living that life is nothing more than creating goals, achieving those goals, and doing that over and over and over again
So the relationships we’ve had in our past lives keep repeating over and over again
I would repeat these verses through tears, over and over again,
In his head he pieced together the letters of a name over and over again, trying to fit
I asked myself the same question over and over again
"Those girls have come up on the side of facts over and over again," Alfred told them, "I think it would be intellectually lazy of us to ignore this warning
We read in 1 John over and over again about how those that have the love of the Father don’t act like the world
In his head he pieced together the letters of a name over and over again, trying to fit them together in any one of a thousand combinations, only one of which would form the shape of a man
And what is the devil’s power? We’ve expressed it over and over again
Over and over again the Scriptures indicate that God will cleanse Israel of her sins
“Ok, ok, this is the part I love to watch over and over again
“I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life, and that is why I succeed
So while the other boys were deep into The Hobbit or Bruce Chatwin, I was reading the Iliad and the Odyssey over and over again, and gradually it became my obsession
Just as they had practiced in training over and over again, the precision of their arcs, and their flawless dives took out many dragons on that first pass
Another week went by, during which Tiffany called everyone that she knew over and over again
“Bastard! Bastard! Bastard!” she screamed over and over again as she emptied the pan of baked beans onto the keyboard and then turned her attention to the boy himself
For the last few weeks he had shut out the sounds of life, preferring the solitude of personal contemplation to the banality of human contact, but here in the soft tawny light of the lounge bar at the Red Lion those trivial voices broke through on the back of an ethereal sub tone that slowly built up throughout the evening until, towards closing time, Ken realised that he was listening to the same song being played over and over again on the jukebox
continues to confirm over and over again that we are
that she knew over and over again
extreme shock, Helen repeated over and over again by rote the
track over and over again and no matter how hard she tried to shut
his mind, over and over again, Flee! It was an hour before he finally came to his senses and stopped
He has watched nurses hurrying through doors for an hour, and he has asked and answered the same questions over and over again
The melody repeats over and over again, worming through the verse towards the heart of the chorus
Carol is repeating her daughter's name over and over again, burying her head in Dave's shoulder as medical staff run checks and ask questions, moving Bex into the first stage of waking
She continued to kick the ship over and over again, hoping to find some secret entrance that she hadn't spotted yet
The imp begged for mercy, but Justice just picked up the nearby swing set, and pummeled the imp into the ground, then pulled the imp up again and tied the imp to the maypole, hitting the imp over and over again with a big, red dodge ball
He didn't even try to fight back; he just lay there and cried silently as they kicked him over and over again
‘Oh shit!’ was all he could say, over and over again
It happened over and over and over again
Over and over again, a continuous echo in the dark
I have read the Sherlock Holmes series over and over again since I was a kid
How could they? Having shared her bed before, over and over again, he had grown accustomed to quenching his lust as soon as it arose
For all she knew, she may have been fighting the same demon -- over and over again
that same thought over and over again until it became true
It was unfortunately a repetitive, gloomy tale lived out over and over again in our modern-day societies
about over and over again in scripture
There was no video to review over and over again back then
How can we read about a God who says over and over again in scripture that he
repeated over and over again
Ruminate this argument in your mind over and over again and it will
time has proven, over and over again - are
It has been proven over and over again by the
He watched the replay over and over again, increasing the size of the screen and magnification
“She has been asking for you over and over again when is Billy Boy coming home? She really loves you with all her heart
The very definition of trying the same thing over and over again, with results not expected nor anticipated, nor wanted, but nevertheless happening over and over
“I have been asking myself that question over and over again
records that the student could repeat over and over again
The words over and over again in his mind: if a move I’ll die
They don't just tell the same jokes over and over again - just because they 'worked in the past'
I’ve emphasized over and over again for years that in order to continue getting great results, you must continuously change up at least one of the variables, whether it’s volume, intensity, load, frequency or something else, in order to avoid a plateau that will frustrate you and slow your progress
It was a flawed system, and it would be repeated over and over again to satisfy a longhaired liberal masquerading at Police HQ as a commissioned officer
They laughed a bit (was her very lucky day I think and she was pretty), but she had to practice over and over again
We would read and reread that letter over and over again, savoring that special moment, embracing every word because who could say when we might expect another?
Why this and why that I asked myself over and over again relentlessly
Darkburst continued calling, over and over again, until his voice croaked with hoarseness and he was forced to admit that the others had gone on without him
I couldn’t stop shouting the same question over and over again, I was so dreadfully shocked and confused
‘How could they do this?’ I asked over and over again
He gently took the little car out of the box and exclaimed over and over again,
It can’t be long now,’ he repeated over and over again, finally convincing me that the worst was behind me
The benefits of fish oil have been proven over and over again
I read the letter that was written in such a cold, callous and estranged tone over and over again
He began moving slowly, pushing deep into me and pulling out almost to my entrance, over and over again, and I lay still and breathless for an instant, shocked at the intimacy of it
Horrified at what he’d done, and not wanting to believe that he’d been the cause of the tiny creature’s death, he threw the dead thing as far from him as he could, wiping his hand down his jeans over and over again, sobbing loudly
She stood there a moment, listening to the ring-tone as it forlornly repeated over and over again
He was pulled to his knees and men pounded into him, taking him from behind, the camera flashing in his face over and over again, synchronising with the shouted words
And Frank suddenly ran, screaming his rage, rushing across the room, pulling the trigger of the gun over and over again as he went
He swallowed, over and over again, and controlled it
For the next few days the moth did its best to reach the sun and ask for new wings, flying as high as it could, over and over again, only to be dashed back to earth by the wind
In desperation she threw herself against it over and over again, making it squeak its slow way across the linoleum, millimetre by millimetre
Closing his eyes, Conal spewed up on the path, heaving over and over again
Each of the guards had been grilled over and over again about the Stockholm syndrome
They were tied haphazardly, knotted over and over again to make up in force what they lacked in skill
” Now, was this convergence creating something that could not be comprehended? So he decided to follow and not overtake and keep repeating the words whispered over and over again until the vehicle turned or stopped
” They ripped on me for a few minutes and kept asking me over and over again to have more
Our hearts were crushed over and over again
Of course, Adam‘s gratitude for our help was underwhelming, why it would be any different? I think I mentioned earlier that doing the same things over and over again without different results was the definition of insanity – wake up Amelia! At some level, though, I think I eventually accepted that Adam was not going to change and that neither could I
He kept repeating over and over again that this was his last chance, and he couldn‘t believe that his own sister would not help him
Over and over again, in today‘s Conservative airways you hear the lament about the lack of common sense
Certainly when the 5 year old stacks the cans over and over again there is a lack of common sense to know what is wrong and when to stop
When the 14 year old cannot let go of the game control and goes over it, over and over again, it is a faulty common sense
Tobias fires over and over again, until his gun runs out of bullets, and the trigger makes a clicking sound instead
They collide with one another and then with me, shoulders and elbows and heads hitting me over and over again
She knew she was going to feel this over and over again
We’re not soulmates, she was trying to trick us,” she repeated, once out loud, but over and over again in her mind
This was repeated, over and over again
I was obsessive about my fears, once, in the same way, always trying to make sense of them, over and over again
“If we stay together, I’ll have to forgive you over and over again, and if you’re still in this, you’ll have to forgive me over and over again too,” I say
VERONICA: Sometimes I imagine Tris repeating this to herself during her initiation, over and over again
If there is neither weighty nor proximate karma operating, then rebirth is determined by the karma of one's habitual patterns, that which one has done over and over again, which comes naturally to the mind in the dying moment
Over and over again our experiences prove that it is our mental outlook that is fundamentally responsible for whether we are successful or unsuccessful, healthy or ill, attractive or ugly, happy or depressed
Over and over again, she saw the hand flashing by her, with its silver thumb ring
Mother!” she screamed over and over again, tears streaming down her face
Manda had played this moment over and over again in her head, like a favorite scene from a beloved film – imagining how elated she would be to hear Daniel say he had made a mistake
over and over again so implying that Israel was still in the habit of ongoing sin of the
gospel over and over again, this does not only refers to the Jews of Paul’s day
We repeat those words over and over again
Hobbs didn’t seem tired by it all as he had played the tracks over and over again
on them as we play them over and over again in our
it consistently, you'll find that buyers will come back over and over again