Utiliser "pervade" dans une phrase
pervade exemples de phrases
1. Significant waste, fraud, and abuse pervade Medicaid in providing health services to 44 million poor
2. Writing to a correspondent he would say, “now where social institutions are not widely established, or where the manners and customs, and the tone of feeling that pervade
3. say that the same ills that pervade our society are equally
4. As you gain experience with meditation you will begin to be able to cease the endless desire, and anxiety that can pervade normal life
5. Rose stood caressing her hair, tears beginning to pervade her own eyes as she thought of
6. It had been bad enough for his figment to pervade it, upsetting her nerves almost into fits, but what was a figment compared to an actual body? The decent impulse she had had of restitution, of wholesale giving back, went curdled within her
7. Must not wholesomeness pervade the very cellars and lumber-rooms of such a home? Well, I meant to do all in my power to persuade Charlotte to go into the home again
8. � The media in all its forms, entertainment, information, and advertising, pervade our lives and thus seduce us softly into accepting meaning perspectives about ourselves and the world
9. It contains frequent and animated references to the punishment of the wicked; and being composed in the 'lofty style of the Asiatics,’ we might anticipate amplification in the detail, and a copious vocabulary of curses to pervade those portions which describe their doom
10. And the said author asks of those that shall read it nothing in return for the vast toil which it has cost him in examining and searching the Manchegan archives in order to bring it to light, save that they give him the same credit that people of sense give to the books of chivalry that pervade the world and are so popular; for with this he will consider himself amply paid and fully satisfied, and will be encouraged to seek out and produce other histories, if not as truthful, at least equal in invention and not less entertaining
11. The passage was a long one, and seemed to pervade the whole square basement of the Manor House
12. She watched his countenance as if she were particularly wishful to be assured that he took kindly to his reception, she showed every possible desire to conciliate him, and there was an air of humble propitiation in all she did, such as I have seen pervade the bearing of a child towards a hard master
13. I consumed the whole time in thinking how strange it was that I should be encompassed by all this taint of prison and crime; that, in my childhood out on our lonely marshes on a winter evening, I should have first encountered it; that, it should have reappeared on two occasions, starting out like a stain that was faded but not gone; that, it should in this new way pervade my fortune and advancement
14. Fischer Black and Myron Scholes had not yet developed their famous formula for valuing stock options, and the products that now pervade the financial markets—options, interest rate futures, swaps, swaptions, and so on—were not fixtures in the financial markets
15. " Yet the spirit can for the time pervade and control every member and function of the body, and transmute what in form is the grossest sensuality into purity and devotion
16. The same exclusiveness and privacy pervade her social and domestic system in the beginning of the twentieth as in the eighteenth century
17. But this bill provides, that when all the constitutional sanctions are obtained, and when according to the usual routine of legislation it ought to be considered as a law, it is to be submitted to a new branch of the Legislature, consisting of the President and twenty-four Directors of the Bank of the United States, holding their sessions in Philadelphia, and if they please to approve it, why then it is to become a law! And three months (the term allowed by our law of May last, to one of the great belligerents for revoking his edicts, after the other shall have repealed his) are granted them to decide whether an act of Congress shall be the law of the land or not! An act which is said to be indispensably necessary to our salvation, and without the passage of which, universal distress and bankruptcy are to pervade the country
18. Who, sir, can estimate the complicated mischiefs of a depreciated paper currency, without specie for its redemption? Should we be involved in war, or our property seized abroad, nothing can present universal bankruptcy—one wide-spread ruin will pervade the continent
19. Industry, wealth, and contentment, pervade every quarter of our country, and poverty and oppression are unknown to our citizens
20. As to the mineralizing matter, it is evidently silicious, and the specimens are principally the holzstein of Werner; crystals of quartz are apparent in the cavities; some parts are agatized, and veins of chalcedony occasionally pervade the fissures: they are not impressible by steel, and give fire with it
21. Cupidity would be introduced, and pervade the public mind
1. The white headed Lascorii princess's over-developed 'fashion-sense' pervaded her every interaction---lethal as she and her sisters were, nothing impeded her looking the part of courtier to the Matriarch
2. The stench of death pervaded Djgarr’s body
3. A musty, lifeless odor pervaded everything; reminiscent of a dying earth
4. It pervaded every sense and dominated every thought
5. They were furiously hungry then, and the odor of roast beef which pervaded the manse, and which was wholly delightful in spite of the fact that the roast beef was badly underdone, was almost more than they could stand
6. smell of smoke pervaded the air and without thinking she headed in that direction
7. 24 And God sent the pestilence, and the pestilence pervaded Egypt, in the horses and asses, and in the camels, in herds of oxen and sheep and in man
8. A sense of betrayal, abandonment and despair pervaded the house
9. The profound dread of some of the members relentlessly pervaded the rest of the group
10. 24 And God sent the pestilence and the pestilence pervaded Egypt in the horses and asses and in the camels in herds of oxen and sheep and in man
11. It pervaded the atmosphere—both academic and social
12. pervaded their spirit and chores
13. As a result, Maarisa’s darkness pervaded humankind, and it rained acid for near to three years
14. The stench of human death and diesel oil pervaded the air
15. Then memory flooded back - and he became aware that he was still in his vehicle, behind the steering wheel and that he had a most vile headache – and the smell of alcohol pervaded the air – his clothes were saturated and so was the seat
16. Her fingers closed on soft fabric, and a relieving sense of stability pervaded her
17. A subtle perfume pervaded the atmosphere
18. Its exotic perfume pervaded her being, inducing a delicious, sensuous languor that was something more and less than sleep
19. On this particular Wednesday they ate breakfast somewhat later than usual, and the camp was pervaded by an ominous silence; little was said during the first half of this morning meal
20. So pervaded with sorcery was that black empire, that even this coin has its uses in making magic
21. His head was flopping around as if he had no neck bones and as I lifted his limp body from the floor, the urgency pervaded me
22. People were in shock and some near panic, but an atmosphere of inaction pervaded the communities as they waited for the important announcement that would start at 7pm
23. Fear again pervaded the world, and suspicion bloomed even in the face of the new prophets, David, Saul, and Solomon, all of whom were wholly integrated with their entire consciousness
24. The drone of his voice pervaded her thoughts
25. A strong bovine smell pervaded the air
26. pervaded my breast, always and in every case, was the knowledge
27. From outward appearances, it seems a different sense of life pervaded India than those cultures to the west
28. The structured formality of life in the imperial court had so pervaded
29. genesis of those feelings of Augustine’s, they have pervaded Western
30. The menace which had pervaded the atmosphere had dissipated in an instant, leaving the brothers the best of friends again
31. What else shall I desire, when everything is pervaded by the Supreme Consciousness! The seven mountain fabled to hold up the globe of this earth are but the foam over the waters of this vast, mighty and pure ocean of the all-pervading Brahman
32. Again the thoughts of his companion pervaded his mind
33. Within moments a feeling of peace pervaded all of them and the entire room as well
34. Before he could reply, the grunts and giggles of the others once again pervaded
35. The volcanoes of the Greatest Syrian Revolution pervaded everywhere in Syria like a violent overwhelming flood, for there remained no city nora village but it joined in supporting the revolution
36. A wonderful sweetness pervaded the Hall and the golden bowl began to move towards her
37. Therefore, they failed and fell down from their highness losing their dignity and high prestige that their society were pervaded with crimes and corruptions, and the human became an enemy to his human brother
38. living and non-living thing is pervaded by what
39. Presently I got beyond the region of wortleberry-pickers, the children not caring to wander too far into the forest so late, and I jolted over the roots into the gathering shadows more and more pervaded by that feeling that so refreshes me, the feeling of being absolutely alone
40. Dignity and coats of arms pervaded the place
41. He did not tell her she had become a sister; he merely rearranged his life on these new lines; and he did, as the doctor had predicted, throw himself into his work with more zeal than ever, and very soon was once again being pervaded by the blessed calms, the serenities, the unequalled harmonies that are the portion of him who diligently does what he is interested in
42. It certainly was not there, and neither was the Herr Geheimrath to defend himself; since half-past seven he had been out looking for a cook, his mind pervaded by the idea that if only he could get a cook food would follow in her wake as naturally as flowers follow after rain
43. I had not an extensive acquaintance with asylums for the care and treatment of the insane, but the atmosphere of excitement which palpably pervaded the air was not what one would have expected
44. And as Lucy sat there getting warmer and warmer, and more and more pervaded by the feeling of relief and well-being that even the most wretched feel if they take off all their clothes, her mind gradually calmed down, it left off asking agonised questions, and presently her heart began to do the talking
45. using the pot-head rap-music approach that's pervaded most ski
46. The day seemed fresher to him than any other and he took deep breaths of the woodsy scent that pervaded the air
47. Not Worlds, not the notorious “Genesis” have created us, but we ourselves — by the collective dynamics of our Focuses of Creative Activity — continuously inertially “re-create” (sequentially “materialize” by our Thoughts, Feelings, Intentions and Actions in strict compliance with Information of the variable ethereal component), in the information space of our own Self-Consciousness, all Worlds around us, but — always! — only those ranges of them, which can be pervaded with the creative dynamics of the SFUURMM-Forms of the Formo-Creators of Self-Consciousness of the NUU-VVU-Configurations focused by Us
48. leaderships and owners actually did not truly understand the changes that pervaded India and
49. Its warmth pervaded every cell of Nigel’s body radiating an infinite contentment until suddenly he landed on something
50. A distinct chill pervaded the
1. "I'd hate to think what this means if some organization that pervades interstellar space should target us
2. The secret tells of a short lived moment of peace, a brief interlude, a space between the blip and slide of the monitor soundtrack that pervades every spare inch of the intensive care unit
3. The narrow view of many people prevents them from acknowledging the similarity of the life force or God energy that pervades all life forms
4. The core theme is always about ‘Oneness’ and never about fear, hatred, division, domination and all the negativity that so commonly pervades modern society
5. It pervades all states, but it is not a state of some-
6. M: Gandhi is dead, yet his mind pervades the earth
7. Note further that the importance of language and visual expression pervades all
8. Supreme and pervades the inner self; the so-called outer self is
9. gossiping that pervades our society and infects the Body of Christ
10. It’s the fear that pervades my very soul: the fear that I will lose my freedom, and that I will lose myself
11. Neither coming nor going, it pervades all time; neither inside nor outside, it permeates all space
12. But the conditioning of unquestioned obedience so pervades society that the wisdom in gruesome tales of shameless violence simply isn’t
13. But you fight for an esoteric quality that you believe pervades the human essence, whether it is a copy or not
14. This shall surely be helpful in supplying the much needed sanity and serenity in the contemporary stampede of stupidities, which pervades India and many other nations
15. pervades the soul; it is then that the eye gets
16. It was not too soon, which would spoil the exquisite pleasure that pervades a couple after sex and persuades them that they have merged and are now one
17. pervades throughout the world, both in the East and in the West
18. God pervades everything and in that sense everything is His
19. The Self pervades all; It is radiant and formless, without any
20. “Know that since the Spirit which pervades the universe is im-
21. eternal Self pervades all, what should we look for? This is what Krishn
22. Krishn pervades all beings in an equal way, but he has a special rela-
23. how he pervades every atom of the universe and how he operates every-
24. “But higher than both of them is the one who pervades the three
25. fire pervades the whole house and all the heat in the house
26. that pervades society! But we knew, if there's money in
27. Once you understand and realize the universal truths and basic universal dynamics, you will also become able to make logical sense of everything in the world and in human society and you will no longer be a victim of the cunning, twisted, lies and reversals of universal truth made by the dead filth that poisons and pervades the Living Earth
28. Structured symbolism pervades the Hebrew texts and even survived into the New
29. Light and shade, which suggest solidity, are never used, a wide light where there is no shadow pervades everything, their drawing being done with the brush in masses
30. ’ But it pervades the whole of the New Testament
31. One Moon reflected in the running Waves of all the Rivers of Earth – is one Spirit that pervades the entire universe, filling all existing Ethereal Field
32. There is a good deal of ingenuity and even originality in this work, and a most enlightened spirit pervades it
33. "wistful sadness pervades these poems
34. "The man pervades London, and no one has heard of him
35. The irresistible, universal, automatic tendency to find sweet pleasure somewhere, which pervades all life, from the meanest to the highest, had at length mastered Tess
36. The "appetite for joy" which pervades all creation, that tremendous force which sways humanity to its purpose, as the tide sways the helpless weed, was not to be controlled by vague lucubrations over the social rubric
37. Peter Lynch's greatest influence, which still pervades Fidelity, is that you pick up the phone and call companies
38. Gentlemen, a strange fatality pervades the whole career of these events, as if verily mapped out before the world itself was charted
39. They are occupied by the younger and unknown artists, who cannot afford the rents demanded in the more fashionable studio buildings, and the reek of the oil stove and odor of cooking, mingling with the smell of paint and turpentine, which pervades the hallways, indicate that they are used as living quarters and work rooms combined
40. For you no sooner reach its western base, than the greenstone and epidote disappear; and limestone pervades the country for hundreds of miles in every direction
41. A specimen now lies before us, in which a complete vein of this amianthus, with fibres nearly two inches in length, connects and pervades a mass of slate, supposed to be of the transition class
42. It is well known that heat is liberated by the Voltaic apparatus, in a manner and degree which has not been imitated by means of mechanical electricity; and that the latter, while it strikes at a greater distance, and pervades conductors with much greater speed, can with difficulty be made to effect the slightest decompositions
43. Electricity does not radiate in or through any matter; and while it pervades some bodies, as metals, with almost infinite velocity; by others, it is so far from being conducted, that it can only pass through them by a fracture or perforation
44. I only say with certainty, that the leading men of the Federal party act in concert; and therefore infer that a common sentiment pervades the whole body throughout New England
45. There is a general reluctance at war, and desire of peace, which pervades the great mass of every people; and artful rulers could never keep any nation at war any length of time, beyond their true interests, without some sacrifice to that general love of peace which exists in civilized men
1. in the pervading darkness of the cell
2. There was a pervading sense of dread and fear
3. My suicide below all three, pervading everything I did or could do
4. does not explain the strong sense of identity pervading con-
5. And beyond all, and pervading
6. It was the spirit pervading the rooms and coffee afterwards which welcomed me
7. pervading American culture that he believed influenced it
8. sense of urgency and restlessness pervading him
9. Pervading everything in a universe like that there would have to be something there as part of it, something that lasts forever, is everywhere and is undetectable, even to itself, because it is like an invisible fog
10. It was hypnotizing, with all of the colours swirling around on the screen, with a pervading shimmer that covered the people on the screen, like an expensive sheer blanket
11. The vitality and affirmation of life pervading them are extraordinary
12. There is an all pervading tendency to grab as
13. This is the truth that God is immanent, all pervading everywhere, He materialises
14. with the Supreme Spirit pervading the universe
15. without a beginning, and pervading every atom of the universe
16. the mouth of the all pervading God
17. pervading, he is realized only by meditation in the realm of heart
18. Windzer crawled out of the shelter on his hands and feet, only to find a mood of hopelessness and despair pervading the remains of the city
19. When he enters the war with his division, he keeps in contact with his higher commander especially in the thick fight when the war status escalates and comes to a head, and when there becomes no room for moving or manoeuvring, and he senses a real danger pervading the division, he does nothing but holds the field telephone and communicates with his wise merciful commander informing him about the painful military fact and asking for his wise discerning opinion to accomplish it at once
20. ” He stood, clapped his hands a second time and servants filled the tub with steaming water, spiraling tendrils of lavender pervading the air
21. Sometimes, in moments which Miles, she shamefacedly was sure, would call, if he knew about them, wanton--after a better meal than usual, or when she wasn't quite so tired--her thoughts would run away with her, and she would imagine that a husband might perhaps be like a glorified hot-water bottle; a hot-water bottle enlarged to life-size; deliciously pervading and warming one's cold, lonely bed
22. There was a large warmth pervading Herr Dremmel that afternoon which made him inclined not to mind anything
23. Death all round them, death pervading every corner of their lives, death in its blackest shape brooding over him, and--kisses
24. Evil was not restricted to either Law or Chaos, it was all pervading
25. something ignorant pervading too much of the intermediate and
26. Sexual symbolism and depiction is a cultural element pervading the whole of India
27. It is to feel God as ever pervading bliss and peace
28. Many living people have dimly perceived the pervading existence of evil and the conspiracies and hidden orchestrated manipulations
29. They are not distant; they are the organic evolution of living creatures, of Life being poisoned into a convoluted mass of DNA, they are our own ancestors: they are an accumulation of 4 billion years of evil, they are the condition of living energies refusing to deteriorate and decompose themselves as they are designed to, they are a condition of pervading evil which has existed for hundreds of millions of years
30. Wherever there have been men whose souls moved towards the all pervading Light of God, 'feeling after and finding Him,’ under whatever shades of heathenish darkness, there, we must believe, has been the action of the regenerating Spirit, and there has been salvation
31. pervading me and then she said, „Of course you have made errors of judgement upon
32. ’ The Scripture asserts only that which Nature on all sides shows to be a real part of the plan of creation—the penal action of a destructive force, as all pervading as the creative
33. "Supporting, pervading of the Universe" can be understood as a process of formation of each elementary particle
34. Ethereal, pervading all, (for without me what were all? what were God?) Essence of forms, life of the real identities, permanent, positive,
35. But she already partook of the pervading spirit of neglect which encompassed her
36. Haidee saw at a glance the same expression pervading the countenances of her two auditors; she exclaimed, 'When my mother recovered her senses we were before the serasker
37. Never had they noticed the roses so vivid, the willow-herb so riotous, the meadow-sweet so odorous and pervading
38. Sotillo, irritable, moody, walked restlessly about, held consultations with his officers, gave contradictory orders in this shrill clamour pervading the whole empty edifice
39. I was not concerned to impress the new freshmen who, like their London sisters were here being launched in Society; there were strange faces now at every party and I, who a few months back had been voracious of new acquaintances, now felt surfeited; even our small circle of intimates, so lively in the summer sunshine, seemed dimmed and muted now in the pervading fog, the river-borne twilight that softened and obscured all that year for me
40. He trotted off, puzzled, soundless in the pervading hum
41. How silly, she feeling persisted, stealthily pervading her mind
42. He felt their presence all about the house, pervading the air with the shades and echoes of still vibrant emotions
43. There was not even a zephyr stirring; the dead noonday heat had even stilled the songs of the birds; nature lay in a trance that was broken by no sound but the occasional far-off hammering of a wood-pecker, and this seemed to render the pervading silence and sense of loneliness the more profound
44. The boys talked little, and only under their breath, for the time and the place and the pervading solemnity and silence oppressed their spirits
45. It was the cool gray dawn, and there was a delicious sense of repose and peace in the deep pervading calm and silence of the woods
46. Led by her, I passed from compartment to compartment, from passage to passage, of a large and irregular building; till, emerging from the total and somewhat dreary silence pervading that portion of the house we had traversed, we came upon the hum of many voices, and presently entered a wide, long room, with great deal tables, two at each end, on each of which burnt a pair of candles, and seated all round on benches, a congregation of girls of every age, from nine or ten to twenty
47. " Perhaps they were; or perhaps there might have been shoals of them in the far horizon; but lulled into such an opium-like listlessness of vacant, unconscious reverie is this absent-minded youth by the blending cadence of waves with thoughts, that at last he loses his identity; takes the mystic ocean at his feet for the visible image of that deep, blue, bottomless soul, pervading mankind and nature; and every strange, half-seen, gliding, beautiful thing that eludes him; every dimly-discovered, uprising fin of some undiscernible form, seems to him the embodiment of those elusive thoughts that only people the soul by continually flitting through it
48. Here, then, was this grey-headed, ungodly old man, chasing with curses a Job's whale round the world, at the head of a crew, too, chiefly made up of mongrel renegades, and castaways, and cannibals—morally enfeebled also, by the incompetence of mere unaided virtue or right-mindedness in Starbuck, the invunerable jollity of indifference and recklessness in Stubb, and the pervading mediocrity in Flask
49. As you behold it, you involuntarily yield the immense superiority to him, in point of pervading dignity
50. And, indeed, it seemed small matter for wonder, that for all his pervading, mad recklessness, Ahab did at times give careful heed to the condition of that dead bone upon which he partly stood