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    Utiliser "parse" dans une phrase

    parse exemples de phrases





    1. Able to parse meaning down to minute bites

    2. When we parse this function, the factors that improve an earnings outlook are quite

    3. Furthermore, when you parse the word into “brim” and “stone,” brim is a boundary and a stone is a cornerstone or foundational wisdom

    4. be taken to properly translate, parse, and interpret each symbol used before attempting to interpret the

    5. failed to place it in the proper context and/or to properly parse and unravel the symbolism

    6. Furthermore, when you parse the word

    7. Something Maigwair’s still numbed brain wasn’t quite able to parse

    8. My point though isn’t to parse these two charts, but rather to just show that Put/Call is not a great indicator for individual stock action in a big name

    9. But what if we parse the data set a bit and separate the sample into those instances where the SPX was higher 30 days out and those when the SPX was lower?

    10. When there are more than six digits in the string that is being read, SAS will parse the string from right to left

    11. This informat will parse the time string being read as hours, minutes, seconds from left to right

    12. This informat will parse time values from input strings based on colons and periods

    13. The general strategy to pursue in these cases is to parse the datetime string and work from there with a combination of informats and/or functions to create your SAS datetime values

    14. I saw the word verdict in front of my eyes and tried to parse it, looking between the letters and syllables for something to hope for

    15. The result is a ParseResults instance, which is actually a parse tree that can be treated as a nested list

    16. We could repeat the "rules," but we could not "parse;" we could cipher, but our sums would not "prove;" we could rattle off the productions of Italy—"corn, wine, silk and oil"—but we could not "bound" the State in which we lived

    1. At the ‘Centre for the Mind’ in Sydney, Allan Snyder has built on the work of Treffert and others to suggest that autistic savants have ‘privileged access’ to the mind’s raw data before it is parsed and filtered by the brain’s executive functions

    2. bad will all be equally parsed out in time

    3. Biting into a toasted bagel, Mindy parsed her own thoughts for a moment

    4. His exploits were parsed to help create the New

    5. “It means there’s a spot in the code base where it’s got the parsed bytes

    6. We can insert a tiny bit of code, just twenty instructions, to write the parsed bytes to a log file before checking their validity

    7. The width specification is always 4, because the Julian date is parsed as follows: the four-digit Gregorian year is written in the first two bytes, and the three-digit integer that represents the day of the year is in the next one-and-a-half bytes

    8. In this chapter, too, earnings are parsed in order to gain insights into what earnings and income mean and do not mean, and how earnings ought to be used as one tool in corporate and security analysis

    9. It assumes that we already have the parsed data in some convenient form

    10. Suppress is used to state that we want the -> symbol to be skipped from the parsed results

    11. The simplest way to retrieve the parsed output of Pyparsing is by using the parseString() method

    1. Watching Ford on television, Jimmy Carter’s campaign manager, Hamilton Jordan, parses no words in describing the strength of Ford’s delivery: “It scares the shit out of me

    2. The only way in which they affect the server’s functions is when the client parses the HTML code and requests additional files from the server that are needed to display the web page in the browser, such as image files

    1. Distant clanging of ships’ bells and the groan of a fog horn immediately followed his aching questions, almost seeming to offer answers incapable of parsing

    2. When you start parsing out your love in tiny little selfish bits, nobody will be satisfied by it, including you

    3. The parsing and interpretation performed by this informat changes if there are fewer than six digits in the string being read and is based on the following rules: If there is an odd number of digits in the string being read, SAS will add a zero to the beginning of the string, and the first two digits will then be translated as hours

    4. You might have to start with parsing the input datetime string to determine which components are missing and apply your imputation algorithm from there

    5. The grammar was assuredly beyond him but the character system allowed semi-coherent parsing

    6. Parsing the Income Account


    8. The advantages of using an internal DSL are that we don't have to worry about creating, compiling, and parsing grammar because these are already taken care of by the host language

    9. Note that Interpreter does not address parsing at all

    10. Although, officially, Interpreter does not address parsing, I feel that a practical example needs to cover parsing as well

    11. For this reason, I decided to use a tool to take care of the parsing part

    12. Although parsing is generally not addressed by the Interpreter pattern, in the implementation section, we used Pyparsing to create a DSL that controls a smart house, and saw that using a good parsing tool makes "interpreting" the results using pattern matching simple

    13. What is done before the loop, after the loop, and the command parsing part are always the same

    14. Researching people may be one of the more difficult tasks investors face, requiring more subjective judgment than needed when parsing a balance sheet, for instance

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