Utiliser "orthodoxy" dans une phrase
orthodoxy exemples de phrases
1. Among the followers of the reformation, dispersed in all the different countries of Europe, there was no general tribunal, which, like that of the court of Rome, or an oecumenical council, could settle all disputes among them, and, with irresistible authority, prescribe to all of them the precise limits of orthodoxy
2. It was a trial of orthodoxy that even the Negro mind could not stand
3. Drury sees liberalism as having sunk into a pattern of “rigid, ruthless, intolerant, and unyielding orthodoxy
4. If there is any doubt that the motivation was primarily religious orthodoxy, the following quote should dispel it: “2:64 wherefore, ye my sons, be valiant men on behalf of the law; for by it ye obtain glory
5. marks the reestablishment of orthodoxy
6. They also hate orthodoxy, and atheism is common among them
7. Churchmen rushed to find ways to enhance its prestige so that it could be worthy of its new position and to justify greater power for the ruler so that he could preserve Orthodoxy from further harm
8. His was not the first attempt to question Catholic orthodoxy, as previous attempts had been made, only to be quashed by the forces of Church and State
9. Luther, however, questioned Roman Catholic orthodoxy at a time when the prestige of the papacy was at low ebb and the German princes were open to any reason to justify arresting the flow of money to Rome
10. Simultaneously with the questioning of Roman Catholic orthodoxy, there was a
11. questioning of the Aristotelian orthodoxy
12. But there was also a gain to the Church; the suspicion of the novel led to a rate of change in dogma that is glacial; thus there is a comforting continuity of tradition and practice that has prevented the Church from deteriorating into secular humanism, as happened to Calvinist and Jewish orthodoxy
13. So far we have seen the questioning of religious orthodoxy (chapter 16) and the
14. questioning of Aristotelian orthodoxy (this chapter)
15. Arsenios proclaimed Orthodoxy appropriately with his Orthodox way of life
16. Matters concerning her and her son David are however…delicate in terms of religious orthodoxy
17. There are matters which are important within most religions’ orthodoxy, to their
18. new orthodoxy, one which argues that truth is amoral and facts are independent
19. On the other hand the Brahmans, the authors of the Aryan caste system that inflicted grievous wounds on the body polity of the grand land, continued to hold sway over the Hindu social consciousness with their intellectual savvy and religious orthodoxy that is well after the Arabs had resigned to their inglorious fate
20. The fate meted out by the insensitive Hindu polity, molded in Brahman orthodoxy, to those of their ilk taken as prisoners by the Musalmans in the battles for the Indian domain would illustrate the tragedy of the times
21. The Hindu reformist zeal, with due help from the Western Samaritanism, which put the Brahman orthodoxy on the back foot enabling the community to contain the abominable practices such as the sati and the child marriage, besides opening up the altars for the widow marriages
22. Conservative Judaism which attempt to steer a course between orthodoxy and reform through an emphasis on the positive historical elements of Jewish tradition
23. nothing but blind, irrational orthodoxy
24. The sexual awakening of Europe was a dream for us youngsters and today, in Egypt, the alarm clock has sounded but not for the breaking of the chains but for a religious orthodoxy even more restrictive
25. We registered in two different rooms for social orthodoxy and spent our turbulent nights in one
26. How long would they last? Why don’t people do this? Why does your personal moral and ethical choice have to be approved by some faceless institution? What do your personal morals and ethics have to do with any orthodoxy? Why do people need the sanctity of some religious rubber stamp? Unless they are too afraid to do it alone
27. the second coming of Christ, there could not be a bigger conflict with the orthodoxy
28. It is the story of how yesterday's orthodoxy became today's
29. orthodoxy became today's heresy and how old heresies came to be considered orthodox Christian
30. could not be a bigger conflict with the orthodoxy teaching that all go to
33. If Daniel 12:2 were speaking of the resurrection and judgment at the second coming of Christ, there could not be a bigger conflict with the orthodoxy teaching that all go to Heaven or Hell at the moment of death
34. Here it will be seen that Orthodoxy has nothing to say against these doctrines of demons, but rather, in Pulpit, Press, and Song, this great lie is echoed and enforced, coloring as it does the whole evangel
35. It is the story of how yesterday's orthodoxy became today's heresy and how old heresies came to be considered orthodox Christian doctrine
36. But orthodoxy teaches that our heavenly Father will thus torment forever in something represented by a lake of fire
37. ’ The object, as we see, is reached at one time by idealism, at another by materialism; at one time by laxity and a cry of freedom, at another by an extravagant and cruel orthodoxy; at one time by despotism, at another by revolution; at one time by excessive puritanic strictness, at another by all the genialities of an 'enlightened self-indulgence
38. For ourselves—while rendering just homage to the many noble qualities of our Unitarian brethren, and lamenting, in the interests of truth, the excesses of the falsely socalled Athanasian orthodoxy, which have occasioned and perhaps excused in part the reaction towards a purely humanitarian view of Christ’s person,—we must nevertheless abjure as scarcely deserving refutation these efforts of critical artifice
39. orthodoxy could explain, and in no time at all she underwent a complete spiritual
40. Peyoti on the other hand felt that Science with its mania for orthodoxy and self-
41. Some glory in their supposed election to salvation—some in their church orthodoxy or high respectability of ritual—some even in their broad philosophical views—so much more spiritual than those of the weaker brethren who are in bondage to New Testament literalism—some even in their simple style of writing; as contrasted with the magniloquence of inferior authors
42. If this passage were speaking of the resurrection and judgment at the second coming of Christ, there could not be a bigger conflict than it would be with the orthodoxy teaching that all go to Heaven or Hell at death
44. Th is issue has been also considered by the Orthodoxy, though the
45. tice of Orthodoxy that is said to have originated from John the disciple
46. It was too much the way of Monseigneur under his reverses as a refugee, and it was much too much the way of native British orthodoxy, to talk of this terrible Revolution as if it were the only harvest ever known under the skies that had not been sown--as if nothing had ever been done, or omitted to be done, that had led to it--as if observers of the wretched millions in France, and of the misused and perverted resources that should have made them prosperous, had not seen it inevitably coming, years before, and had not in plain words recorded what they saw
47. a ren't sa tisfied with orthodoxy, who've got independent idea s of their own
48. which nothing but the unexpected assault he had received in his orthodoxy could have so long suspended
49. More than that, he had more than enough faith in the Mighty Host’s orthodoxy and zeal to be willing to accept Rainbow Waters’ military analyses and arguments, even when those analyses weighed against the … overly impetuous fulfillment of the Grand Inquisitor’s designs
50. " Angel waxed quite earnest on that rather automatic orthodoxy in his beloved Tess which (never dreaming that it might stand him in such good stead) he had been prone to slight when observing it practised by her and the other milkmaids, because of its obvious unreality amid beliefs essentially naturalistic