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    phosphorescent exemples de phrases


    1. Phosphorescent green tendrils of limewort held pitted, half-crumbled blocks and left veiny deposits of new rock on the old

    2. Scrambling his way out of the water he shook his coat, splattering spots of phosphorescent light against the wall of the cavern as he did so

    3. Across the whole front of the desert horde the chariot swept, and behind its thundering wheels was left, like the wake behind a ship, a long thin powdery line that glittered in the sands like the phosphorescent track of a serpent

    4. Rising above the black denseness of the trees and above the waving fronds, the moon silvered the river, and their wake became a rippling scintillation of phosphorescent bubbles that widened like a shining road of bursting jewels

    5. The tunnel debouched into a wide room before the moonlight played out, an empty cavern of no great dimensions, but with a lofty, vaulted roof, glowing with a phosphorescent encrustation, which, as Conan knew, was a common phenomenon in that part of the world

    6. Down the widest of these—the one directly behind the squat image which looked toward the outer opening – he caught the gleam of torches wavering, whereas the phosphorescent glow was fixed, and heard the chanting increase in volume

    7. Then he was suddenly aware that a new element had entered into the light of the torches and of the phosphorescent roof, rendering both void

    8. A few of the torches still flared in their sockets, the phosphorescent glow throbbed and quivered, and the river flowed with an almost articulate muttering, scintillant with undreamed radiances

    9. The screen was still phosphorescent, but no words

    10. I was staring absently at the phosphorescent screen

    11. Even her wake shimmered as the millions of tiny phosphorescent animalcules that inhabited the mist were stirred up by her passing

    12. always been separation from the outer limits and metaphor phosphorescent perfection and

    13. I trailed my fingers through the glowing streaks, the phosphorescent marine algae lighting up like millions of tiny neon sparkles, reminding me of the Northern Lights in the Alaskan sky, only underwater

    14. As she hovered in suspension before him, her skin and hair were almost luminous in the dark water; almost phosphorescent

    15. She was beautiful and phosphorescent, her wings fluttering and flickering towards Kinney’s hand, looking at her offering

    16. Garuda’s Feather responded with a phosphorescent burst

    17. The front sight has been fitted with a phosphorescent green prism, as, at dusk in a rainy forest, it will show a target more clearly

    18. The five hundred foot high sealing gave off a soft phosphorescent

    19. We entered Athineos for our ten o'clock tea and cakes and went up to the Cornish for a whiff of the sea and a look at the heaving, phosphorescent waves

    20. In the evenings, the sound of the frothing, phosphorescent waves and the fresh sea breeze after a sweltering day in the sun restored the energy that was sapped in the daytime

    21. dolphins would leave green phosphorescent trails as they darted toward the bow

    22. The rock of the cave walls were seamed with glowing blue lines of color, while green wavy Moss that grew upon the walls let off a phosphorescent green glow

    23. Rincewind looked out into the phosphorescent darkness that surrounded the island, and grinned inanely

    24. Sometimes I tried to peer through the dense gloom, which was broken only by the phosphorescent flickers coming from our movements

    25. The propeller churned the waves with mathematical regularity, sometimes emerging above the surface and throwing phosphorescent spray to great heights

    26. But we had to keep walking, and we went forward while overhead there scudded schools of Portuguese men–of–war that let their ultramarine tentacles drift in their wakes, medusas whose milky white or dainty pink parasols were festooned with azure tassels and shaded us from the sun's rays, plus jellyfish of the species Pelagia panopyra that, in the dark, would have strewn our path with phosphorescent glimmers!

    27. I was stretched out on the seafloor directly beneath some bushes of algae, when I raised my head and spied two enormous masses hurtling by, throwing off phosphorescent glimmers

    28. We also caught a large number of yellow–green gilthead, half a decimeter long and tasting like dorado, plus some flying gurnards, authentic underwater swallows that, on dark nights, alternately streak air and water with their phosphorescent glimmers

    29. The Nautilus had drifted into the midst of some phosphorescent strata, which, in this darkness, came off as positively dazzling

    30. went back beneath the mildly phosphorescent waters

    31. Jellyfish, microscopic crustaceans, and sea–pen coral lit it faintly with their phosphorescent glimmers

    32. I'll finish up this catalog, a little dry but quite accurate, with the series of bony fish I observed: eels belonging to the genus Apteronotus whose snow–white snout is very blunt, the body painted a handsome black and armed with a very long, slender, fleshy whip; long sardines from the genus Odontognathus, like three–decimeter pike, shining with a bright silver glow; Guaranian mackerel furnished with two anal fins; black–tinted rudderfish that you catch by using torches, fish measuring two meters and boasting white, firm, plump meat that, when fresh, tastes like eel, when dried, like smoked salmon; semired wrasse sporting scales only at the bases of their dorsal and anal fins; grunts on which gold and silver mingle their luster with that of ruby and topaz; yellow–tailed gilthead whose flesh is extremely dainty and whose phosphorescent properties give them away in the midst of the waters; porgies tinted orange, with slender tongues; croakers with gold caudal fins; black surgeonfish; four–eyed fish from Surinam, etc

    33. Next came swarms of red mullet corseted in gold stripes from head to tail, their shining fins all aquiver, genuine masterpieces of jewelry, formerly sacred to the goddess Diana, much in demand by rich Romans, and about which the old saying goes: "He who catches them doesn't eat them!" Finally, adorned with emerald ribbons and dressed in velvet and silk, golden angelfish passed before our eyes like courtiers in the paintings of Veronese; spurred gilthead stole by with their swift thoracic fins; thread herring fifteen inches long were wrapped in their phosphorescent glimmers; gray mullet thrashed the sea with their big fleshy tails; red salmon seemed to mow the waves with their slicing pectorals; and silver moonfish, worthy of their name, rose on the horizon of the waters like the whitish reflections of many

    34. I might add that during the night, the Gulf Stream's phosphorescent waters rivaled the electric glow of our beacon, especially in the stormy weather that frequently threatened us

    35. During this time the captain had thrown off his vest and shirt, and secured his trousers round his waist; his feet were naked, so he had no shoes and stockings to take off; after these preparations he placed his finger on his lips, and lowering himself noiselessly into the sea, swam towards the shore with such precaution that it was impossible to hear the slightest sound; he could only be traced by the phosphorescent line in his wake

    36. halo of Joking Jesus, a white jujube in his phosphorescent face)

    37. I will tell, too, of the great nocturnal white thing—to this day we do not know whether it was beast or reptile— which lived in a vile swamp to the east of the lake, and flitted about with a faint phosphorescent glimmer in the darkness

    38. Narrow, almost phosphorescent slits

    39. But now the phosphorescent spheres blew away into the hills

    40. The X-rays and the paintings blew in a green and phosphorescent wind from a land peopled by the monsters of Dali and Fuseli

    41. And there on the dummy in the center of the room was the phosphorescent, the miraculously white-fired ghost with the incredible lapels, the precise stitching, the neat buttonholes

    42. Like a black tidal wave upon a bleak shore, a dark tumult infilled with phosphorescent beauties and badly spoiled dreams, Mr

    43. The stars were white and sharp beyond the flesh of the Martian, and they were sewn into his flesh like scintillas swallowed into the thin, phosphorescent membrane of a gelatinous sea fish

    44. After six years he had tried one hundred seventy-two of them, in addition to complementary treatments that appeared on the labels of the bottles, and all that he achieved was an itching, foul-smelling eczema of the scalp called ringworm borealis by the medicine men of Martinique because it emitted a phosphorescent glow in the dark

    45. Seen from the darkened deck in the light of a full moon, the smooth, silent river and the pastureland on either bank became a phosphorescent plain

    46. In tropical zones, mussels are poisonous during the summer, especially when seas are reddish or highly phosphorescent

    47. I saw phosphorescent light, and objects changed their places, but I saw nothing more than that

    48. I took up the skull to lay it in the coffin again—and then I saw a greenish phosphorescent glimmer in its empty eye sockets, a glimmer which came and went

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