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    Utiliser "olympics" dans une phrase

    olympics exemples de phrases


    1. He funded the Olympics

    2. Every Olympics, there is

    3. This story unfolded at a Moscow disco, a vast building built for the Moscow Olympics several years before

    4. It was damn cool to see the Flares in person, since I had only seen them on TV before during the Olympics – and that was on a horse, Mojo was doing them on the ground

    5. “He was an amateur boxing champion in the Ukraine and one match away from representing his country in the Olympics

    6. Foundation, and Special Olympics

    7. It is not out of the question that you may make the Olympics next year, but you also have some other issues that are a priority

    8. As a member of its public relations committee in 1975, I was named bid chairman and publicity director, heading the project of bringing the Junior Olympics to Ithaca

    9. We were successful, and with the help of Cornell University and Ithaca College, Ithaca hosted the Junior Olympics the following year, for which I was given the Chamber of Commerce’s Project of the Year Award

    10. I created the Love Force Olympics to

    11. the 1988 Olympics by running faster than any woman had run the race in the

    12. The 2000 Olympics in Sydney were over and the paper would have to find other stories to fill their pages

    13. names of the winners of the Olympics

    14. You cannot help but turn on the television during the summer Olympics and during the Winter Olympics and which country is it almost every year that leads in the metal counts

    15. Was there a Caesarian Section of the stands at the Olympics in Ancient Times?

    16. We might be thankful that there are events with no violence, such as soccer and the Olympics

    17. This meeting was extraordinary though; six leading international figures gathered in the room, and they were planning the final stages of their attack on the 2012 Olympics

    18. No one ever noticed or cared about the colored balloons that frequently passed high in the sky, over the Olympics site

    19. to the 2008 Beijing Olympics, where she placed eighth in the 3-meter springboard final

    20. The Olympics, stretched across the western horizon, were showing off in their full snow-capped glory, visible all the way to the mountains behind the mountains

    21. Across the bay, the foothills of the Olympics, covered with evergreens, spanned the horizon

    22. The clouds emptied while passing over the Olympics, then only filled up again as they crossed Puget Sound to rainy Seattle

    23. run up to the Olympics in 2008 and beyond

    24. Following East Berlin’s admirable example and with the Olympics held in

    25. Appropriately in 2012 I was talking to a director of a communications agency who had been heavily involved in developing the messaging and communication platform for London’s successful bid to hold the Olympics back in 2005

    26. Ominously, he continues, “We don’t know if there has been political interference from behind the scenes but attempting to impose a whole raft of new conditions on a Tube Olympics agreement at this stage, smacks of an attempt from somewhere to sabotage these talks

    27. ” Another union official added later that strike action was definitely an option, though he was not specific as to when or where – presumably not during the Olympics, which would be an unpopular move amongst their members

    28. Their utter focus and determination honed over four years (if not more) of preparation was in coming away from the Olympics on top

    29. The previous pride of Britain, deified by Danny Boyle at the start of the Olympics last year, it seems the NHS has hit very bad times indeed

    30. Olympics, the Chinese authorities, with the intention of

    31. he fully supported the Beijing Olympics

    32. untainted by any protest against the Olympics or any unrest in Tibet,

    33. She has gone on to compete in the Para Olympics in Beijing in swimming

    34. Must realize that as chess, sports like football, even the supposedly "unified" human Olympics are only substitutes for all-out deadly warfare, so is this life

    35. why weren’t the 100th Olympics in Greece where they started! ($, honey?

    36. The Olympics even

    37. In 2004 the Summer Olympics came to Greece, or more correctly they came to Athens

    38. As soon as the winning bid was announced, the Greek government promised that Athens would be “fully ready to host the Summer Olympics” and that “no expense would be spared

    39. Pre-Summer Olympics Athens had no modern airport, poor transportation infrastructure with a very basic and limited subway system

    40. The only people that prospered from the 2004 Summer Olympics were the bankers

    41. amateur ski racers of the Olympics and the FIS World Cup (Inter-

    42. rodeo rough-stock atmosphere, which makes the Olympics and FIS

    43. record, as I watch the Vancouver 2010 Olympics, most of the mogul

    44. Mahre, in the 1980 or '84 Winter Olympics I think, was

    45. snow-boarding's heyday, making it into the Olympics

    46. The result of 400 m hurdle in 1984 Los Angeles Olympics for bronze

    47. race in 1960 Rome Olympics by a wafer thin margin of 1/10

    48. That led to a debate about the Sochi Winter Olympics; a

    49. The 1960 Summer Olympics were the first Olympics to be aired on television by CBS

    50. What are The Olympics: but a Worship of Physical measurement

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    Synonymes pour "olympics"

    olympiad olympic games olympics