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pagan religion exemples de phrases
pagan religion
1. “With the decline of the pagan religions around the time of Christ, a conscious movement to syncretize (smoothly merge) all religions was in progress…In the early years of Christianity, only loose boundaries were formed between the Church and contemporary cults; the syncretic movement did not exclude the new faith, nor did the Christian community fail to absorb elements from foreign beliefs
2. “Theodosius (I) was the first to prohibit the practice of the Pagan religion altogether, and he brought the Arian controversy to its final conclusion at the Second Ecumenical Council (Constantinople 381)…His grandson Theodosius II…brought together the Third Ecumenical Council (Ephesus 431), which anathematized Nestorius for separating the divine in Christ from the human…In 450 Pulcheria, sister of Theodosius…married Marcian…who made it his business to summon the Fourth Ecumenical Council (Chalcedon 451) and secure the condemnation of both Nestorius and the Monophysites, the latter of whom taught that there was only one nature in Christ—the divine
3. He was the titular head of a majority pagan religion, but also, it was one that slowly gave way to this new Christian entity under his leadership
4. “The name of a many-sided movement in the 1st and 2nd centuries of the Christian era which combined the mythology and symbolism of several pagan religions with the teachings of Christ…had two characteristic features: a metaphysical dualism of matter and spirit whose origins are to be found in the physical dualism of darkness and light in the Parsic (or Persian) religion; and a doctrine of redemption, by which those who devote themselves to gnosis, or a higher knowledge, may proceed from the former to the latter realm…Much of Gnostic literature was falsely ascribed to such authors as the disciples of Jesus, Jewish prophets, heroes of antiquity, or imaginary personages…With the decline of the pagan religions around the time of Christ, a conscious movement to syncretize (attempt to smoothly unite) all religions was in progress…In the early years of Christianity, only loose boundaries were formed between the Church and contemporary cults; the syncretic movement did not exclude the new faith, nor did Christianity fail to absorb elements of foreign beliefs
5. In pagan religions, love is passion and possession
6. Apart from being a hybrid of the former pagan religions of the Roman Empire and the
7. I know that Babylon was the seat of all the ancient pagan religions, I tend to
8. "Roman Empire and its pagan religions that were the persecutor of the
9. Roman Empire and its pagan religions that were the persecutor of the church
10. pagan religions in the time of Paul, and when he was before Agrippa, he asked, "Why is it
11. coming upon the Roman Empire and its pagan religions that were the persecutor of the church,
12. The immortal soul doctrine was believed by most pagan religions in
13. They are following after pagan religions and pagan
14. immortal soul doctrine was believed by most pagan religions in the time
15. coming upon the Roman Empire and its pagan religions that were the persecutor of the church
16. Babylon: "Roman Empire and its pagan religions that were the persecutor of the church" (See Hailey, Wallace, and Ogden above)
17. Ogden said the lake of fire in Revelation 19:20 is symbolic of God's fire of destruction coming upon the Roman Empire and its pagan religions that were the persecutor of the church, page 354
18. The immortal soul doctrine was believed by most pagan religions in the time of Paul, and when he was before Agrippa, he asked, "Why is it considered incredible among you people if God does raise the dead?" [Acts 26:8 New American Standard Version]
19. Ogden says the lake of fire in Revelation 19:20 is symbolic of God's fire of destruction coming upon the Roman Empire and its pagan religions that were the persecutor of the church
20. Empire and its pagan religions that were the persecutor of the church" [See Hailey, Wallace, and Ogden above]