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    peculation exemples de phrases


    1. ‘Liz, it has been headlines that a woman has been helping the police with their enquiries in connection with this case, and a lot of speculation has been flying around

    2. This was a time of speculation

    3. She knew of their wide ranging speculations and their

    4. I’m not willing to make any speculation of what nation it might be that will be the Antichrist’s kingdom

    5. It was his job to get Vic to understand, get her to stop further speculation on how they could locate him

    6. There had been speculation at one time about their relationship, but he would have none of the gossip around camp

    7. There was some speculation on the 'threads' that were seen reaching from one boulder to another in some observations in some recent postings

    8. when the faithfulness of a significant other does come into speculation

    9. speculation and disagreement for many years

    10. They are speculations about plans that could be made by the Pan Solar League, Heavenly Talstan, Pallas, or even Brasil

    11. rumour and speculation, but no one actually had any idea what had

    12. He still remembered her touchy reaction to his speculation about reading in an RNAcid trip of some other person

    13. “What happened after that is a matter of speculation,” he resumed,

    14. although held back on some of his speculations – like Brasham’s real

    15. say, unusual private speculations that you might have

    16. To himself idle speculation, but in the starship age, speculation that can reach millions in minutes

    17. There was a great deal of speculation in his article on how the objects came to be trapped in that gravitational null

    18. Agent Marick’s speculation would not be resolved anytime soon

    19. such places, by what is called the trade of speculation

    20. it must have been a very fortunate speculation, of which the returns could not only repay the enormous expense at which the money was thus borrowed for carrying it on, but afford, besides, a good surplus profit to the projector

    21. ‘Consciousness’ that we are about to explore, with a focus Concerning word activation, being the singular word, in the General time of ‘now’ produced/selected from a matrix Of available possibilities, in relation to a ‘context,’ or rather, Possibly an infinite ‘set’ of intersecting contexts could possibly Have devastating effects if pursed beyond the here given Speculations; esp

    22. Among all the absurd speculations that have been propagated concerning the balance of trade, it has never been pretended that either the country loses by its commerce with the town, or the town by that with the country which maintains it

    23. What may be the amount of the treasure in the bank, is a question which has long employed the speculations of the curious

    24. If you are full of your own opinions and speculations

    25. I haven't time to listen to your driveling opinions and spurious speculations

    26. Rumours and speculation were alive and well

    27. The directors of the bank, however, would probably be unwilling to agree to the impositon of a seignorage upon the authority of a speculation which promises them no gain, but only pretends to insure them from any loss

    28. Ever since the recent meeting between the Legion’s brass and the now constantly vexed commander of the Penitus Oculatus, there had been nothing but nervous and sometimes frenzied speculation

    29. This was her speculation

    30. Immediately she thrust this sort of speculation out of her mind

    31. That system which represents the produce of land as the sole source of the revenue and wealth of every country, has so far as I know, never been adopted by any nation, and it at present exists only in the speculations of a few men of great learning and ingenuity in France

    32. ‘And really, arguing over who is responsible is mere speculation

    33. She’d listened to updated versions of this programme all of twenty times, hoping with each new report there would be something – at least evidence that he would never be returning, rather than what amounted to no more than speculation; there was always the expert detailing how such cutting edge technology inevitably carried a risk of catastrophic failure

    34. To depart upon any occasion from those rules, in consequence of some flattering speculation of extraordinary gain, is almost always extremely dangerous and frequently fatal to the banking company which attempts it

    35. Gross sophistry has scarce ever had any influence upon the opinions of mankind, except in matters of philosophy and speculation ; and in these it has frequently had the greatest

    36. Without this positional shift and a second observation, any thoughts about the subject remain unsubstantiated and speculation only

    37. Firstly, let us take Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden where they were instructed not to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge: There are many speculations as to what conditions Adam and Eve were living in during their time before they sinned

    38. “The earliest phases of the Big Bang are subject to much speculation

    39. Such a speculation, can, at worst, be regarded but as a new Utopia, less amusing, certainly, but no more useless and chimerical than the old one

    40. Christopher's, which have, for these many years, been completely cultivated, and have, upon that account, afforded less field for the speculations of the planter

    41. Vincent's, and Dominica, have opened a new field for speculations of this kind ; and the returns front those islands have of late been as irregular and uncertain as those from the great island of Jamaica

    42. Will man ever be able to truly understand exactly what happens where in the brain while thoughts are occurring? And what about the distinction between thinking about a new subject as opposed to remembering an old one? Some perhaps promising speculation has recently centered on the neurons of the pre-frontal cortex (the cerebrum), with the corollary proposition that the greater number of axonic-dendritic connections between the neurons, the greater the potential intelligence

    43. Firstly the Russian networks speculation about the American’s next action of retaliation

    44. There was speculation that this was an attack on high profile Americans

    45. Are those speculations true?”

    46. “Celebrities getting armed, buying guns,” said Roger, “other than that, just a lot of speculation

    47. Admittedly there is speculation if it is fiction or fact but it should be read by all COIN operators

    48. A savvy investor is seldom carried away by high P/E (Price/Earnings) ratios occasioned by frenzied speculation, overvalued stocks and lower than average earnings

    49. It was all calculated speculation on his part and in some ways he wanted to shock Sarah with his anecdote

    50. Speculation in this community is rife

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