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    past history

    1. At one time I attended a business meeting and although I do not know all the past history of the congregation it seemed evident to me that some were still licking their wounds These matters ought to be dealt with initially on an individual basis and not be allowed to create havoc in a meeting of the congregation

    2. So where does that leave us today? What can be said of who Jesus is to us in the here and now? In the previous chapter I discussed Jesus as a Parable (symbolizing or prefiguring a larger occurrence), and how that idea had worked regarding past history

    3. 1 And I sought the Mighty One, and said: 'You alone, O Lord, know of in past history the deep things of the world, and the things

    4. 1 And I sought the Mighty One and said: 'You alone O Lord know of in past history the deep things of the world and the things which occur in their times; You bring about by Your word and against the works of the inhabitants of the Earth you do quicken the beginnings of the times and the end of the seasons you alone know

    5. One might say that to study the history of the subtle and gradual pressure to introduce and spread the philosophy of Socialism “isn’t important” because people today are interested in what is going on in the present and are not interested in the past history or the effects of collectivist ideas

    6. On the contrary, I am presenting this commentary to show that it is very important to delve into the past history of the concepts and the several examples of the failure of Socialism, because the consequences of this insidious system do influence substantially the workings of our society today

    7. of our past history: the oedipal, the pre-oedipal and the intrauterine

    8. whether it were contemporaneous or something from past history

    9. Marie on the other hand, doted on Elizabeth and saw as much as she could of her – telling her stories of the past history of her matriarchal family which Elizabeth found fascinating

    10. All animate and inanimate things have a vibrational rate which can be handled by mediums that are sensitive to such vibrations, and information can be brought forth concerning the objects past history associated with the said item

    11. The Time Patrol was then certainly going to erase the Imperium by manipulating past history

    12. � If any of you know about the rather sinister past history of the Tower, do not be afraid: we are rather more civilized now than in the sixteenth century

    13. � What could definitely help convince the High Council to endorse this new organization is the prospect of being able to rebuild our knowledge of past history

    14. “Consider that past history, Sergeant

    15. Since the incident with Spartan, he had assumed that this was past history, but

    16. If past history was all there was to the game, the richest people would be librarians

    17. Understand the real implications of the past history of the continent’s wildlife conservation policies;

    18. The speculative claims of theology and metaphysics, regarded as past history and should be discounted

    19. book, he explains how the FBI has a past history of coveringup for CIA

    20. King David is past history, he's dead, but if he is in the first

    21. Egypt in past history

    22. If you can't prove that he did this intentional y this time then you have to let his past history indicate that it's more probable then not that he would have done this intentional y

    23. large that there is nothing in the past history of man with which one could compare it to

    24. All Organic Life on Earth is a literal recreation of the entire past history of the Universe; it is a compressed transliteration of both the 1ST half and the unfinished 2nd half of our Universe’s existence

    25. age and have past history of heart diseases, peripheral vascular disease, or diabetes will

    26. But once they became powerful… they became shameless, guiltless, and hoisted-projected the past history of their own cultural suffering onto the people they ousted… and excused it as a 2,000 year-old land-contract that they had been cheated out of by their own god… and rationalized re-colonizing that bit of real estate by their cultural arrogance of calling themselves the ‘chosen ones” of the god who had originally exiled them 2,000 years ago? How many other cultures have tried this particular swindle? ‘we used to live here 2,000 years ago, so now today; we have a legal right to take this land back and kick you out

    27. Now we can see how this begins to make sense of our past history

    28. This is supposed to give us a better understanding of all kinds of things by supposedly analyzing its past history

    29. Dwelling on our past history, our conditioning, our grudges, our manufactured identity, our personality, or on our future hopes, dreams, fears, anxieties, desires, and pressures, ego creates a constant torrent of mental structures, each of which proclaim “This is me

    30. It is a story of misdirected good intentions: poisoned by the past history of the entire human race

    31. Poisoned by the past history of the entire human race

    32. Meaning that for a Medical Doctor: anything not included in their sanctified treatment protocol… literally does not exist; as medicine, or even as a fact… Including exercise, nutrition, emotional and mental states, environmental factors, social factors, the past history of the patient, etc…

    33. The life of every human who does not understand the past history of human civilization; is actively repeating and re-committing every crime their forefathers committed; without even being aware that they are doing so

    34. The religion of Science has banished all older religion and all older cultures from human understanding by treating the past 12,000 years as if it never existed… Science assumes that for 12,000 years, human beings were a species of blind, superstitious, brainwashed gullible, ignorant, uneducated stupid fools… and then suddenly, when the industrial revolution began… suddenly all western humanity became enlightened and intelligent! And instantly threw away all of their past history and understandings of the world and worshipped their machines instead

    35. The modern attitude of superiority, of superior enlightenment over all past history: seeing all the people who once lived and believed in the existence of spirits… as a silly superstition, as something to be totally ignored and laughed at

    36. The only hope that evil entities have to keep from being exterminated and killed dead and utterly destroyed: is to make its knotted snarled twisted mass of ruination and corruption and cunning evil so complex: that no living human being can ever unravel the truths of all these sick twisted evil filth and straighten the whole past history of the human species out into an analyzed understandable sane rational logical understanding of what happened, why it happened, and how it happened:

    37. earth? When was this "concept"? A big part of the Old Testament was past history before

    38. The "great tribulation" of Matthew 24:21 is now past history, not something still

    39. The past history between our peoples was gone now and it had been hard to let it pass, but if we were to get anywhere into a better future than that was the price to be paid

    40. I had wondered what my reaction would be the first time I saw a beautiful woman other than my wife and I found myself oddly content with my nonreactive answer given my past history

    41. Continued obedience to a past history of tradition that while rich in meaning and symbolism, was also empty of what I craved most

    42. Who does he think had this "concept," man or God? Is he saying God or man had this concept from the misuses of a valley on this earth? When was this "concept"? A big part of the Old Testament was past history before the Jews so abhorred the place, page 385

    43. The "great tribulation" of Matthew 24:21 is now past history, not something still to come

    44. procedure that such a case would follow…update of past history since last admission, blood

    45. And yet the only recorded references made by their merciful God to this frightful doom in the way of warning are discovered in three disputed texts of two Jewish prophets, living in a late age in comparison with the length of the world's past history; and these three texts are declared by the most competent critics to have not the least relevancy to the supposed impending destiny

    46. Who does he think had this "concept?" Man or God? Is he saying God or man had this concept from the misuses of a valley on this earth? When was this "concept"? A big part of the Old Testament was past history before the Jews so abhorred the place, Page 385

    47. He attempts a task really impossible, which is to unite the past of Greek history with the future of philosophy, analogous to that other impossibility, which has often been the dream of Christendom, the attempt to unite the past history of Europe with the kingdom of Christ

    48. I was speaking of your father's past history

    49. Holmes, for my past history and my relations with Mr

    50. There is no perfect solution here, but one thing to consider is the past history of price action around a level

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