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    Utiliser "not one" dans une phrase

    not one exemples de phrases

    not one

    1. "They are not one in a million in the Gengee, not one in a thousand in any local village," she said

    2. Wilderness camping is not one of the parts of the native experience that she liked the best

    3. "We all make mistakes but sending me off in your coach is not one of them

    4. The caller ID was blocked but Sergeant Biggs was not one to screen calls

    5. And that was four questions, not one

    6. "No doubt, I've met some who are better than me but somehow I bet Juleel is not one of them and neither were the two we met

    7. He was not one of the two Brazilians he had met, but he was big and barrel-chested like them

    8. my bones, not one of them will be broken…”, then you should not later

    9. Having the mind of Christ means the Christian life is one of service, not one of self-

    10. Not sure if I imagine her relief or not, but I’m pretty sure about how I feel about it – the thought of spending Christmas with Amy and the family is not one I can contemplate with anything remotely approaching joy

    11. There were a few shouts with him, not one in eight of the men assembled, but still it was bedlam

    12. He could guess plenty of techs that had the skills to get the drop on him, but not one who would use the religious symbolism

    13. He had not one percent of the will to resist

    14. Paul wrote, “For the body is not one member, but many

    15. They had shared a beer or two together, and Menachem thought that Beniamin was a sensitive soul, not one of the more resilient expatriate types

    16. "Not one of your crew?" she asked

    17. He took all of the due punishment for sin and when He turned over that cup of God’s wrath, there was not one drop left to drink

    18. We are not one

    19. Is there anything strange with this? Not one person seems to speak against it

    20. She knew he was not one of us

    21. "So is that enough for you to say Brancettrabble is wrong and this is not one of ours?" she asked

    22. "Until we can prove this visitor is not one of ours returning, the Instinct prevents us taking any such action

    23. London boasts at least seven Interweb billionaires amongst its fabled glitterati, but not one of them can begin to measure their fortune or their white-hot technological status against that of old Jimmy Cameron, the founder, chief executive and principle shareholder of NanoGoo International

    24. "By now there is not one member of the crew who doesn't, sir

    25. This is not one of the more desirable

    26. Yes, this is not one of the most

    27. Next, we would have to speak to the ones we could trust most and get ourselves organised for more important matters, and I was not one for conspiracies

    28. Alastair has very sweetly organised breakfast for me – thank goodness he’s not one of those people who are chatty over breakfast … I can cope with most things but conversation at the breakfast table is definitely not one of them

    29. features, but not one of these job titles were correct

    30. If all the sensor readings that show it are not one of Ava’s tricks

    31. The daughters came over and visited with her, completely ignoring the fact that she understood not one word of what they were telling her

    32. Not one of them wanted to appear stupid or unfit for their position

    33. Not one of the Craig

    34. Grudge not one against another, brethren, lest ye be condemned: behold the judge

    35. By that I mean they should show both sides of a situation, not one

    36. He makes every topic sound so boring, which is of itself a talent, but not one appreciated by tonight's punters

    37. Not the house, not alimony, not one thing that I don't already have

    38. The possibility of failure is not one that Leona wishes to contemplate, bringing with it the prospect of a dizzying career at window two of the drive-thru obesity factory; that or Snuggle's ad infinitum

    39. They were so perfectly done that the meat fell off the bone but not one bone was burned

    40. “Not one from twenty decades ago, not the one from the week Enjteen deserted you and scared your soul

    41. Many had seen her, but I was not one of them

    42. “That’s how we found out as much as we have, all we had to start with was the address of a house with not one person from that time now resident

    43. Not one of them cares about Bex

    44. Not one of them wants to know what he’s been doing all these years, but still he craves the attention

    45. Although the books were of different sizes, not one edge stuck out further

    46. She nodded at that, and decided to lead them on from there, “Yeah, I’ll tell you the next step, I’m pretty sure it was a friend of one of Tdeshi’s lovers, not one of her lovers himself

    47. “One of your lovers, not one of Tdeshi’s,” Delurna told her

    48. ” He said not one more word, but let the lines of his face say that he hoped this committee had nothing to do with the hiring of that bum

    49. She nodded her thanks for the titbit, said, “Yeah, I’ll tell you the next step, I’m pretty sure it was a friend of one of Tdeshi’s lovers, not one of her lovers himself

    50. “One of your lovers, not one of Tdeshi’s

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