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    Utiliser "painless" dans une phrase

    painless exemples de phrases


    1. I asked them to make it as painless as possible

    2. Well, it's not quite that painless, but once you have it all

    3. quick and painless end to the old woman’s aching years would be the safest course… Nerissa couldn’t bring herself to do it

    4. “Right lads we will try to make this as painless as possible and as quick as we can, Sergeant Major can you call the role please?” CSM Domby stepped forward and began to call the role the answers started coming some men were dead some missing and some wounded and it was harrowing listening what had happened to them

    5. Though I knew the task would not be easy nor painless, I agreed to pray and meditate on the matter

    6. By comparison, Wilson’s hits had been weak, easy to dodge and relatively painless when they connected

    7. I just nudged them along a little bit, with an easy process that made it painless

    8. “It was very quick, very painless

    9. * Knowing something of hangings I can tell you it is quick and painless and scientific

    10. I was suddenly very, very alone, adrift in a great black void, painless and terrible, as if a billion lost men were slaughtered just beyond my senses, and I floated happy and stupid and helpless against it

    11. Well I hope it was painless

    12. Her next wave of birthing pain was painless and she looked up in surprise

    13. He settled in Napoles to enjoy his rather painless victory

    14. It would be quick and painless he thought,

    15. MLS Laser in the region for effective, painless

    16. of a painless state, but you add that I cannot have it in my pre-

    17. This savings plan is relatively painless, keeps the jangling coins out of your purse or pocket, and can deliver a bonus of several hundred dollars at year’s end

    18. And to hurt us, one would curse our children to die young, horribly perhaps, but not to slay one another! Nor to do so by such a relatively quick and painless method! To fulfill it’s requirements, the curse had to wait an extra twenty-nine years, when it could have simply slain them as babes!

    19. 25 For is not your inability to overrule our reasoning and to compel us to eat the unclean your destruction? 26 Your fire is cold to us your catapelts are painless and your violence harmless

    20. The huge raptor promptly landed on his wrist, so gently that his grip was painless, and cocked his head to one side as he folded his wings

    21. It was painless

    22. painless delivery, what with all the horror stories I’d heard from those who had suffered

    23. We were told it was painless, but in the state she was in she wouldn't have felt anything

    24. The end was swift and painless

    25. “I can assure you, this will be quite painless if you co-operate

    26. It was also a pregnant woman about a month before her due date who was brought in with painless vaginal bleeding of several days duration

    27. rapid and relatively painless

    28. resort, although I have already thought of a painless method of death for them

    29. A good life and a quick and painless death; that’s what I’d like for myself

    30. Only a few painless sayings of the saints have been retained for occasional repetition

    31. Better a quick painless sword-stroke than the lingering agony that faced him

    32. The process through immigration was simple and painless as they had visas and everything necessary to gain entry into Australia

    33. ―It will be painless

    34. “Here’s to a speedy and painless solution

    35. The effects could be seen from outside to reassure any watchers that the process was not only painless but was also pleasurable

    36. The fact that Boris had asked his “captives” to serve as intermediaries between the new arrivals and the established population and gave them the freedom to move about as they saw fit made the process relatively painless

    37. It was a painless one as the liquid entered his body through his pores in a fine mist

    38. “It'll be painless, I promise

    39. Chin, I shall try to make this as short and painless as possible

    40. You should also consider the painless bi-monthly mortgage, if your bank offers it

    41. painless and I had another good big company up and running within the year, supplying a

    42. She told it was painless, but I knew she was concealing the pain

    43. painless unconsciousness in which he would forget the memories that

    44. The problem is that we tend to seek an easy and painless answer

    45. Admit your guilt and the punishment will be swift and painless

    46. Painless Ways to Cut Vacation Spending

    47. “I’ll try and make it painless

    48. more is there to say? Ordered errand-dusted mound of painless punishment and casual

    49. Tingling torches taste the compromising power of painless dilutions, a sting coupled

    50. She wrapped her hand around the automated sampling gun, a new model with self-directing needle, and repeated the line drilled into her during medical training: taking blood was simple and nearly painless

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