Utiliser "off-guard" dans une phrase
off-guard exemples de phrases
1. The nervousness catches him off-guard as he's truly mesmerized by her
2. He was taken aback by his reaction, caught completely off-guard
3. Ken is caught momentarily off-guard, but years of practice, years of experience, kick in and he moves forward again with languid efficiency
4. and was caught off-guard
5. bluntness caught him off-guard and he struggled to find a
6. But her next words caught him off-guard
7. “Carius! Gods be praised!” She leapt right into an embrace, catching the Imperial off-guard but pleasing him nonetheless
8. The strangeness of it caught the pair of them truly off-guard
9. Indeed he had to admit to himself that it caught him off-guard
10. “Maybe an all-out attack from us as soon as they arrive would be most effective?” suggested Lukas, “They won’t be expecting that so it should catch them off-guard
11. Marcia’s words caught Frank off-guard, but only for a moment
12. Damn her!, he thought while he saw her grinning as if she’d had intended to catch him off-guard
13. that’s when he’s off-guard
14. Utayatu had created a situation that exploited that factor, and it had completely caught the Veiled off-guard
15. This was the first time she had seen herself with brown hair and the feature caught her off-guard
16. Great secrecy had been achieved by the Luftwaffe in the assembly of this force and there is no doubt that many Allied airfields were caught off-guard and considerable damage was done
17. know the answer, but because his question catches me off-guard
18. She caught Halfshaft off-guard, though, when
19. It seemed to catch him off-guard, as he turned pale and sat down quickly on the sofa
20. I was thinking that Rochelle and Sheridan wanted to give me a sense of belonging, but was caught off-guard when Marcus told me that he was the one who had drawn up plans and furnished the quarters to his own exacting specifications and personal likings
21. He tried not to show it, but the fact that he’d been caught off-guard by this information upset him
22. The overly confident berserker, caught off-guard, took the full brunt of her shield right in the face
23. “What?” This catches me completely off-guard
24. and they won't be caught off-guard by a change in
25. caught off-guard--the skis were probably too 'edgy' or
26. Rita caught off-guard when she was shoved, tumbling over, not that far to the ground at all, but falling at just the right velocity that moments later her skull was cracked against the bricks at the foot of the fireplace, and then it was all over
27. My daughter had gone to the starting line remarkably relaxed, but the second the pistol fired, the intensity exploded out of her with such force that it caught me completely off-guard