Utiliser "partisanship" dans une phrase
partisanship exemples de phrases
1. The American People have historically supported the argument that in the event of a national or catastrophic emergency, the Office of the Presidency should be vested with unusual or extraordinary powers or, in time of war, (―unlimited‖) wartime powers, in order to facilitate effective leadership unencumbered by political (party) partisanship
2. But if he had avoided every single mistake and narrowly won, what type of president would he have been? Quite clearly, a disastrous one viewed solely in terms of loss of human life and not political partisanship
3. ‘’Senators Byrd and McGrath, please don’t take my words as a proof of some political partisanship on my part
4. Their roots had been seeded in primary school almost five decades before and had evolved through state education and university to form a basis for the select partisanship of an old boys’ club, founded on the early money of first and second generation New Zealanders
5. In the days and weeks ahead, I would ask you to honor each of the fallen for their great contributions in this life, and to put aside partisanship and political rhetoric in an effort to restore this great American government
6. apparatus of partisanship that have long been such familiar features of collective
7. As the leader of the party in power, Akhilesh Yadav has much to answer for the partisanship of the local administration
8. During the weeks that followed her surprise party, while Rhett was partisanship, she gave no quarter to Scarlett’s detractors, whether they were her old friends or her blood kin
9. Featherstone, two of Peacock's most important patients, had, from different causes, given an especially good reception to his successor, who had raised some partisanship as well as discussion
10. But Lydgate had not been long in the town before there were particulars enough reported of him to breed much more specific expectations and to intensify differences into partisanship; some of the particulars being of that impressive order of which the significance is entirely hidden, like a statistical amount without a standard of comparison, but with a note of exclamation at the end
11. The author is not carried into any excess of partisanship, though his sympathies are obvious, and we can confidently recommend the story as a very good specimen of grand historical romance