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    partisan exemples de phrases


    1. He befriended a particular Polish partisan who became very loyal to him and whom he trusted completely

    2. GW Bush owed all he had in life to family connections, was one of the most ideologically blind and inflexible presidents, had been appointed to office by a partisan part of the Supreme Court after losing the election, and was in office less than eight months before the attacks

    3. If that is you, why be a partisan party follower? Why makes excuses for wrongs done by those you once voted for? Why devote yourself to any political party, except to hold its feet to the fire and live up to higher principle? Why would any such person of good heart and intentions focus on fluff and ephemera like “leadership qualities” and supposed statesmanship? Why focus on anything but whether people will live or die because of wars threatened or prolonged or avoided or ended, or policies or politics that inflict or relieve human suffering? Why care about anything but these concerns?

    4. Despite Ferguson’s warnings about partisan activity, the journey was uneventful

    5. Couldn’t partisan bickering really mess that whole thing up?”

    6. The most recent appointment of President Obama was so partisan that even his Democrat Senate would

    7. nearly bi partisan with most of the support coming from Republicans

    8. Theobald was conducting partisan coalitions

    9. But as President Obama’s last minute rescue of Obamacare, and his doggedly partisan 2010 State of the Union address attest, he is not giving up

    10. He was also something of a publicity seeker who had broken all precedents in conduct of Supreme Court justices by engaging in partisan debate outside the court

    11. When grants for programming to which the Park Foundation’s logo would be linked were controversial, including criticism of specific organizations or corporations, or politically partisan, I had real concerns

    12. And as Schlesinger continued in that Partisan Review article: “Socialism, then, appears quite practicable within this frame of reference, as a long-term proposition

    13. A partisan was a soldier out of uniform; the rules were very clear

    14. She could scream and holler until she was hoarse, but the image of the dead partisan, his blood staining the ground, was too much for her to bear

    15. " DNA questioned if Tendulkar could handle the political system and was aware of the issues, though it also said that he has now outlined in partisan politics in choosing a party after the nomination followed a visit to the head of the Indian National Congress' residence in New Delhi at the behest of party MP Sanjay Nirupam

    16. Joseph enjoyed the warm sunshine and the lack of stiff opposition, all that faced the LSSAH were a few partisan uprisings but nothing that the now hugely experienced regiment couldn’t handle

    17. Recovering, Komadze went to work with Polish Communists and actively assisted in establishing partisan groups, intelligence networks and radio communications facilities

    18. Her theoretical model predicted exactly what I thought, that there would be an exponential growth of a partisan movement ultimately leading to a free Wales

    19. For one thing, Romney and his party were much more partisan of attacking Iran if it didn’t put a stop to its nuclear program than Obama was

    20. A SNAFU in Florida State law did not give the election officials enough time to recount the ballots, so Bush won the presidency on a hasty decision by a partisan official, without a fair recount

    21. � He was just replaced by President Roosevelt and is a staunch partisan of American isolationism, especially where the war in Europe is concerned

    22. Representative Howard Smith, a democrat with conservative views and a partisan of women’s rights, had shown a copy of that magazine in the House while asking caustically who should return to the kitchen after such a spectacle

    23. Matt is a true American, not a partisan

    24. And I say to my friends in Congress: this is NOT the time to bicker and fight in a partisan manner

    25. He was a strong partisan of Li’s policies, but he could not help think that a war was the last thing that the fragile economy of Earth needed right now

    26. Bizarre as it now seems, many at the highest level, up to and including Franklin Delano Roosevelt, revered Stalin and were consciously partisan in their support of this thug

    27. that such ideologies and the partisan agendas to which they give rise have been

    28. I also do not believe that it is in our best interest to bicker on partisan issues at this time

    29. The match at Green Point Stadium was played in front of a partisan crowd in typical

    30. I had, prior to that, read about it in the newspapers and heard a lot more disgusting stories from the grapevine, concerning how dirty and disgusting the game of politics can be; but Peter’s involvement in partisan politics was a revelation as far as I am concerned

    31. Pierce had said “If the passionate rage of fanaticism and partisan spirit did not force the fact upon our attention, it would be difficult to believe that any considerable portion of the people of this enlightened country could have so surrendered themselves to a fanatical devotion to the supposed interests of the relatively few Africans in the United States to totally abandon and disregard the interests of 25,000,000 Americans

    32. He had recently read a eulogy on a new method for curing club-foot, and as he was a partisan of progress, he conceived the patriotic idea that Yonville, in order to keep to the fore, ought to have some operations for strephopody or club-foot

    33. Him who is their partisan and cleverly aids them in their plot for getting the ship out of the captain's hands into their own whether by force or persuasion, they compliment with the name of sailor, pilot, able seaman, and abuse the other sort of man, whom they call a good-for-nothing; but that the true pilot must pay attention to the year and seasons and sky and stars and winds, and whatever else belongs to his art, if he intends to be really qualified for the command of a ship, and that he must and will be the steerer, whether other people like or not--the possibility of this union of authority with the steerer's art has never seriously entered into their thoughts or been made part of their calling

    34. Pentagon directives prohibit such participation in partisan politics by all military personnel

    35. The founders did not want impeachment of the president to be an easy thing, because they fully recognized that partisan politics would likely come into play and the desire for revenge would virtually bring the government to a halt every few years

    36. Politicians become so involved in making the other party look bad that they are unable to recognize the destructive tendencies of their partisan philosophical bickering

    37. We can all hope and pray that at some point the majority of members of the press will once again align themselves with the interests of the American people and reject partisan politics and manipulation

    38. ” Working tirelessly and often across the partisan aisle with Senate and House colleagues, like Orrin Hatch, a Republican senator from Utah, Ted helped pass major social and civil rights legislation

    39. Is that a partisan there, that old man with the saw cutting trees? That one leaning over the engine of that car? What about those three women collecting water at the creek?

    40. One would have thought he must have understood that society was closed for him and Anna; but now some vague ideas had sprung up in his brain that this was only the case in old-fashioned days, and that now with the rapidity of modern progress (he had unconsciously become by now a partisan of every sort of progress) the views of society had changed, and that the question whether they would be received in society was not a foregone conclusion

    41. Although Rohsail had adapted far better to the realities of the reformed Dohlaran Navy than Thirsk had once believed would have been possible, he remained rebellious where many of Thirsk’s reforms—primarily those relating to the discipline of enlisted personnel and the earl’s prohibition of capricious use of flogging and the cat—were concerned, and no one would ever mistake him for a Thirsk partisan

    42. He’d become a partisan of As the World Turns

    43. He had recently read a eulogy on a new method for curing club-foot, and as he was a partisan of progress, he conceived the patriotic idea that Yonville, in order to keep to the fore, ought to have someoperations for strephopody or club-foot

    44. One communist partisan in Yugoslavia said he didn’t mind the Germans bombing his country because each bomb dropped meant there was one less dropped on Russia

    45. The so-called partisan war began with the entry of the French into Smolensk

    46. The partisan warfare flamed up most fiercely in the latter days of October

    47. This partisan half-wit would be no more capable of comprehending Rickman’s complex machinations than Durrani was

    48. Born Josip Broz, Tito was a Croatian communist who organized a band of partisan resistance fighters soon after the German occupation of Yugoslavia in 1941

    49. The so-called partisan war began with the entry of the French into Smolénsk

    50. They denounced every man as a British partisan who denied it

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    Synonymes pour "partisan"

    partisan partizan enthusiast drumbeater zealot adherent sycophant disciple follower backer sympathiser sympathizer biased partial fanatic warped unreasoning blind