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    Utiliser "panther" dans une phrase

    panther exemples de phrases


    1. With Pappi safely than any panther

    2. It was a black panther

    3. “You said that nothing in here would hurt me! Why is there a freaking panther in the middle of the floor?” I demanded angrily

    4. “Why is there a panther in the middle of the floor?” I forced the question before I lost my nerve

    5. It was amusing to watch a panther cavorting like a kitten, but I needed to get some rest

    6. How did you get Kit?” He still had a stricken face, but he had warmed to Kit and was petting the panther

    7. As a ghost, Kit had blue eyes, but Savannah as a panther had bright yellow eyes

    8. Liam, Ash, and Willow would attack Asmodeus with their magic, while I distracted him in my panther form

    9. I focused on transforming into my panther form

    10. I burst forth as a panther, sinking my teeth into the Arch demon's feet and dragging until he fell backwards

    11. You’ll serve it down the Panther Hollow in the new Detention Center along the river

    12. ‘I passed by his garden, and marked, with one eye, How the Owl and the Panther were sharing a pie–’ [later editions continued as follows

    13. The Panther took pie-crust, and gravy, and meat, While the Owl had the dish as its share of the treat

    14. While the Panther received knife and fork with a growl, And concluded the banquet–]

    15. Witness his refusal to bring to justice Black Panther thugs who intimidated white voters in the 2008 election

    16. No one could look at the prints and think bear or panther

    17. 'I passed by his garden, and marked, with one eye, How the Owl and the Panther were sharing a pie--'

    18. [later editions continued as follows: The Panther took pie-crust, and gravy, and meat, While the Owl had the dish as its share of the treat

    19. When the pie was all finished, the Owl, as a boon, Was kindly permitted to pocket the spoon: While the Panther received knife and fork with a growl, And concluded the banquet--]

    20. Out of the Darkness (Taken by the Panther #1)

    21. Then one day, the panther took over her mind and transformed her body, and her world was forever broken

    22. Former SEAL and panther shifter Chay “Beane” Bane has made a career of rescuing other shifters in difficult situations, secreting them in his vast compound far from the prying eyes of the government

    23. Tara is a twenty-four-year-old, older than any natural-born panther shifter should be

    24. Government psychologists were working overtime trying to convince the kids they’d all suffered from mass hysteria, coaching them with stories of confusion and the strangeness of the attack, of the panther that had slipped inside somehow, unseen, until it burst out behind Tara Morland and killed her and their professor

    25. The panther project had begun little more than twenty years ago, and the oldest natural-born panther shifter that he knew about had just turned eighteen

    26. Perot also claimed his security had some years earlier stopped a “ six man Viet Cong-Black Panther hit squad” sent to kill him for trying to rescue POWs still imprisoned in Vietnam

    27. ) Molly Ivins, a Texas humorist, recalled that hit squad claim with amusement, noting there were only five Black Panther members in Texas, most of them police informers

    28. I followed the Kubilai north to the new camp of the Panther Ordu

    29. It turned out that he was on his way to the Panther Ordu when the storm hit

    30. Mathilde and the children were well and still at the Panther Ordu

    31. He trained with the Panther Ordu, then was sent to the Green Mist

    32. I had to rescue her from a river, a few bramble bushes, several falls from her horse, and several encounters with animals including even a panther

    33. This trip was taking a lot longer than I anticipated and it was late spring when we arrived at the Panther Ordu

    34. All of them are scary looking, but the vicious panther on leatherhead’s forearm is the worst

    35. He wears a black wife beater t-shirt which shows off the vicious panther tattoo on his arms

    36. all the flesh from the neck to the chin, the panther like beasts tore off the very skin of his head, but he, bearing with firmness this

    37. I walk as the panther, lithe and sinuous

    38. 27 And when on enquiring whether he would eat before he was tortured they heard his noble sentiment 28 after they with the iron hands had violently dragged all the flesh from the neck to the chin the panther like beasts tore off the very skin of his head but he bearing with firmness this misery said 29 How sweet is every form of death for the religion of our fathers! and he said to the tyrant 30 Think you not most cruel of all tyrants that you are now tortured more than I finding your overweening conception of tyranny conquered by our patience in behalf of our religion? 31 For I lighten my suffering by the pleasures which are connected with virtue

    39. Green, hungry panther eyes

    40. Thrusting the girl off his knee he rose with the quick ease of a panther, drawing his saber, facing the doorway from which the sound had seemed to come

    41. As a panther strikes down a bull moose at bay, so he plunged under the bludgeoning arms and drove the crescent blade to the hilt under the spot where a human's heart would be

    42. A blood-curdling snarl sounded behind him, and he wheeled and struck in a flash at the panther crouching to spring on him from the metal-colored table

    43. They turned to their own amusement, and did not notice Conan when he glided like a stalking panther after the chieftain

    44. The intricacies of the sword were as useless against his primitive fury as a human boxer's skill against the onslaughts of a panther

    45. The distant screech of a panther broke the stillness

    46. As silently as a great panther Conan slid over the side and vanished in the bushes

    47. "There's more than one way of skinning a panther

    48. I snatch naps like a panther watching beside the trail for a deer to come by

    49. With a curse Valeria leaped, lithe as a panther, and the skull crashed to flaming bits under her swinging sword

    50. She turned and sprang toward the door, but with a movement that would have shamed a leaping panther, Tascela was before her

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    catamount cougar felis concolor mountain lion painter panther puma felis onca jaguar panthera onca