from birth, who

    36. I am still not clear on the dates of the incidents that transpired in 2010, when my

    37. It's not clear if

    38. It is not clear whether running up-and-down the soccer field had anything to do with the relatively easy labor period for Josie, but this was by far her easiest and fastest delivery

    39. Your readers are not going to waste time trying to figure it out if it’s not clear

    40. “I’m not clear what ‘time with me’ means

    41. partially implanted alien perception may lack specific perceptual parts, but it is not clear that

    42. These behavioral aspects of true and false are their most obvious properties, and it is not clear

    43. the philosopher, the student, and the parent—but it is not clear that they expend significant quantities of mechanical energy; and we also talk

    44. concepts of information, representation, and meaning are not clearly

    45. within a material receiver, although information itself is not clearly

    46. With respect to information, it is not clear that effort, at least in the sense above, plays a great role in grounding the newly informative

    47. tedness, it is not clear that the newness we analyzed in the previous

    48. For the German Jews of the mid-nineteenth century, it was not clear whether by

    49. However, the Board determined that there was not clear and convincing evidence of

    50. I’m afraid you’re not cleared for the details

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