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    Utiliser "overconfidence" dans une phrase

    overconfidence exemples de phrases


    1. Sadly overconfidence has nasty consequences

    2. To avoid a bout of overconfidence Oberon cautioned him, “We can't do it all for

    3. about serial killers has made me realise that overconfidence in not getting caught

    4. We believed that our research was most efficient for the mission we were sent on but it is quite apparent that we were misled by our own overconfidence

    5. We later learned of her opponent’s overconfidence

    6. There had been a great deal of overconfidence on the part of officials that this type of power was completely safe

    7. Europe has treated up to now the people of Africa, Asia and the Middle East with a mixture of racism, snobbery and overconfidence that has profoundly alienated the populations of these areas

    8. She may be extremely young at the official age of 24 (she was in reality 22) for her rank and position, but she nonetheless had four years of combat experience under her belt and had seen her fair share of mistakes made through overconfidence and underestimation of the enemy

    9. She also had close to 7,000 years of life experience accumulated through the souvenirs of her 72 previous incarnations, something that had taught her plenty about the cost of overconfidence

    10. It highlighted the arrogant folly of launching operation Barbarossa, and his overconfidence

    11. But the quick and perhaps injudicious success over the French resulted in American overconfidence, even arrogance

    12. His overconfidence and miscalculations caused the German army to find itself in a most perilous situation, and he had no one to blame but himself for the great German disaster in 1945

    13. In their overconfidence on their supernatural powers, Ansh and Vaidehi had returned Mini her bag after just taking out her cell phone

    14. She had known before initiating the mind meld that she was not following procedures, but now her own overconfidence had presented her with a moral dilemma

    15. “Says one brimming with overconfidence to a second who is

    16. If there was any weakness to be found in the defenses before me, it was probably the overconfidence of the soldiers defending it, thinking that the wall could never fail, which is a very dangerous weakness to have as overconfidence breeds laziness and inattention to detail

    17. Avoid the temptation to increase size on later entries—growing profits can lead to overconfidence, which is especially dangerous near the end of trends, where volatility can dramatically expand

    18. If too much risk is placed in a trade and it ends up a winner, overconfidence, irrational exuberance, and sloppy trade execution may be the result

    19. But it is necessary to caution the analyst against overconfidence in the practical utility of his findings

    20. This pernicious form of overconfidence is called “home bias,” or the habit of sticking to what is already familiar:

    21. Your shares have advanced, good! You are richer than you were, good! But has the price risen too high, and should you think of selling? Or should you kick yourself for not having bought more shares when the level was lower? Or—worst thought of all—should you now give way to the bull-market atmosphere, become infected with the enthusiasm, the overconfidence and the greed of the great public (of which, after all, you are a part), and make larger and dangerous commitments? Presented thus in print, the answer to the last question is a self-evident no, but even the intelligent investor is likely to need considerable will power to keep from following the crowd

    22. For most people, investing on the basis of protection—from overpaying for a stock and from overconfidence in the quality of their own judgment—is the best solution

    23. Given that I already had a prior bias and that I was already in love with the company’s products, I bought this breakout hand over fist in a sheer fit of overconfidence

    24. My overconfidence was further encouraged by the fact that I thought that two buy signals—the trendline breakout and the shakeout-plus-three buy setup—somehow gave added power to the stock’s big-volume move run for new highs

    25. O’Neil recognized the tell-tale signs of overconfidence which can lead some top corporate managers to become overextended and full of themselves

    26. And we have that same overconfidence in our ability to predict the future

    27. Some determinants are rational (risk and liquidity premia), others irrational (psychological biases such as extrapolation and overconfidence)

    28. A variation on this theme notes that general overconfidence may lead to more information gathering than is cost-effective and thus to markets that are more efficient than is economically warranted

    29. Given overconfidence, people probably overreact more easily to private signals (their own research, word of mouth) than to public news

    30. ”) Hindsight reinforces overconfidence but may also cause regret

    31. Overconfidence and representativeness (extrapolating from a recent uptrend) are among the individual biases that support the bubble

    32. ) Overconfidence and disagreement promote active trading

    33. Behavioral models relying on investor overconfidence on their inflation views have similar implications

    34. Underreaction may reflect conservatism, overconfidence regarding one’s private views, or the tendency to avoid realizing losses and to take profits too soon

    35. However, others find that high-volatility stocks underperform more when general investor sentiment is bullish; presumably overconfidence makes overpricing worse

    36. On the other hand, overconfidence can lead to disaster myopia—the tendency to underestimate the probability of rare disasters—and underpricing of blackswan-like risks

    37. Ability should be judged objectively (to resist overconfidence); and resources and governance matter

    38. Three human behavioral phenomena are worth discussing: overconfidence, recency (which we have already mentioned), and risk aversion myopia

    39. Overconfidence likely has some survival advantage in a state of nature, but not in the world of finance

    40. That overconfidence hurts many a trader

    41. Bulging with overconfidence, they load up their accounts and way overmargin themselves

    42. At the same time, the fact that people tend toward overconfidence and follow conventional wisdom should provide opportunity for those taking contrarian positions against that

    43. "I do not know whether it was overconfidence, hubris, or what, but I did not believe them," he commented

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