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    perquisites exemples de phrases


    1. First, the levying of it may require a great number of officers, whose salaries may eat up the greater part of the produce of the tax, and whose perquisites may impose another additional tax upon the people

    2. But the perquisites of custom-house officers are everywhere much greater than their salaries ; at some ports more than double or triple those salaries

    3. upon the neat revenue of the customs, the whole expense of levying that revenue may amount, in salaries and perquisites together, to more than twenty or thirty per cent

    4. The officers of excise receive few or no perquisites ; and the administration of that branch of the revenue being of more recent establishment, is in general less corrupted than that of the customs, into which length of time has introduced and authorised many abuses

    5. Failed to improve its misleading budget procedures; Did not fully apply all relevant federal laws to itself; Failed to eliminate congressional perquisites that are used to influence elections; Advanced campaign finance reform that would give incumbents even more

    6. There were a few perquisites to being a detective, but none were as rewarding as the power to immediately force individuals, many who were reluctant to stand against or were fearful of the police, into near subservience when confronted with the law

    7. Wickland smiled to himself—it was obviously one of the better perquisites associated with the position—as he made a note in his notebook regarding the dates of this trip as well as that to Palm Springs

    8. In order to be up at the crack of three—one of the perquisites of pre-drive-time radio—Zigler should have been in bed hours ago, but he hasn’t had a good night’s sleep since May, since the news about Richard

    9. To management, SOTT means not only salaries, bonuses, stock options, expense accounts, and perquisites such as prestige and big offices, but also power and operating control

    10. As for the chance episcopal perquisites, the fees for marriage bans, dispensations, private baptisms, sermons, benedictions, of churches or chapels, marriages, etc

    11. Who are you? You are a bishop; that is to say, a prince of the church, one of those gilded men with heraldic bearings and revenues, who have vast prebends,—the bishopric of D—— fifteen thousand francs settled income, ten thousand in perquisites; total, twenty-five thousand francs,—who have kitchens, who have liveries, who make good cheer, who eat moor-hens on Friday, who strut about, a lackey before, a lackey behind, in a gala coach, and who have palaces, and who roll in their carriages in the name of Jesus Christ who went barefoot! You are a prelate,—revenues, palace, horses, servants, good table, all the sensualities of life; you have this like the rest, and like the rest, you enjoy it; it is well; but this says either too much or too little; this does not enlighten me upon the intrinsic and essential value of the man who comes with the probable intention of bringing wisdom to me

    12. For even the high lifted and chivalric Crusaders of old times were not content to traverse two thousand miles of land to fight for their holy sepulchre, without committing burglaries, picking pockets, and gaining other pious perquisites by the way

    13. Because the Lord Warden is busily employed at times in fobbing his perquisites; which are his chiefly by virtue of that same fobbing of them

    14. “May I smoke a cigarette? Now, you see, men like Fedosie Petrovitch Zachlebnikoff are much valued in the State; but, excepting for a few perquisites allowed them, the pay is wretched; they live well enough, but they cannot possibly lay by money

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