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    Utiliser "overtly" dans une phrase

    overtly exemples de phrases


    1. Then he stopped their progress again and demonstrated just how he would prefer her to walk with the pole, something more of a sweeping movement, but nothing overtly odd at a glance

    2. The Elf and Denalin were overtly excluded

    3. I didn’t think much about religion at all, but wasn’t overtly antagonistic toward it, as Charles had been for probably thirty years until his recent psychotic experiences

    4. However, the pressure against the Court did its work, if less overtly

    5. overtly religious before an NDE report that they both believe in God and have an appreciation

    6. reigned in my overtly aggressive behavior, and turned me into a

    7. Basil was overtly gay to most people, but Mark knew him from his school years and knew that he was most likely bisexual

    8. Posting on Reddit is playing with fire-submit spammy or overtly sales-focused content and your business could get berated by this extremely tech-savvy community

    9. The rest of the audience were not only well-heeled but overtly and elegantly and ostentatiously worldly

    10. looked overtly sleepy, just a little glazed around the eyes with an

    11. becoming overtly sensual and sexual

    12. Nothing seems to be happening overtly, but important things are occurring

    13. Whether overtly or covertly stated, it is apparent that the mother has failed

    14. overtly and loudly without violating a sense of public propriety or their imputed

    15. overtly terrified; it is just part of life as a woman

    16. didn't overtly blame her, but she did the job for both of them, seeing the situation

    17. “Not overtly,” came another of Ling Mai’s cryptic responses

    18. The group didn’t look overtly menacing, and there was even something darkly attractive about them, but Sironka had heard plenty of tales and rumours about the Dravidiens violence and strange practices of witchcraft and sacrificial rituals

    19. Clearly, the poet had overtly taken advantage of the proliferation

    20. I don’t think that they are stupid to the point of attacking us overtly, though

    21. Now she was overtly flirting with Jerry

    22. She wished she could wear some sexier dresses, but the voters would never approve of a Governor of South Carolina (or a Vice President! She still could not believe how far she had come!) who was too overtly sexual

    23. writers were forced to use a number of ploys to circumvent censorship such as overtly praising what they intended to criticize, publishing under pseudonyms, setting lessons in the form of dialogues among characters in a story, and criticizing customs of other lands that resembled 87

    24. Laos in 1940, along with Japan’s alliance with Germany and Italy and the overtly offensive nature of its military actions caused the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and the Netherlands to place a trade embargo on Japan and freeze its assets

    25. There’ve been times past that people engaged in duels and open combat with less overtly

    26. ” She was overtly flirting with him

    27. “I see a sexy shadow on the wall,” David said in an overtly affected tone of voice

    28. not overtly carry weapons, the stock of the different types of weapons was

    29. doors, blasting open overtly humble lives without fear of reprisal

    30. amphibial domains – overtly seized from centuries of free reign and natural selection

    31. The ability to access that stillness, by the way, is the main difference between psychic people and those of us who are not overtly psychic

    32. Reuters published a piece which publicly slated both NeXt and Jobs, in an overtly personal way

    33. Maybe Susu was feeling nervous or overtly aggravated as her voice was

    34. Thus in a nutshell, religious education is fine so long as the government funding is not involved! And thus the State is allowed to retain the secular pretence by keeping itself overtly out of religion

    35. Should you question the survivors of every terrorist act committed anywhere in the world in the past century, asking who it was that helped their attackers with money, military and/or governmental support, the ability to purchase weapons and the means to commit terrorism, who do you think they would name, almost without exception? The United States of America, that’s who! Whether done in an official capacity, covertly or overtly, or by way of the greed of American business interests or even just the normal business of organized crime syndicates, America bankrolled and profited by them all

    36. Byron shifted slightly on his stool to offer submission in space, overtly attempting not to look at her

    37. was overtly homosexual and Jason sighed a deep

    38. Both men seemed overtly pleased with them-

    39. to teach creationism overtly and slip it in through the backdoor

    40. It follows that those who seek ostensibly to impose Shariah through non-violent techniques – notably in the West, the organization known as the Muslim Brotherhood – are our enemies every bit as much as those who overtly strive to defeat us by murderous terrorism

    41. Both overtly and subliminally

    42. to stash the nation’s wealth overtly and

    43. It has to be said though that she did not overtly impose her views through her column

    44. of those facts are overtly bizarre

    45. It has become a rarity to watch a movie that does not overtly or suggestively convey messages and images of sexual promiscuity and/or violence

    46. approach is rampant, covertly if not overtly

    47. But the imagery here is more overtly

    48. overtly or subtly point out directions to us

    49. others are overtly symbolic in recognition of this

    50. concerning the feminine “spirit” that millennia of religious leadership has lied about and overtly

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