Utiliser "parroting" dans une phrase
parroting exemples de phrases
1. I was very shocked and angered by my termination based upon the pretext that Almendral, supposedly parroting Hottman, gave me
2. At times, he seems to be parroting,
3. I am not about to reward their intolerance by parroting their lines
4. Avoid parroting but listen with your heart and mind
5. “Stop parroting my mother
6. At that, Cocklyn’s Face lit up with Pleasure, tho’ he must have known I was but parroting his Words
7. ” In the public realm, some investors are constantly calling, asking “how’re we doing?” over and over again, like Bart and Lisa Simpson in the back of Homer’s car incessantly parroting, “Are we there yet? Are we there yet?” With people trying to look over your shoulder constantly and wondering “how we’re doing” at every twist and turn in the market this begins to affect your psychology, which is a very fragile thing, particularly for O’Neil-style investing
8. MARY3: I’m not parroting
9. Then, as if parroting something that had obviously sprung from one of her five days a week with Dr