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    Utiliser "on the other hand" dans une phrase

    on the other hand exemples de phrases

    on the other hand

    1. And on the other hand facing these struggles doesn’t mean

    2. I, on the other hand, remain along for the ride whilst still awaiting that GMTV cal

    3. On the other hand, pleasurable thoughts and feelings can lead to muscle relaxation and a sense of well being

    4. Violet, on the other hand, hasn’t been improving at all

    5. But on the other hand, he couldn't afford to be without Mirielle's information

    6. John, on the other hand, is looking a bit pale

    7. Probably, the absorption of energy acts as an anesthetic too: on one hand it weakens the victims, on the other hand exhaustion is often screened by the sweet delight of “offering”

    8. On the other hand, large areas of the planet's surface are more than five miles below sea level where the air acts a whole lot different than it does where it's as thin as on Earth

    9. The three of us have a good time together, yet Tandoulou sets me thinking sometimes: On one hand she is intelligent and knowledgeable about many subjects; on the other hand she is rather bossy and obsessed with religion; she is also a scrooge, counting every cent she is to pay

    10. Eve, on the other hand,

    11. We, on the other hand, are soldiers

    12. On the other hand, nobody can say they lack these three characteristics completely; without them, even in a small degree, nobody survives infancy

    13. On the other hand, if we have a serious relationship, then the physical qualities are not so important

    14. Elond, on the other hand, was a beautiful beach girl who's chin and nose were a little narrower and who's ears were a little thinner, smoother and more pointed than the hottest girls back on the sands of Sao Luis

    15. On the other hand, an angry of sick minister foreshadows a national disaster

    16. On the other hand

    17. Catwhiskers on the other hand usually stirred 3 hours later, and

    18. Catwhiskers on the other hand was making

    19. On the other hand, if I sit in studying every evening, this could be considered painful while I’m doing it, however in the long term I will have gained skills and knowledge and I could possibly go on and gain better employment

    20. On the other hand, if I stayed where I was I might look more experienced

    21. Elizabeth on the other hand was restless during the night

    22. Love, on the other hand, rarely enters into the lust-based

    23. If we pretend to be someone we're not, how the hell are they to know? On the other hand, if we can just be ourselves, win or lose, then OK, we reflect on some and not on others - but at least we are true to our real self with no pretending

    24. Old Ted, on the other hand, went from strength to strength, earning a small fortune from his globally syndicated television show and from a chain of franchised garden centres bearing his name that sprang up across the whole country

    25. On the other hand he found that the women who wanted something more permanent from him were just too tart and cloying for his palette

    26. On the other hand I could always bank on Daphne to underestimate me

    27. Peter’s always getting complaints that the services are not ‘meaty’ enough for the believers and, on the other hand, that they are too ‘complicated’ for people not used to church

    28. On the other hand, if you can choose to believe that there is nothing to fear, your body will have no reason to react

    29. And on the other hand, I hated the concept of knowing you were struggling with something and not being able to help

    30. On the other hand, when wonderful

    31. On the other hand, if you think you can, the universe

    32. On the other hand, having

    33. On the other hand, a painting of a scene

    34. On the other hand, she had to remind herself that this is still a simulation

    35. On the other hand, sometimes the body will release

    36. He on the other hand woke with a start, leaping out of bed

    37. On the other hand, determining the material that has

    38. Old Ted, on the other hand, went from strength to strength,

    39. On the other hand he found that the women who

    40. Alistair, on the other hand, did not seem to have noticed

    41. Enjteen, on the other hand, had followed Ava’s career obsessively, almost as a stalker

    42. I, on the other hand,

    43. Alistair, on the other hand, looked irrepressibly smug, as if a fair

    44. Me and Johnny on the other hand

    45. I, on the other hand, had just

    46. meaningless battle of egos! A Marathon, on the other hand, is a fun competition that

    47. 'On the other hand,' said Reynard, trying to look at the

    48. I, on the other hand, could easily build a palace the width of your solar system! I’m better than you!

    49. Monica, on the other hand, was crying over spilt milk, as the imps had littered her bedroom with spilt-over milk cartons, as her father Byron tried to catch the blighters with a butterfly net

    50. On the other hand, she’d met a few people in her life she just couldn't keep up with no matter what she did

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