Utiliser "orientation" dans une phrase
orientation exemples de phrases
1. It involves also its orientation at will to the world of the soul, and its capacity to act as an intermediary between the soul and the physical brain
2. Orientation with sky and gravity fails,
3. should you so wish besides of course sexual orientation and religion or other details that matter to you
4. Consider the usual state of men at that age: career focused, womanizers, drug users, different sexual orientation, and
5. Keep in mind the orientation and the main objective
6. Before she could see the acolyte, there was an orientation
7. The woman who gave her the orientation was there, but not dressed in the same clothes, it looked to be earlier in the day than when she got in
8. “How’d you handle the orientation?” she asked
9. orientation sessions at the crossing itself
10. The next 'given' is caught in the midst of physical and spiritual dualities and is the emotional center, which empowers our confident orientation within the world we live, through the meaning we bring to it
11. The access panel was actually in the floor, near the bow end of the room, but because of the ship’s deceleration, and the apparent orientation caused by it, they were walking on the front wall and leaning in through the floor
12. “Let us not waste any more time in your orientation
13. They should have been given an orientation on local etiquette, because the Swiss were rather formal, reserved, and not overflowing with tolerant good humor
14. Whatever their sexual orientation they stay humans and quite nice people also
15. An individual‘s sexual orientation is a private matter that should be confined to the bedroom, behind closed doors
16. Once these unwholesome attitudes are carried to an extreme, who‘s to argue against a ―final solution‖ to questions regarding race, color or creed or national origin or income, for that matter, or an individual‘s sexual orientation, eccentricity, or the elderly or others feeble in mind or body or other
17. Free Will is not absolute in any worldly manner because it is oftentimes influenced by internal conditions that remain vague and uncertain; that is to say, lacking absolute (consensual) authority; subject to an individual‘s moral, intellectual and material orientation that (nevertheless) seeks to follow God‘s purposeful intentions
18. Jules had kept silent for the entire time, curiously choosing not to participate in my impromptu orientation
19. Hilderich on the other hand knew his own limitations in orientation, an ability which had failed him more than once even in the simple confines of his master’s curatorium
20. What matters is not the particular actions that we commit, but our orientation and
21. Once we have the correct orientation towards God and the right
22. b) Orientation of processes that conduce the objectives
23. , which more than suggests their political orientation
24. Our sexual preference and sexual orientation again according to the source, what is causing the gay this behavior, roughly in these circumstances, a: there is some family, when the boy girl, the girl raised when a boy, cause the child's gender confusion, will affect their sexual orientation or sexual preference
25. causes of behavior, overestimate orientation, this model is called the fundamental attribution
26. He had written that he had arrived safely and was enduring the orientation training much like I had done when I reached the Khanate of the Clouds
27. I quickly spun my staff to an upright orientation and slammed the butt of it into the floor
28. Procession of the equinoxes is the gradual shift in the orientation of Earth’s axis of rotation…” the professor continued
29. It was in that relaxed atmosphere of joy and rejoicing that he initiated his interest in a new literary orientation, which takes some of his time writing poetry
30. This includes references to politics, sexual orientation or religious affiliations
31. The American Congregationalist minister George Davis Herron became a socialist in 1899, hoping to give the movement a Christian orientation
32. Talia floated in mid-air a meter past the balcony’s railing, spinning slowly in all directions like a child using her first Levitation spell, with no attempt to control her orientation
33. The redhead tipped and rose a tiny bit when the sword first moved, but immediately resumed her vertical orientation with her arms still folded and the tips of her boots touching the floor
34. Then you must picture exactly where you wish to emerge, and keep in mind any rotation your body will need in order to arrive with the correct orientation
35. Remember, if you Translocate to the exact opposite side of the world without any change in your orientation, you’ll arrive standing on your head
36. “We’ve restored the original orientation of the Wards
37. There was the usual orientation to fraternity life, pledge raids, meetings, and parties
38. Talia floated in mid-air, four feet past the balcony’s railing, spinning slowly in all directions like a child using her first Levitation spell, with no attempt to control her orientation
39. Court, trying to preserve the security classifi�cation of his mission, said it was just for local orientation rides
40. Harry had shown the team the Safe Zone during orientation training
41. Two days were spent in orientation of the pilots and crew as Major Larson and Dr
42. He drilled them briefly in clock orientation and signals
43. Projecting into the future on the knowledge of orientation mostly
44. Which state we experience is relative to our orientation
45. According to Newberg and d’ Aquili, during meditation there is a strong inverse correlation between increasing activity in the frontal lobe (the area associated with focusing attention) and the orientation association area
46. The more subjects are able to focus during their meditation, the more they are able to block input into the orientation association area
47. ’ As noted earlier, according to Newberg and d’ Aquili, there is an inverse correlation between the attention association area in the brain and the orientation association area during active (hot) meditation
48. When the activity in the attention association area increases, there is a sharp reduction in activity in the orientation association area — which provides our orientation to this universe
49. during the orientation meeting
50. In this orientation, the axis of the lateral vortexes wil be parallel to the